The user logs into the system by entering a username and password.
The system verifies the user's identity. If the verification is successful, the user is directed to the main interface. If the verification fails, the user is returned to the login interface.
On the main interface, users can perform various operations, such as querying information, adding records, and modifying data.
When the user selects to query information, the system will display a query interface where the user can input search criteria.
After the query is complete, the system will list the information that meets the criteria and display it for the user to view.
Users can also view information in pages, with a fixed number of records displayed on each page for easy browsing.
When the user selects to add a record, the system will display the corresponding data entry interface, where the user can input relevant information and save it.
After successfully adding a record, the system will prompt the user with a success messag
e and refresh the interface to display the latest data.
When the user selects to modify data, the system will display an editable interface where the user can make changes and save them.
After successfully modifying the data, the system will prompt the user with a success message and update the interface to display the modified information.
The system also provides the function of exporting data, allowing users to export query results as Excel or PDF files for saving and printing.
After the data is exported, the system will provide a download link or pop up a save dialog for the user to proceed.
If users encounter problems or have questions while using the system, they can consult and provide feedback through online customer service or a customer service hotline.
System administrators can manage users, including adding users, modifying user permissions, and disabling users.
When a user forgets their password, they can reset it through the system's password recovery function.
