外研版一起小学英语六下《Module 7Unit 1 My father flew into space in Shenzhou Ⅴ.》PPT课件
1. 知识目标:(1)在课文、句型和实际交际中学习以下单词:flew, became, spent, hour, son, proud, pilot,video, taikonaut等;
(2)学习并能口头运用Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei;Yang Liwei spent about 21 hours in space;He made a video and now he is very famous.等来描述过去事情的语句。     
1、重点词汇:flew, became, pilot,spent, hour, son, proud, be proud of
2、重点句型:Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.     
First he became a pilot. Then he became a taikonaut.      
He spent about 21 hours in space.
三、教学手段:幻灯片, 录音机,单词卡片,小红旗奖章、小组分工     
Step 1: Warming-up:
T: Stand up, please! Good morning, boys and girls! Pleased to meet you!      
Ss: Good morning, teacher! Pleased to meet you, too!
T: Today I’m your new teacher, and here is my name. Of course, you can call me Ms Zhao! Ok?
Ss: Ok!     
T: Now sit down, please! At the beginning of the class, I want to tell you a story. Do you like stories?
Ss: Yes, we do.
T: Wonderful! Now lets begin our story, and please listen carefully!
“Long long ago, there was a beautiful woman named Chang’er. Her husband(丈夫), Ho
uyi was a hero(英雄), who shot down(射下) nine suns. And Yuhuangdadi rewarded(奖励) him some medicines(药), which could help him fly into the sky. But Chang’er stole(偷) it and ate all of the medicines, so Changer flew into the sky and since then(从此以后) she lived on the moon.”
Step 2: Lead in:     
T: Do you like my story?     
Ss: Yes.
T: Great! I am so happy you like my story! But do you know in the new century, another Chinese man flew into space, too. Do you know who he is ?
T: Now lets look at his picture. Oh, it’s Yang Liwei. And he flew into the sky by Shenzhou V. Do you want to know more about Shenzhou V? 出示杨利伟、神舟五号飞船的图片,引出课题 (Put the photo of Yang Liwei and the picture of Shenzhou V on the sceen)
T: Now, let’s learn Module 7 Unit 1 Shenzhou V flew into space. 板书课题并齐读。Show the card “flew”.
Step 3:Presentation
T: Let’s listen to the tape for the first time and find the new words and the verbs’ past tense.     
T: Have you found the new words? Look at the screen, please! Here are some pronouncations. Can you write the new words according to their pronouncations? Have a try, please!让学生根据音标写出新单词!repeat过去式     
T:You have done a good job! Today we have got a new friend! Lets look at who he is! Oh, he is Yang Ningkang. He is introducing his father. Now read the text in your group and guess the meaning of the words.学生在下面小组合作猜测新单词的意思,继而老师和学生一起出答案。
T:Have you finished it?Now lets learn the new words together.教师利用单词卡片教会学生认读新单词,并利用手势教会学生拼写单词。     
T: Stop here! Now show me your hands. Let’s chant together. Review some verbs and their past tense. (动词的过去式)
2. T: Listen to the tape for the second time and answer questions:     
1)When did Shenzhou V flew into space?  In October 2003.
2)Who was China’s first man in space?  Yang Liwei. 
3)How many hours did he spend in space? He spent about twenty-one hours in space.     
4) What did he make in space?  He made a video.
5) How old was his son in 2003?  His son was eight years old.
6) Why was his son proud of him?      
  Because he was China’s first man in space. / Because he was very famous.
3. T: Listen to the tape for the third time and repeat the text. Then read loudly in groups. (设计意图:训练听力并纠正发音)
4. 小组内合作讨论问题,完成课文练习一,继而展示答案。
(设计意图:细读课文, 思考与课文内容联系密切的难度稍大的六个问题检查学生对材料的理解情况。)
5. Listen to a small essay and complete the blanks.      
