1. 目的 为了确保上海通用汽车有限公司 (以下简称为公司)拥有和维持一个有效的防止能量意外释放的程序,从而保证员工的人身安全和企业财产安全。 2. 适用范围 适用于在机器设备维修,安装,调整期间的能量控制。本程序也可作为按合同规定在本公司工作的承包商的指导原则。 3. 定义 能量控制安全锁定、挂标签和测试是指将包含一种或多种可能对员工造成伤害的能量的设备置于安全状态,确保员工能够安全工作的一种控制措施。 4.职责 4.1 所有可能暴露在危险能量下从事维修、安装 、调整等工作的人员必须遵循该程序以消除或控制危险。 4.2 所有实施锁定人员必须经过安全锁定的培训 ,人力资源部负责提供安全锁定培训 。 4.3 各部门有责任确保所有承包商必须遵循本程序。 5.工作程序 5.1. 锁定、标签和测试能量控制告示各要素,它们的组成是成功实现目标所必备的。 5.1.1 安全锁用于控制危险能量。这些锁只允许有一把钥匙,而且其锁芯孔各不相似。安全锁应有使用人员的身份标识。安全锁不允许用于锁柜子、工具箱等其他方面。 5.1.2 锁定装置/剪刀型搭扣有许多不同类型以适应各种应用需要。每种类型的剪刀型搭扣允许同时有几把锁挂在上面。 5.1.3 公用锁钥匙盒用于设备有一个以上能量源和一个以上员工工作时。公用锁的钥匙可以放在公用锁钥匙盒中,公用锁钥匙盒由个人锁锁住,公用锁钥匙盒应固定在能量源附近。 5.1.4 锁定、挂标签和测试能量控制告示安全锁定能量告示将布置在: ●具有多种能量的设备上。 ●单种能量的隔离装置处在不太容易发现的地方 。 告示上标出了能量、能量控制方法、各个关闭处和验证方法。 5.1.5 公用锁使用登记表 公用锁使用登记表在使用公用锁时告知别人锁定的状态,譬如:交接班。因此,将锁号填入登记表是很重要的,以便识别每一把公用锁正在何处被使用。 5.1.6 标准安全操作程序优先的工作方式是采用关闭能量程序,使暴露于危险能量下的情况得到控制。有些任务不能采用关闭程序执行,在这种需要暴露在危险能量下进行工作的情况下,必须签发《工作许可证》 。任何人在签发工作许可证之前,必须首先审查危险性,并且确认将采用某种安全方法进行工作而不暴露在危险能量下。 5.2锁定、挂标签和测试的过程 5.2.1 在相关设备能量切断之前,必须对其进行目视检查,确认不存在其他的危险性。 5.2.2 确认要完成是必须做的工作。 5.2.3 确认可能影响作业区的能量。参照“锁定、挂标签和测试能量控制告示”。确认所有的电源已关断,分离,释放,断开或阻断任何储存的能量。必须考虑所有的能量,包括动能(运动的能量)和 势能(储存的能量) ,包括: ●电气线路 ●液压系统 ●增压水系统 ●供气系统 ●气动系统 ●重力系统 ●弹簧系统 ●工艺加工液体系统 ●蒸汽 ●传送机械 5.2.4 使用个人锁进行锁定。如果工作人数在一个以上,必须使用剪刀型搭扣,以保证每个人都能有效地使用自己的个人锁。当有必要锁定两个以上的能量时,应借用公用锁。所有的能量被锁定后,将公用锁钥匙放入钥匙保险盒中,配备剪刀型搭扣,并用个人锁锁定公用锁钥匙盒。 5.2.5 测试、验证已经切断了所有的能量。 5.2.6 进行作业,完成后取下个人锁。 5.2.7 一旦取下了所有的锁,最后一位卸锁人在开始执行启动程序之前应进行一次目视安全检查,并通知与设备相关人员,作业已经完成。 5.2.8 锁定、挂标签和测试所包含的内容不仅仅是切断电源。它还表示隔离所有可能的流动能量,以及管路或软管中某种物质的流动。在大多数情况下,锁定、挂标签和测试要求使用锁定机构,从根本上防止使用设备和防止能量的传输。 5.2.9安全锁定流程图 5.3 换班的锁定程序 在设备被锁起来的工作期间如遇换班,必须按照下列顺序进行,确保全部人员的安全。 5.3.1 员工应使用公用锁,并填写一份锁定登记表,详细说明已完成的作业。 5.3.2 取下员工自己的个人锁之前,将公用锁挂到搭扣上。 5.3.3将公用锁钥匙随交接班记录一起交至下一班。 5.3.4 然后,下一班人员将使用其自己的个人锁替换公用锁。任何时候都不应将不带锁的搭扣留下。 5.4验证锁定 5.4.1确认储存的或剩余的能量已被消除或有效隔离。管路中存在的气体、空气、液压油、蒸汽或水的压力对员工进行作业具有危险性,应将其释放。在有些情况下,需要将管路抽吸排空或断开。当某一机构处于张力或者压力状态下,例如弹簧、传送带、冲压机,如果可能会对人员构成危害,必须用采用销子、阻挡块等方法有效隔离。 5.4.2 进行目视检查,确认对人员没有危险,然后操作启动按钮,验证设备的隔离状态,从而确认设备与能量已断开。 5.5 启动程序 在设备重新启动运行之前: 5.5.1 检查整套机器设备,且该机器设备的周围相关区域内无杂物。 block truncated5.5.2 检查工作区,确保所有员工已离开该区域. 5.5.3 验证所有的设备控制和防护装置均处于正确的位置。 5.5.4 取下锁定装置,并且重新给机器设备接通能量。 5.5.5 通知有关员工,锁定装置已取下,机器设备已准备好使用。 5.6 安全锁的去除 5.6.1当完成工作时,应取走个人锁。 5.6.2 如果不是该锁的拥有人去除个人锁,必须遵循以下程序,否则取走他人的个人锁将按《员工违纪处理办法》处理。 ●通过锁上的工号或身份证明标签确认该锁的拥有人。 ●寻该员工。 ●如果确认该员工已离开现场或联系不上了。应填写授权去锁登记表,经区域负责人确认,由指定人员取下该个人锁。 5.7新的机器设备 所有新的机器设备必须有对其主要能量执行锁定、挂标签和测试程序的机构。任何设备在投入使用之前,主管工程师和安全保卫科部门的成员(或车间安全代表)必须对其进行审查,确认该设备能被容易锁定。必要时在适当的地方作标记,包括在适用的地方张贴“锁定、挂标签和测试能量 控制告示”。 5.8 检查 各部门(车间)应定期对所有设备进行检查,其目的应在于: 5.8.1 确定设备的维修保养人员对该程序的执行情况。 5.8.2 识别和改进程序中的任何不足之处; 5.8.3改进执行方法。 5.8.4 这些审查应以书面形式完成,提交OHS推进组进行评审并采取可行的措施。 5.8.5 部门应独立监视锁定、挂标签和测试规程的遵照执行情况。 5.8.6 如发现问题按《事故、事件、不符合纠正及预防措施管理程序》执行 5.9 培训 根据需要和应用,可将培训分成三个层次。 5.9.1一般性了解,对所有公司员工,包括管理 人员都要进行培训,了解锁定、挂标签和测试规程及其意义。 5.9.2 上岗培训,对每一位要求进行机器或设 备锁定、挂标签和测试工作的员工都要进行。对锁定、挂标签和测试工作的要求可以包括生产作业(即压力调节)。有些人员能完满结束课程并表现出良好能力的,可将其指定为“锁定主管人员”。 培训应包括: ●锁定、挂标签和测试的概述 ●危险意识 ●安全操作程序 ●锁定装置和身份识别 ●能量形式及其隔离的说明 5.9.3 适合于各工作区内实际应用的介绍,这些培训必须包括确认每个受训人对课程的理解程度,并要求进行实践操作练习。 5.9.4 重复培训,确保了维持该工作的能力。另外,当人员改变工作分配时,工作程序上有变化,需要对机器和新的危险性加以认识。应该保持接受培训或有关锁定、挂标签和测试规程讲授的记录。重复培训是很有必要的,它能指出检查方法、审查方法或伤害/事故隐患与原工作流程的差异。 6. 相关支持性文件 无 7.记录 7.1锁定登记表 7.2授权去除个人锁申请表 7.3工作许可证 以上记录由使用部门(车间)保存半年 8.附件 8.1安全锁定流程 8.2锁定登记表(样张) 8.3授权去除个人锁申请表(样张) 8.4工作许可表(样张) | 1. Purpose To ensure that Shanghai General Motors (herein after referred to as SGM )has and maintains an effective program to prevent energy-out in accident to secure employees’ and company’s safety. 