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高考须掌握的词汇:labsence 2·donanion 3·suitable 4·record 5·restrict 6·professional 7·economic 8·tradition高考须掌握的短语:1with  2out  3ftom  4out  5in  6in  7to  8to  9on  10out of  11notes  l 2of  13on/upon14to 15out 16agamst   
.考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川
考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分
1Suitvt(1)适合;满足egDoes Sunday suit you?星期日你方便吗?
  Yesit suits  me fine.我很方便。
    (2)……相称;相配egThat coIor doesn't suit him.那种颜与他不相配。
A cold climate suits wheat.寒冷的气候适宜种小麦。
He suited his speech to his audience.他让自己的演说内容合乎听众的口味。
相关链接:suitabIe  adj.合适的;适宜的;恰当的suited adj.适合的;匹配的用法拓展:a suit of一套……  suit sbfine很适合某人suit…to…使适合; 使适应be suitable for sbto do sth.适合于某人做……
  be suited for/to…适合做……特别提醒:suit为动词,多侧重颜、花样、款式等方面的适合。满足某人的需要,还可表示合乎口味、性格、地位等。
案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三
考题1  (典型例题    what about the styk of the coatIt        you very well
    Afits    Bsuits  Csatisties    Dgets
2distribute vt.分配;分送;分布  egThe farmers are distributing manure over the field.农民们正在田间撒肥。
  The old man has distn‘buted the magazines to the children.这位老人将杂志分给孩子们。 
相关链接:distribution分配;分发;发行;分类 distibutive  adj.分发的;分配的;分布的用法拓展:distrbute…over………分配到……distribute sthto..把某物分给……distribute sthamong…把某物分给……特别提醒:distribute与介词的搭配。
考题2  (典型例题1 )--Alice, .Im  very busy now.  Can you .          these books to children?
  --With pleasure.
    A. offer          B. supply-  C. provide      D. distribute
考题2点拨:答案为D。此题考查动词词义辨析。根据语境,此空应表示分发,发放,故用D。而其他三项不合题意。句意为: “Alie,我们现在很忙。你能把书发给孩子们吗?~非常乐意效劳。”    总结提示:distribute…to………分发给……
3result jn引起;导致;造成(某种结果)  egThe trial resulted in his being sentenced to two years imprisonment.审判结果是他被判监禁两年。
  The traffic accident resulted in thre deaths.这起交通事故造成三人死亡。
用法拓展:resuIt from…因为……的原因  eg
  The aceident resulted ftom carelessness.事故因粗心而致。
    Sickness often results from eating too much.疾病往往因为吃得太多。特别提醒:resuIt in后面接结果,而result ftom后面接原因。
考题3  --- What has happened to Kathleen? She fell off her bike and resulted    an injury i
n her arm.
  A. from      B. in -  c. for        D. with
考题3点拨;答案为B。考查result与介词的搭配,根据题意应选result in导教胳膊受伤表示结果。句意为:“Kat'hleen怎么了?”总结提示:区分 result from result in的用法。   
4drop out(of)(从活动,竞赛中)退出;辍学  egHe didn't finish his high school for he dropped out of school.他没有完成高中学业,因为他中途辍学了。 Since his defeathe's dropped out of poliItics.他失败后就不再从事政治活动了。
用法拓展:drop in on sb.顺便拜访某人distribute名词形式drop in at some place顺便拜访某地drop off一个个地离开.散去特别提醒:drop out为不及物动词,drop out of为及物动词。
考题4  --How much education did you get  when you were young?
  --Being poor, I            out of school in senior grade one.
  A. stopped    B. dropped  C. pushed    D. left
考题4点拨:答案为B。根据语境,该空应表示辍学,应使用drop out of,其他三个动词不与out of连用。句意为:年轻时,你受过多少教育?”¨因为穷,高一我就辍学了。总结提示:drop out of……中退出;辗学。   
5Compare 1985 with 典型例题 the ehange?1985年同典型例题呢?
  compare…with(to…)…………进行比较  egIf you compare this shi rt with(to)that oneyon wiIl find the d|fferenees between them.如果你将这件衬衣和另一件比较的话,你会发现它们之间的不同之处。
  People usually compare children to the sun in the morning.人们通常将孩子比作早上的太阳。
相关链接:comparison n.比较;对比comparative adj.比较的;相当的用法拓展:comp
are…to………比作……  compared with(to)……比较 (常用于句首或句尾作状语)  beyond/withOUt comparison无与伦比 by comparison比较起来  in comparison with………比较
特别提醒:compared with…放在句首或句尾作状语,用过去分词。
考题5  I.ast year the number of death in creased by 2%-5%          the year be-fore last.
  A. comparing to    B. comparing with  C. to compare with  D. compared with
考题5点拨:答案为Dcompared…with“……相比较,用作状语,须用过去分词。句意为:与前年相比,去年的死亡率上升了 25个百分点。” 
总结提示:compared with放在句首或句末用作状语时,用过去分词这一固定形式。
6T0 begin withit is important to create a positive attitude.首先,产生积极的态度很重要。
    (1)To begin with=to start with首先,第一  egTo begin withld like to make a brief introduction to our hometown.首先我想对我们的家乡做一个简要的介绍。
    wflat should we do if we go to study in Britain?如果去英国学习,我们该怎么办?
    To begin withwe should learn English well.首先,我们要学好英语。
特别提醒:to begin with首先,用作状语,相当于一个插入成分,它的形式不受句子主语的限制,是一种固定用法。除此之外还有下列短语也这样用:
  to start with首先  to make matters worse更糟糕的是……
    to tell(you)the truth说实话  to be honest老实说
  to be frank坦白地说  to be sure确定
(2)begin/start…with……开始,用作谓语动词。  egHe began/started his speech with a greeting“Good morning1adies and gentlemen".他以一句女士们,先生们,早上好开始了他的讲话。
