A. Adjective & Adverb
通常情况下是副词修饰形容词。如:a relatively permanent change而形容词则修饰名词。看以下的一个例子the kind of insanely economic relationship (看准题目是修饰名词还是形容词)
在修饰形容词的时候,后面一般加含有负面意义的词。如:rather sad; rather cold
  A4:格外注意too…to…; so/such…that…的句型。
: They were counted about five meterors per minutes around 4.am local time, but by 5:45 there were too many shooting stars to count.(在试题中有可能会把too…to…换成so…to…句型等)
  the wealthy 富有的这一类人
A6. 值得引起注意的形容词。
      honorable 可敬的,荣誉的,光荣的  honored 受人尊敬的
      the right person 合适的人 (这里的right不能被collect代替)
      effective 有效地,产生预期效果的  affective 情感的,表达情感的
      wearing 穿用的,使疲惫的,令人厌倦的  weary 困倦的,疲惫的
      exhausted (人感到)筋疲力尽的 exhausting 令人筋疲力尽的  exhaustive 彻底的
      a few 少数, 几个 few [表示否定, 有比较级和最高级]很少, 几乎没有
B. Verb.
在专八的练习过程中出现很多关于动词时态误用的题目,通常考查的是动词的过去式和动词的现在完成时。如何在一般过去式和现在完成时中作判断?理论很容易,操作的话还要看文章的具体的情况。一般过去式是指动作发生在过去,例如在过去在某个领域研究。如:The studies, however, failed to link unequivocally terrestrial climate and the solar-activity cycle.现在完成时即说明动作对现在仍然有影响。如: Another reason for the success of the aged elite are the traits they have formed earlier in their lives. 总而言之,不管题目中涉及动词的哪一种时态,都要根据文章的上下文进行判断。不仅要看前,也要顾后。可以根据文章中一些小词的提示。
There are two types of verb, i.e. transitive verb and intransitive verb. Transitive verbs can directly add objectives, intransitive verbs are the otherwise.uppersrise vs raise.P.S.不及物动词是不能用被动态的。如:The interest rates have then been risen dramatically.
The aim of the study was to access whether the poor image of the industry,( common among parents, teachers and school-leavers,) was an accurate reflection of the current situation.
B3-2:非限制性定语从句后面的动词要用单数。Dogs usually look up to their owners, which makes them feel important and needed.
另外一个动词极有可能是从句中某些动词的搭配。He who lets the world, or his own portion of it, chooses his plan of life for him has no need of any other faculty than the ape-like one of imitation.(应把chooses换成choose)
B4:非谓语动词。In a structural interview the interviewer groups the qualities listing in the job
B4-1:过去分词与现在分词之间的误用。如:The Maunder minimum has been linked to a span of unusual cold in Europe extended from the sixteenth to the early nineteenth centuries.
find  vs  find out find it adj  find out 出,查明真相)
reach  vs  arrive  (sb arrived at 30= sb arrived 30)
transmit  vs  transfer transmits 指传输、传导。如:transmits heat. transfer 指迁移,转移,改变。如: transfer property to a person……
except  vs  besides  两者都是表示“除之外”(besides其后的内容是包含在整体之内的;expect其后的内容是被排除在整体之外的
face  可以作及物动词也可以作不及物动词。如果是“朝,向”的意思,就是不及物动词,如果是“面临”就是及物动词。如:The most acute challenges facing the future are likely to be not…
  add(把….加到….  vs  add to(增加) 
eg. added 12 inches to the deck 把甲板再加长12英寸 gradually added to my meager savings. 逐渐增添到我微薄的积蓄中
C. Collocation.
C1. Prepositional Phrase 介词短语
at a rate 表示增长或下降的比例  at a speed 常指物体运行的速度  at every turn 时常,经
at lower interest rates 以较低的汇率  at the peak of …..高峰期间
at a time 每次 at that time 在那时 (通常文章中会提到某段具体的时间)
be bound to 必然
be composed of  Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen
              Correct grammar and sentence structure do not in themselves constitute good writing.
One hundred years make up a century.
by contrast 通过对比 by means of 通过手段;方法
in town 在城里  in other words 换句话说
in the case of 情况下,就而言
in case of 假如,万一 eg.a number to call in case of emergency. 万一发生意外打的号码
over longer term 超过更长的时期
C2. Verb Phrase 动词短语 
act on…有效;按行动… eg. This medicine acts on the heart.这药对心脏有效。
accuse sb of sth/ doing sth  控告某人accustom to doing 习惯做某事  be accustomed to doing 习惯做某事
break new ground(不等于break a new ground)开辟新天地
come around 恢复知觉,回来 eg.fainted but soon came around. 昏迷但马上苏醒
come about 产生,形成
have a part to play in 有一份,起一份作用  make generalization about …..做出概括
hold to 坚持, 紧握  hold up 举起, 支撑, 继续下去, 阻挡, 拦截
look into 窥视, 浏览, 观察  look at, 考虑, 着眼于