2. Scope of Application This procedure applies to the control of energy during maintenance, installation, adjustment of machines and equipment. It is also to be used as a guideline for contractors who may be required by contract, to do work in SGM. 3. Definitions Lock, Tag, & Test Energy Control Procedure is a general term for the method used to make sure that any equipment which contains one or more energy source(s) which could harm you, has been made secure to allow you to work safely. 4.Responsibilities 4.1 Employees who are exposed to the release of hazardous energy during the maintenance, installation, adjustment, trouble-shooting or repair of equipment must abide by the Lock, Tag and Test Energy Control Procedure to eliminate or control their exposure to hazardous energy. 4.2 Employees who will do the lock-out should attend the lock-out training. HR are responsible for providing the lock-out training. 4.3 Each department has responsibility to ensure all contractors must abide by this procedure. 5. Work Procedure. 5.1. Lock, Tag & Test Energy Control Process is made up of many individual elements which are required by successful implementation. 5.1.1 Lock off locks provided will be used to control hazardous energy. The locks shall have a single key and have not alike cores. The locks will be identified to be able to determine whom the lock has been assigned to. Lock Off locks will only be used to secure hazardous energy sources, and will not be used to secure lockers, toolboxes, and the like. 5.1.2 A number of different types of Lock Off scissors (hasps) are available to suit a variety of applications. Each type of hasp will allow several locks to hanging on it at the same time. 5.1.3 For jobs that have more than one hazard energy source and more than one person working on the equipment, a key safe’ can be used. The General Purpose Lock keys can be locked in the key safe and the person own Personal Lock will be placed on the key safe. The key safe may be checked our or mounted by the energy source. 5.1.4 Lock, Tag & Test Energy Control Placards Placards are to be placed: ●On equipment with multiple energy sources. ●Where isolating devices for a single energy source might not be readily apparent. The Placards identify energy sources, methods of energy control, each Lock Off point and the methods of verification. 5.1.5 General lock register form This general lock Register Form is to indicate about other personnel’s lock-off, such as shift changes. It is therefore important, that the lock number is entered onto the register, to identify where each General Purpose lock is being used. 5.1.6 The preferred system of standard safety operating procedure is to control exposure to harmful energy sources through Lock Off. Some tasks cannot be performed using the Lock, Tag and Test Energy Control Procedure. In such cases, there is exposure to hazardous energy and the work must be carried out with Power On, a <Standard Operating Procedure> must be issued. Anyone issuing a Permit to Work must first assess the risk and endure that a safe system of work will be employed without exposure to the hazardous energy. 5.2.Lock, Tag & Test Energy Control Process 5.2.1 Prior to commencing Lock Off, perform a visual inspection of the equipment/plant and ensure that no additional hazards are present. 