employment contract
party a:
party b: id no:
according to the labor law of prc china, party a and party b agree as follows:
一、合同期限 contract period
本合同期______年__ 月 __日起至______年 ___月___日或本合同约定终止条件出现时止。
this agreement is valid from (y/m/d) until (y/m/d) or terminated by either party
二、工作内容和工作时间 responsibility  working hours
1.  甲方聘请乙方担任 部门职务,详见职务说明书。
party bs department:  party bs position:
please refer to the job description for details.
2.  乙方须完成甲方安排的生产(工作)任务
party b must accomplish his/her regular work and additional assignments on time
3.  每天工作8小时,每周工作共40小时。
there are 8 working hours a day, 40 working hours a week.
4.  甲方如因业务拓展变化需要对乙方的工作岗位及工作区域进行调整,乙方应当接受。
if party a needed to adjust party b’s position and working area for business development variety, party b should accept it.
  三、工资 salary
乙方每月的基本工资:rmb绩效工资:rmb 综合福利金:rmb,工资总额为rmb元(该金额尚未扣除税金、住房费用以及社会保险中个人应缴的部份),另甲方予以乙方工资总额7%的住房公积金(如法律规定住房公积金缴交基数有上限,则依照法规执行)。试用期满,经考核后,根据考核结果确定是否正式录用,正式录用后薪金保持不变。甲方将视公司的盈
party bs monthly total revenue (before the deduction of tax, housing fund, social insurance paid by individual) each month would be rmb______ , including base wage rmb______ performance salary rmb_______and social welfare rmb______, and party a will offer party b 7% housing fund base on the total revenue, or any upper limit set by the local authority, whichever is the lower.  after probation total revenue would be unchanged. party bs salary will be reviewed annually in march and adjusted in light of party bs performance and prevailing conditions.
  四、工资的发放 payment
salary will be paid to party bs account by t/t before the ____th of the following month.
  五、超时工作  over time
party b must try his best to increase the working efficiency to meet party as requirement.  if there are special circumstances that party b has to work overtime, party b can arrange by themselves. if party b requests ot payment, he/she must fill in the ot application form and have it approved by gm. ot application form without authorized signature is not valid.
【篇二:劳动合同范本 中英文 (7000字)】
工号work number:
劳 动 合 同
labor contract
甲方 :
partya :
法定代表人 :
legal representative:
法 定 地 址:
registered address:
乙 方:
party  b:
身份证号码 :
id number:
户 口 性 质:
domicile nature:
家 庭 地 址:
home address:根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》及有关法律和法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上签订本合同。
according to the labor law of prc and relevant laws and regulations, party a and party b sign this contract on the basis of equality, free will and mutual consultation.
一、 工作内容
article one  working contents
1.1  甲方因生产需要,同意聘用乙方为本公司员工,职位为。乙方同意接受该安排,遵守劳动纪律和职业道德,执行劳动安全规程,提高职业技能,完成生产(工作)任务。
1.2 甲方可根据生产经营需要依法调整乙方的工作岗位或职位。
party a may legitimately adjust party b’s post according to business requirements.
二、 合同期限
article two term of contract
本合同自  年 月 日至  年 月 日,其中试用期为 个月(自 年 月 日至年日)。劳动合同的期限届满或约定的终止条件出现,劳动合同即终止执行。经双方协商一致的,可以解除或续订劳动合同。
(date, month, year), during which the probation period is months month, year) month, year)). the contract will be terminated when the contract is at its expiry or agreed termination conditions occurs. both parties may rescind or renew the contract via mutual consultation.
三、 工
article three working hours
3.1  甲方实行每周工作40小时和2天休息日(可能非星期六、日)的标准工时制度。 party
a carries out standard working hours system of 40 hours per week and two rest days (maybe they
are not saturday, sunday).
3.2  甲方因工作需要,在乙方愿意的前提下,可依法安排乙方超时工作或公休日加班。 party a may legitimate arrange party b to work overtime or work on general holidays due to business
requirements on condition that party b is willing to do so.
3.3 甲方由于工作需要更改工时制度,经政府有关部门批准后,乙方应密切配合执行。 party a may change working hours system for business requirement after approval by relevant government authorities and party b shall execute it of his own will.
四、 薪酬
article four remuneration
4.1  甲方支付乙方的每月基本工资为人民币元。上述薪酬不包括甲方按公司补贴规定按月向乙方支
party a to party b as basic wage per month. the aforesaid remuneration excludes all
subsidies paid to party b pursuant to party a’s stipulation.
