Xxxxxx  Corporation
Indonesia xxx Corporation
Framework Agreement for
Strategic Cooperation
spring framework documentation 
Framework Agreement for Strategic Cooperation
Party A:  
Legal representative:
Party B: xxx Corporation (xxx Group Sole Co., Ltd.), Republic of Indonesia
Legal representative: xxxx Chairman as Representative
Contact: xxx
Phone: (+ 62-xxx) xxxxxxxx    (+ 62-xxx) xxxxxxxx
E-mail: xxxxx@xxxx
Based on the basic principles of equality, voluntariness, mutual benefit, and integrity, as well as through friendly consultations, Both Parties decide to establish a long-term strategic partnership. In order to fully exert Party B’s resources advantages in Indonesia and expand Party A’s construction projects, trade, investment, and other related businesses in Indonesia, Both Parties have signed a strategic cooperation agreement and hereby agree to abide by it.
I. General Provisions
1.1. On the basis of mutual benefit, Both Parties agree to form a long-term strategic partner
ship in order to fully exert Party A’s strengths in leading the “go international” platform for Chongqing enterprises and Party B’s resources advantages in Indonesia, to promote Party A’s investment, trade, construction projects, and other areas of economic and technical cooperation in Indonesia, and to further enhance Party A’s market development capabilities in line with Chongqing’s “go international” economic development strategy.
1.2. This Cooperation Agreement is a framework document which outlines the rights and obligations of Both Parties in principle. A specific business agreement and contract signed by Both Parties shall be established in accordance with the principles of this Agreement.
1.3. Specific business under the framework of this Cooperation Agreement shall be set in a separate individual contract. If there is any inconsistencies between this Agreement and the individual contracts, then the individual contracts shall prevail; Matters which are not set in the individual contracts shall be applicable to this Agreement.
II. Strategic Cooperation Method
According to the situation of Indonesian market and Party A’s demand, Party B shall recommend to Party A construction, trade, investment projects that is suitable for Party A, and assist Party A in following up the market research, information gathering, feasibility analysis and demonstration related to the specific projects, assist in contacting and coordinating with relevant government departments, other companies, and intermediaries, in order to facilitate Party A in following up the implementation of related projects. According to the actual situation of the project, Party A shall pay service fee to Party B in accordance with Party B’s service contents and the contract for specific projects agreed by Both Parties. Or Both Parties can establish a joint venture to invest and manage specific projects and distribute the profits according to the agreed proportion. On the basis of project cooperation, Both Parties can also set up a joint business venture in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in Indonesia to further develop the Indonesian market.
III. Geographic Area of Cooperation
Indonesian regions; when the conditions are ready, by mutual agreement of Both Parties, the area could be extended to the surrounding regions, i.e. Malaysia, Philippines.
IV. Content of Cooperation
4.1. Consultation on Investment Projects in Indonesia
4.1.1. Collect information on investment in Indonesia for Party A, assist in conducting the Indonesian market research analysis and investment feasibility studies, and use Party B's resources to acquire projects.
4.1.2. Assist Party A in completing the review and approval of investment projects in Indonesia and other procedures, coordinating with relevant institutions, obtaining approvals from authorized Indonesian government agencies.
4.2. Intermediary Agency Services for project contracting in Indonesia
4.2.1. Party A consents Party B to act as Party A’s representative in Indonesia to develop construction projects in Indonesia, collect information on construction projects in Indonesia for Party A, conduct market research analysis and demonstration and screening the construction projects in Indonesian, assist Party A in completing the preparation of tender documents and participate in tenders, and use Party B’s resources to acquire projects.
4.2.2. Assist Party A in handling project related matters during construction.
4.3. International Trading in Indonesia
4.3.1. Party B shall use its resources in Indonesia to provide information on international trading for Party A, assist Party A in conducting business negotiations with relevant Indonesian companies;
4.3.2. Party B shall use its resources in Indonesia to assist Party A in developing, constructing, and managing regional markets or specialty markets in Indonesia, and assist in obtaining relevant approval procedures, coordinating and handling the relationship with g
overnment agencies and other relevant parties during the development, construction, and operation.
4.4. Joint Investment and Development
To set up a joint business venture in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in Indonesia, where Party A is the controlling shareholder and Party B is the participating shareholder. Both Parties will jointly develop projects approved by Both Parties, on business fields agreed by Both Parties, and in the market scope according to geographical division.
