六年级 Unit4  Keeping  Clean
一、 教学目标
1 学会一般过去时的意义及结构,使学生灵活运用一般过去时。
2 学生能很好地区分一般现在时与一般过去时,能运用到日常对话中。
3 学会本单元的新单词: warm  wet  cool  dry  clean  dirty tidy messy等。
Sounds and words: this  that  these  those  mother  father 
二、 教学重点与难点
1 学会本单元的新单词。
2 学会一般过去时的运用及be动词的过去式的表示方法
is——was          are——were
三、 教具:
一、 Review
1 Read the words: spring  summer  fall  winter
2 T: What’s the weather like in fall ?
  S1: It’s windy in fall.
  T: What’s the weather like today ?
  S2:It is sunny.
repeat过去式3 Talk about the weather in pairs.
二、 Presentation
1 T: What’s the weather like in spring ?
  S: It’s rainy.
T: Yes. It’s rainy, it’s warm too.
Teach: warm 温暖的
2 T:Is it rainy in fall ?
  S: No, it isn’t.
T: Right. But its cool in fall. (教 cool 凉爽的)
3 情景教学单词wet and dry : 两件衣服一件弄湿,一件是干的
  wet_对应词_ dry
4 T: What day is it today ?
S: It’s Monday.
T: What about yesterday ? It was Sunday.
  教单词 was  yesterday      is _过去式__was
T:Whats the weather like today ?
S: It’s warm. What was the weather yesterday ?
T: It was wet.
三、 Drills
1 听录音,图出所听到的单词。
2 听录音,完成书本P48  Practice 1 A B
四、 Practice
1 Read the new words
2 Pair work : talk about the weather today and yesterday.
五、 Homework
一 Review
1 Read the words in the pictures : warm  wet  cool  dry sunny  rainy  windy  cloudy
2 Look at the picture and answer the questions:
  What’s the weather like today/in summer ?
  What was the weather like yesterday ?      is __过去式_was
一、 Presentation
1 T: What’s that ?
  S: It is a desk .
  T: Good. The desk is tidy now, but it was messy this morning .(摆出一张整洁的桌子和一张凌乱的桌子图片进行比较)
教学单词: tidy  整洁的    messy  凌乱的         
          tidy 对应词 messy
2 T: What are they ?
  S: They are shoes .
  T: Yes, they are dirty ,but they were clean this morning .(出示两幅鞋的图片,一幅有干净的鞋 ,一幅有脏的鞋进行比较)
    教单词: clean 干净的    dirty 脏的         
clean  对应词  dirty
              were  (are的过去式)    are 过去式were
3 T: These are my books . Where are they now ?
  S: They are on the desk now .
  T: But my books were on the floor this morning .
  S: The books are on the desk now , they were on the floor this morning .
4 T: Is it a desk ?
  S: No, it isn’t.
  T: It is d bedroom. Is it tidy now ?
  S: Yes ,it is .But it was messy this morning .
5 Listen to the tape : Target.
二、 Drills
1 Read “Target ”
2 Sing a song “ What can we do ?”, then finish part 2
3 Finish “Practice 1” C & D
( 1 ) Ask and answer
( 2 ) Listen and check.
4 Practice 2 : pair work
三、 Exercise
1 按要求写词
  clean 反义词 (  ) tidy  反义词  (  )  is 过去式(    )
2 填空
(1) Your bedroom _____  messy this morning , but now it is _____.
(2) My books _____ on the floor the morning , they ____ on the desk now .
四、 Homework:
一、 Review
1 Sing a song “What can we do ?”
2 Read P47 Vocabulary” & “Target”
二、 Presentation
1 T: What is this ? It’s garbage (object)
  Let’s put the garbage there .
  教单词:garbage 垃圾      there  那里
2 Show the picture of “story
  T: Look, it’s dirty .listen to the tape “what happened”
3 Listen to the tape and read by the Ss the let one or two students read.
4 Act.
5 Activity
Read the passage and fill the blank
answer the questions on page 49
三、 Write an email
一、 Review
1 Sing “Song  Activity”
