Instructions for Using the Microsoft Word 2007/2010
Proceedings Paper Template
1Working with the Document Template
1.1General Information
The template, splnproc1110.dotm, has been designed for authors preparing a paper to be published in one of Springer’s computer science proceedings series. The template supports Word 2007 and newer.
Predefined style formats are available for all the necessary structures to be included in the manuscript, and these formats can be quickly accessed using a custom ribbon tab provided with the template.
For a detailed description of how to prepare your text, illustrations, and references, see the Author Guidelines for the Preparation of Contributions to Springer Computer Science Proceedings.
1.2General Working Principles
The macros are designed to work as intuitively as possible. All commands are applied to the selected tex
t. If no text is selected, a macro is applied to the current cursor posi-tion. For example, if you have just typed your affiliation and you are going to con-tinue with writing your abstract, do not click ‘Abstract’ before having started a new paragraph. Otherwise the abstract format will be applied to the address information, where the cursor is still positioned.
Always type your text first and then click on the button to format it!
1.3Installing the Template
Copy the template file splnproc1110.dotm into the directory where you want to save your manuscript. This will help you keep the document and its template together. If the document’s link to the template file is lost, the template’s custom ribbon and mac-ros are no longer available.
We recommend to register this directory as a ‘trusted location’; this will eliminate the need to enable the template’s macros manually every time you open the document: ∙In Word 2007 click on the Office button and select Word Options.
In Word 2010 click the File menu and select Options.
∙Then click Trust Center→Trust Center Settings→Trusted Locations→Add new loca-tion to add the ma
nuscript directory to the registered trusted locations.
More detailed information on trusted locations can be found at office.micro-soft/ en-us/word-help/create-remove-or-change-a-trusted-location-for-your-files-HA010031999.aspx#BM15 (Word 2007) and at (Word 2010).
2 Using the Microsoft Word 2007/2010 Proceedings Paper Template
1.4How to Start Writing a New Document Using the Template
∙If you have not yet started to write your paper, please open Windows Explorer, select the template file and click New in the file’s context menu to create a new document that is based on the template.
Do not open the template out of Word via Office Button/File→Open. You would edit the template instead of creating a new document that is based on the template. ∙You can easily find out whether a new document has been created by looking at the window’s title: it should read ‘Document1’ (or Document2, Document3, etc.).
∙If you have not registered the manuscript directory as a trusted location (see 1.3), you will see a secur
ity warning telling you that the macros have been disabled.
Click to the button next to the warning to enable them manually. If you do not see the warning in the message bar, it might have been disabled (see office.micro-soft/en-us/word-help/show-or-hide-the-message-bar-HA010210672.aspx).
∙Save the document and name it with your name and a short form of the title (e.g., Smith_TitleOfMyPaper.doc).
1.5How to Apply the Template to an Existing Document
∙Open the file you would like to format and click Office Button→Word Options (Word 2007)/File→Options (Word 2010). Choose Add-Ins on the left side, then select Templates in the drop-down list at the bottom of the dialog. Click Attach in the dialog box that opens, navigate to your working directory, select the splnproc1110.dotm template, then click Open. Check the option Automatically update document styles and click OK.
∙If you have not registered the manuscript directory as a trusted location (see 1.3), you will see a security warning telling you that the macros have been disabled.
Click to the button next to the warning to enable them manually. If you do not see the warning in the message bar, it might have been disabled (see office.micro-soft/en-us/word-help/show-or-hide-the-message-bar-HA010210672.aspx).
∙Save the document, name it with your name and a short form of the title (e.g., Smith_TitleOfMyPaper.doc) and re-open it.
∙On re-opening the document, click ‘yes’ if you are asked to adjust the page setup to the template’s default. This is because the page setup and some other document set-tings cannot be updated automatically by attaching the template. They are checked, though, whenever you open the document.
Click ‘No’ whenever you are asked to save changes to the template.
Using the Microsoft Word 2007/2010 Proceedings Paper Template 3
2 What the Ribbon’s Commands Do
The template’s ‘Springer Proceedings Macros’ ribbon consists of buttons for the available style elements in the template. To use one of these styles, first enter text and then click the button. The style will then be assigned to the paragraph that currently
has the cursor in it. The descriptions below show you how these elements work.
Fig. 1. Custom ribbon ‘Springer Proceedings Macros’
2.1 How to Format the Header of Your Paper
Button Effect
Formats the
contribution title
∙ This button does not work if more than one paragraph is selected. ∙ If a subtitle follows the title, the s
pace after the paragraph is adjusted automatically. Formats a
contribution subtitle ∙ This button does not work if more than one paragraph is selected.
