7 B Unit 6  知识梳理
四会:pet rabbit  hold feed  catch wide hunt hide build camp bite
fight  end  trouble anywhere  middle drawer empty fit care doorbell
might feather tail wing knock repeat herself sun cage full pull
brush tank fur necessary once clean bottom talk speaker shy basket
三会 parrot lap chase stick edge frighten owner fantail pea noisy
string lead sign shell
理解以下单词: bubble hutch window ledge cardboard frock rhyme fin paw
1. feed vt. ( 及物动词) 喂;喂养 (feed-fed-fed  )
2. hold vt. ( 及物动词) 托住,握住,拿着 ;  举行 (hold-held-held )
3. catch vt. ( 及物动词)捉住;赶上;染上 (catch-caught-caught )
catch a mouse 捉住一只老鼠 catch the thief 抓住小偷 catch the early bus  赶上早
catch up with sb 赶上某人 catch a cold  得感冒
4. wide 作副词:张大地
e.g. Open your mouth wide, please.
He looks around with eyes open wide
作形容词:宽的;广阔的 e.g. This river is very wide.
5. build vt.  (及物动词) 建筑,建造 名词: building  建筑物,大楼 (build-  built-
built )
6. camp 作名词: 帐篷;营地
作动词: 露营,野营 go camping  去野营
repeat过去式7. bite  动词:咬 过去式bit、过去分词 bitten
8. fight 作动词:vi. ( 不及物动词)打仗(架) vt. ( 及物动词)与---打仗(架)
过去式、过去分词 fought-fought fight with sb 与---打仗(架)
9.end 作名词:最后,最终
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in the end=at last= finally 最后,最终
at the end of----  在----- 最后、 末尾、尽头
by the end of---  到---- 末、为止 by the end of last week  到上学期末
10.trouble 名词:麻烦 have trouble  with sth --有困难have trouble  doing sth 做
某事有困难 What’s your trouble  ?= What’s the trouble  /matter  with you? = What’s
wrong? 你怎么了?
11. anywhere 副词:任何地方 somewhere某地
12. empty 形容词:空的 an empty box  一个空盒子 反义词: full
13. care 作动词:vi. ( 不及物动词)介意,在乎
care about sth/sb 在意/在乎---- care for sb  关心/照顾某人
作名词:take care of sb  关心/照顾某人
其形容词:careful  副词carefully
14. might 情态动词 may的过去式 但有时不表过去
15. knock  动词 :敲,撞,碰 knock at /on the door 敲门
16. full  形容词:吃饱了的;满的 反义词:empty空的 hungry 饥饿的
e.g. I ’m full.  我饱了。
The basket is full of apples.  篮子里装满了苹果。
17. brush
作名词:刷子 复数brushes
作动词:vt. ( 及物动词) 刷 三单brushes
She brushes her dog ’s fur once a day. 她一天刷一次狗毛。
18.necessary 形容词:必要的
It’s necessar y for you to plan your time carefully.
19. once  副词:一次 两次: twice  三次:three times
once a year twice a week three times a day
------How many times do you go shopping every week?------- Only once
-------How often does your sister play basketball? ----------Twice a week.
20. clean
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a clean room keep the classroom clean
作动词:打扫,使 ---干净 clean the classroom clean the window
1.bottom 名词:底,底部
at the bottom of----- 在----- 底部
2.speaker 名词:讲话者 动词 speak
3. frighten  动词:吓唬,使惊恐 形容词:frightened  害怕的,恐惧的
4. owner 名词:所有者,拥有者 动词: own 拥有
the owner of--- --- 的主人 own a car 拥有一辆汽车
5.noisy 形容词: 嘈杂的,喧闹的
The street is so noisy that I can ’t hear your words.
How noisy it is!
Don’t be noisy. The baby is sleeping.
名词:noise make a lot of noise 发出很多噪音
1. sleep a lot 多睡
2. bark at sb (狗)向某人叫
3.look like 看上去像—
e.g. What does your sister look like? She is tall and slim.
4. my favourite pet 我最喜爱的宠物
e.g. What’s your favourite pet? I like dogs best.
5. pull its tail 拉它的尾巴
6.pull one ’s ear 拉某人的耳朵
6. lie on the bed 躺在床上
7.sleep on my lap 睡在我的膝上
8. look after= take care of 照顾,照料
9. belong to 属于
e.g. This cat belongs to my brother.=This cat is my brother ’s.
10. be crazy about (doing) sth 着迷于---
e.g. Lucy is crazy about listening to music.
11. eat fish for dinner 晚餐吃鱼
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12. walk the dog=take the dog for a walk 遛狗
13.the cleverest animal 最聪明的动物
14. spend lots of time / money on / doing sth
e.g. I spend an hour reading every day.
She spent lots of money buying / on clothes.
15. keep the classroom clean 保持教室干净 keep the fish tank clean 保持鱼缸干
16. play a trick/ tricks on sb 捉弄某人
e.g. Jack likes playing tricks on others. It ’s not polite, I think.
17. look the same 看上去相同 e.g. Twins look the
look the same as-- 看上去与---相同 e.g. Your pen is the same as mine.
18. weigh 4 kilograms 重4千克
19. make sure 确保
e.g. Make sure that you can arrive on time. 确保你能按时到达。
20. not too cold or too hot 不太冷也不太热
21. be different from 与---不同
e.g. This shirt is different from from that one.
22. at the bottom of--- 在---的底部
e.g. There is a lot of sand at the bottom of the river.
23. be easy to look after 容易照料
e.g. Cats are easy to look after.
24. too much food  太多的食物 eat too much 吃太多
25. take enough exercise 做足够的锻炼
26. once a day  一天一次 twice a week  一周两次 three times a month 一月三次
