Finance & Accounting Outsourcing Questionnaire
Please complete and return by 6/4 to:  or by fax: +1-917-934-8019
Account name: Shell Oil Products U.S.    CGE&Y Account Executive: Regina Kennison
Account executive email address: regina.kennison@cgey
Account executive phone number:+1 281 220 5270
Questionnaire Prepared by: Bill Jacquot    Phone number:+1 281 220 5248
Email address: william.jacquot@cgey
Please note that all information gathered will be held in strict confidence.  At this point, we do not plan on sharing account specific information.  Only with written permission will any account specific information be shared among appropriate parties. 
CGE&Y and American Express are making an investment to assess the joint possibilities of a
Finance and Accounting (F&A) market facing opportunity.  Our team is inclusive of America’s Operate and while we will gain insights from our existing outsourcing relationships we would like to broaden our research scope and gain further perspectives from you and your knowledge of our global accounts. 
Our research will be divided into two major areas:
1. Current accounts where we know that any type of outsourcing has occurred
2. Current accounts where our client may have a willingness to outsource a part of all of its finance and accounting activities to a world class leader
While our initial goal is to have our CGE&Y team speak with you about one or both of the topics above, one of our end goals is to also potentially interview your client for this research effort.  As the interview process follows, we will make that determination with your account team. 
A. Background Information
1. What is the title of our most senior contact/sponsor within this account, with whom you frequently interact?
___ CEO    X CFO    X CIO    ___ COO   
___ Other (please specify): _____________________
2. Does the client utilize shared service organization(s)?
        X Yes        ___ No
    If yes, for which functions/processes?
    X Accounts payable        ___ T&E                          X Payroll
X Accounts receivable        ___ General accounting    X Benefits
___ Fixed assets            ___ Financial reporting    ___ Internal audit
___ Planning and budgeting        ___ Credit and collections     ___ Other
    Where are these centers located: Houston, Texas
3. Which ERP system(s) does this client use in its shared service organizations?
___ Oracle        X SAP        ___ Peoplesoft            ___ JD Edwards
___ Other (please specify): __________________________________________________
___ Please list which modules (e.g., finance, HR, supply chain, etc.): _________________ ___________________________________________________________________
___ Does not have an ERP system
    Best of breed: (Please list applications): ________________________
B. General Outsourcing Information
4. Please provide the following general information as it relates to the client’s current outsourcing arrangements:
Outsourced Function
(e.g., Call Center, Finance, Supply Chain, Business application, Data center, Distributed Computing, Desktop Services, Network (Voice/ Data), Help Desk Services, Web Hosting, other)
Correlation to CGE&Y Service
(e.g., Business Process Outsourcing, Application Development, Application Management, Infrastructure Management, other)
Client’s business partner(s)
List multiple, if appropriate
Web Hosting
Infrastructure Management
Data Center
Infrastructure Management
5. What were the specific drivers that led this client to the decision to outsource? Please indicate importance on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = not important and 5 = very important):
5 cost        4 service        4quality        1 lack of expertise
5 business pressures    1 regulatory pressures    1 investment pressures
___ other (please specify): ___________________________________________________
6. What were the specific risks that the client addressed in making their outsourcing decision? Please indicate importance on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = not important and 5 = very important):
___ financial            ___ operational            ___ control
___ audit            ___ relationship            ___ skills
___ other (please specify): Shell has not yet made the final decision to outsource
7. If known, what were the criteria used to select one or more of the business partners that the client decided to outsource to? Please indicate importance on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = not important and 5 = very important):
5 Reputation    5 Price/Deal    Structure    3 Existing Relationship