∙ The spacing between the title and the subtitle
is adjusted automatically.
Formats the authors’ names
∙ This button does not work if more than one
paragraph is selected. Formats affiliation and
address information ∙ This button sets the paragraph format for any affiliation information including e-mail ad-
dresses and URLs.
∙ The font of e-mail addresses and URLs can
be adjusted by using the ‘Email/URL’ but-
Formats e-mail addresses and URLs ∙ This button changes the font of the current
text selection to a typewriter font.
∙ If no text is selected, the word next to the
current cursor position is formatted with the
typewriter font.
Formats the abstract ∙ In addition to applying the appropriate para-
graph format, the word ‘Abstract’ is added at
the beginning of the first paragraph.
Formats the keywords ∙ This button does not work if more than one
paragraph is selected.
∙ The word ‘Keywords’ is added at the begin-
ning of the paragraph if not yet present.
4 Using the Microsoft Word 2007/2010 Proceedings Paper Template
2.2 How to Format Headings
Effect Description Formats a level 1 heading (numbered section heading) ∙ This button does not work if more than one paragraph is selected. ∙ If you want to create a heading without a number, e.g., ‘References’, simply place the
cursor at the beginning of the text and press
the backspace key [←].
Formats a level 2 heading (numbered subsection heading) ∙ This button does not work if more than one paragraph is selected.
∙ If you want to create a heading without a
number, simply place the cursor at the be-
ginning of the text and press the backspace
key [←].spring framework 开发参考手册
Formats a level 3 heading (bold run-in heading) ∙ This button does not work if more than one paragraph is selected.
∙ If applied to selected text:
The selection is formatted as bold run-in
∙ If applied to a paragraph:
The first sentence, i.e., up to the first period, is
formatted in bold font style as run-in heading.
∙ If applied to an empty paragraph:
Bold font style is applied to any text then
typed in. Once you have finished the heading,
you should press the ‘Normal Text’ button to
reset the character style to normal text again.
Formats a level 4 heading (italic run-in heading) ∙ This button does not work if more than one paragraph is selected.
∙ If applied to selected text:
The selection is formatted as italic run-in
∙ If applied to a paragraph:
The first sentence, i.e., up to the first period, is
formatted in italic font style as run-in heading.
∙ If applied to an empty paragraph:
Italic font style is applied to any text then
typed in. Once you have finished the heading,
you should press the ‘Normal Text’ button to
reset the character style to normal text again.
Using the Microsoft Word 2007/2010 Proceedings Paper Template 5
2.3 How to Create Lists
Effect Description Creates an unnumbered list with bullet items/dash items on the 1st level ∙ This button applies a complete itemization scheme with multiple levels.
∙ The only difference between the two buttons
is that one starts with bullets and continues with dashes on the 2nd level, while the other
starts with dashes and continues with bullets
on the 2nd level.
∙ Use the ‘list level’ buttons to set the levels
and indents for nested lists.
∙ Vertical space will only be added before and
after a list. The spacing is adjusted automati-
cally if you select a complete block of elements
before clicking on one of the list buttons.
Creates a numbered list with Arabic numerals on its 1st level ∙ Contains a numbering scheme with multiple levels. The 2nd level uses alphabetic charac-ters, the 3rd level uses lower case Roman
numerals, and so on.
∙ Use the ‘list level’ buttons to set the levels
and indents of nested lists.
∙ Vertical space will only be added before and
after a list. The spacing is adjusted automati-
cally if you select a complete block of elements
before clicking on one of the list buttons.
Restarts or continues a
numbered list
∙ Only works for numbered lists. ∙ If more than one paragraph is selected, the button only applies to the first paragraph. Increases the level of an
existing numbered or
unnumbered list
(increases the
indentation) ∙ Only works for text that has already been formatted with one of the ‘Bullet item,’ ‘Dash item,’ or ‘Num item’ buttons before. ∙ Please only use this button with nested lists.
∙ If you want to create, e.g., a numbered list
with bulleted subitems, you should first select
all items and click on the ‘Num item’ button.
Then select the subitems and hit the ‘Dash
item’ button. Finally, apply ‘List level up’ to
the subitems. The indentation will be shifted
to the next level and the dashes will be con-
verted to bullets since bullets represent the
second level of the ‘Dash item’ list template.
Decreases the level of an existing numbered or unnumbered list (decreases the indentation) ∙ Only wo
rks for text that has already been formatted with one of the ‘Bullet item,’ ‘Dash item,’ or ‘Num item’ buttons and has been shifted to a higher level.
∙ Please only use this button with nested lists.