5.2.2 Identify the tasks required to complete the job. 5.2.3 Identify the energy sources which might affect the task area. Where applicable, refer to the Lock, Tag & Test Energy Control Placard” Ensure all power supplies are turned off; release, discharge, disconnect or block any sources of stored energy. All sources of energy, both kinetic energy (energy in motion) and potential energy (stored energy ) must be considered, and include: ●Electrical Circuits ●Hydraulic Systems ●Pressurized Water Systems ●Gas supply Systems ●Pneumatic Systems ●Gravity Systems ●Spring Systems ●Process Liquid Systems ●Steam ●Conveyors 5.2.4 The individual personal lock/locks are to be fitted. If more than one person is involved, a lock out device or hasp must be fitted so that each person can fit their own personal safety lock. When it is necessary to Lock Off more than two power sources, a set of keyed-alike locks should be obtained from the key safe. There is only one key for each set of keyed-alike locks, so when all power sources are locked off, this key should be placed in the key safe which must be fitted with a multi-lock hasp and be secured with each individual personal lock. 5.2.5Test and verify that all energy sources have been neutralized. 5.2.6Perform task and, on completion, remove personal lock(s). 5.2.7Once all locks are removed the last person to do so should undertake a visual safety check before commencing the start up procedure and notify others who may need to use the equipment/plant that the task is complete. 5.2.8Lock, Tag & Test Energy Control Procedure can involve much more than just disconnecting the power source. It could mean blocking or de-energizing all possible sources of motion, or the flow of a substance in a pipeline or hose. In most cases, Lock, Tag & Test Energy Control Procedure requires the use of a locking mechanism to physically prevent the use of equipment or movement of energy. 5.2.9 This process is shown in a flow chart appended to this Procedure. 5.3Shift Change Lock Off Procedure In the event of a shift change during a job when equipment is locked off, the following sequence must be followed to ensure the protection of all employees. 5.3.1 The employee will draw a “general purpose lock” from the key safe and complete a Lock Off register form giving the detail of the task to be done. 5.3.2This general purpose lock will be fitted to the hasp before removal of the employees own personal safety lock.. 5.3.3 The general purpose lock will be transferred together with shift change record.. 5.3.4 The following shift will then attach their own personal safety lock and return the 揼general purpose lock” to the safe. At no time should the hasp be left without a General Purpose Lock in place. 5.4. Verification of lock off 5.4.1Ensure stored or residual energy has been neutralized. The pressure in gas, air, hydraulic, steam and water lines should be released if they present a hazard to the employees doing the task. In some cases lines will need to be drained, blanked or disconnected. When a mechanism is under tension or pressure, such as a spring, conveyor, press; pinning, blocking, bleeding down or some other means of restricting may be necessary if anyone is likely to be at risk. 5.4.2. Ensure that the equipment is disconnected from energy source(s) by first checking that no personnel are likely to be at risk, then verify isolation of the equipment by operating the push button or other normal operating control(s). 5.5 Start up procedure Before the machinery return to normal operation: 5.5.1 Check the machinery and the immediate area around the machinery is clear. 5.5.2 Check work areas to ensure that all employees are safely positioned or removed from the area. 5.5.3 Verify that all equipment controls and guards are in their proper position. 5.5.4 Remove Lock Off devices and re-energize the machinery. 