Regular Expressions Equivalence
1. Construct NFA-lambdas corresponding to each RE using Kleene's theorem
2. Construct DFAs for each using the subset/powerset construction
3. (optional) Minimize the DFAs using a standard DFA minimization algorithm.
4. Construct DFAs for L(M1) \ L(M2) and L(M2) \ L(M1) using the Cartesian Product Machine construction
5. (Optional) Minimize these CPMs.
6. Determine whether each one accepts any strings by testing all strings over alphabet E of size no greater than |Q| (works due to the
pumping lemma for regular languages)
满意。可以说语⾔本⾝的计算依赖于⾃动机由来已久,语⾔本⾝的计算却没有发展起来。所以不断有研究从不同的⾓度,甚⾄单独从正则表达式空间上定义的⼀系列运算出发,来验证正则表达式的等价性,⽽不必将运算映射到DFA空间上去。从数学的⾓度上看,这样⼀系列理论的完善是简洁和优美的,这使得正则表达式空间能够是⾃闭和完备的,重要的结论可以通过该空间本⾝的性质直接推出,⽽不需要DFA的辅助。这样的⽅法也是易于理解,符合⼈们在学习⼀个新的代数结构的⼀般过程。有些时候,这些⽅法的完善甚⾄是计算有利的。相关的⼯作可以参看论⽂Testing the equivalence of regular expressions [].
\[(a^*b)^* = \varepsilon\ \lvert\ (a\lvert b)^* \tag{1} \]
\[(ab)^* = \varepsilon\ \lvert\ a(ba)^*b\tag{2} \]
\[a^*(a\lvert b)^* = (a\lvert b)^*a^* = b^*(a\lvert b)^* = (a\lvert b)^*b^* = (a\lvert b)^*\tag{3} \]正则化判别分析