5.5.5 Notify affected employees that the Lock Off removal is complete and the plant/machinery is ready for use. 5.6.Lock removal 5.6.1 When each person finishes their work and leaves the area, they will remove their personal lock. 5.6.2 Except through the following actions, the removal of another person’s lock will be subject to 《Employee Penalty Rules》. ●Identify the owner by the ID number on the lock or the I.D. Tag. ●Search for the employee. ●In case it is verified that the employee has left site or is unavailable. The Authorized Lock Removal Form should be filled in and confirmed by Area Manager. The designated person shall take off the lock. 5.7. New machinery All new machinery must be capable of Lock, Tag and Test Energy Control of the primary energy source. Prior to any new equipment being brought into service, a competent Engineer and a member of the S.F.S. section (or shop Safety Representative), must review it to ensure the Lock Off can be readily achieved and if necessary, that proper signing, including the posting of a Lock, Tag & Test Energy Control Placard” where applicable, is provided. 5.8 Inspection All equipment will be subject to periodic inspection by a Competent Lock Off Person(s). Purpose shall be to: 5.8.1 Know the implementation of this procedure by the persons who maintain the equipment. 5.8.2 Identify and Correct any inadequacies in the procedures 5.8.3 Improve the implementation method 5.8.4 These audits shall be completed in writing and submitted to the Safety Commission for review and take feasible actions. 5.8.5 Each department shall independently monitor the implementation of lock, tag and test according to operating situation. 5.8.6 In case problems are found, it shall be dealt with 《Management Procedure for Accidents, Incidents, Non-conformances, Corrective and Preventive Actions 》 5.9 Training There will be three levels of training according to need and application. 5.9.1 General awareness of the Lock, Tag & Test Energy Control Procedure and its implications will be given to all SGM employees including Staff. (Orientation Training). 5.9.2. Suitable training shall be given to every employee who is required to Lock, Tag & Test machinery or equipment. The requirement to Lock, Tag & Test may include production tasks (e.g. Press setting). Someone who has satisfactorily completed the course and demonstrated competence may be referred to as a Competent Lock-Off Person” The training shall include: ●Overview of Lock, Tag & Test Energy Control Procedure ●Hazard Awareness ●Safe Operating Procedures ●Devices and Identification ●Explanation of forms of energy and their isolation 5.9.3 Specific Instruction on the practical use in every area. The training must involve verification of the individual抯 understanding of the subject and some demonstration of competency within the likely scope of application is required. 5.9.4 Refresher training should be provided to insure competency is being maintained and also when a person changes job assignments, there is a change in procedure, the machinery or new hazards are identified. A record shall be kept of training or instruction relating to Lock, Tag & Test Energy Control Procedure. Retraining may also be indicated where inspections, audits or injuries/ near misses reveals deviation from established procedure. 6. Relevant documents None 7. Records 7.1 General lock register Form 7.2 Lock Removal Form 7.3 Standard Operating Procedure The mentioned records should be kept by department(shop) which use them for half a year. 8. Attachment 8.1 Lock Flow Chart 8.2General lock register Form(sample) 8.3Lock Removal Form (sample) 8.4 Standard Operating Procedure (sample) | |