    I was once a dropout. I know how powerfully a         1       can influence the life of a person who does not         2       herself. I quit school at sixteen to work. Years later, I had a(n)         3       and couldn't work for months. I felt depressed. With an unemployable father and a mentally ill mother to support, I couldn't         4       to give up.
    Searching the ads, I found a notice that our local community college offered free work         5      . One requirement was a high-school diploma or GED certificate. Years ago, I got my GED certificate, but with         6       scores. I felt certain that I had little to         7       other than a willingness to         8      . After my physical injury healed, I went to meet Ruby Martin, the advisor who would         9       me.
    I sat         10       waiting while Mrs. Martin looked over my score sheet. I was         11       to hear her blame me for wasting her valuable time. She looked at me for a long moment         12       she spoke.
    "Why did you apply for this         13      ?" she asked. "Why aren't you applying to college?"
    With my face burning with         14      , I could only whispered, "Because I am         15      ."
    "Didn't anyone ever explain these         16       to you?" she asked. I just shook my head. For the next hour, she explained how the GED scores are based on, and that my         17       were very high indeed. She convinced me that I was not only not stupid, but that I would         18       an excellent candidate for the training program.
    I regained my         19      . Later, I got a bachelor's degree and became a teacher just like her. To teach is to touch a life. It was Ruby Martin who touched my life         20      .
1. A. clerk
B. teacher
C. interpreter
D. tailor
2. A. hear from
B. reflect on
C. believe in
D. dry out
3. A. accident
B. patient
C. trunk
D. giant
4. A. contradict
B. participate
C. declare
D. afford
5. A. preparation
B. certificate
C. training
D. qualification
6. A. numb
B. low
C. parallel
D. steep
7. A. distribute
B. apologize
C. recommend
D. offer
8. A. operate
B. grill
C. click
D. try
9. A. employ
B. assess
C. drill
D. comfort
10.A. comfortably
B. curiously
C. optionally
D. nervously
11. A. desperate
B. absurd
C. prepared
D. autonomous
12. A. before
B. until
C. since
D. after
13. A. occupation
B. enterprise
C. program
D. degree
14. A. anger
B. shame
C. envy
D. affection
15. A. awful
B. awesome
C. shallow
D. stupid
16. A. rules
B. subjects
C. scores
D. textbooks
17. A. salaries
B. numbers
C. expectations
D. bonuses
18. A. make
B. draft
C. govern
D. purchase
19. A. dignity
B. confidence
C. privilege
D. profit
20. A. anyhow
B. sometimes
C. otherwise
D. Forever

(1)考查名词。A:clerk”店员,职员“; B:teacher”教师“; C:interpreter ”翻译“;D:tailor”裁缝“。根据下文” Later, I got a bachelor's degree and became a teacher just like her. “可知作者是在一位老师的鼓励下改变了人生道路,故选 B。
(2)考查动词短语。A:hear from ”收到......的来信“;B:reflect on ”反映“;C:believe in ”信任“;D:dry out”干涸“。根据下文作者认为自己的GED分数低,自己笨,所以没有自信申请大学,因此她不相信自己的能力,故选 C。
(3)考查名词。A:accident”事故“; B:patient ”病人“;C:trunk ”树干,躯干“;D:gia
nt”巨人“。根据下文中的” After my physical injury healed“可知作者因意外而受伤不能工作,故选A。
(4)考查动词。A:contradict ”反驳,驳斥,否认“;B:participate”参与“; C:declare”宣布“; D:afford”承担得起,买得起“。根据上文可知,作者要挣钱赡养父母,所以她不能放弃。故选 D。
(5)考查名词。A:preparation”准备“; B:certificate”证书“; C:training”训练“; D:qualification”资格“。根据下文”...an excellent candidate for the training program“可知,作者是申请参加免费的工作培训项目,故选 C。
(6)考查形容词。A:numb”麻木的“; B:low”低的“; C:parallel ”平行的“;D:steep”陡峭的“。根据but的转折以及下文的stupid可知,作者认为自己考的分数低,故选B。
(7)考查动词。A:distribute”分配,分布“; B:apologize”道歉“; C:recommend ”推荐“;D:offer”提供“。根据上文和句意可知,作者认为对于申请这个培训项目,自己没有没有什么优势可以提供,故选 D。
(8)考查动词。A:operate ”操作,做手术“;B:grill”拷问,烤“; C:click ”点击“;D:tr
y”努力,尝试“。根据上文可以判断作者要养家,所以她不能放弃工作,于是想试一试。故选 D。
(9)考查动词。A:employ”雇用,使用“; B:assess”评估,估价“; C:drill ”训练“;D:comfort”安慰“。根据下文可知,Ruby Martin查看我的成绩册,是评估作者是否可以参加这个项目,故选B。
(10)考查副词。A:comfortably ”安慰地“;B:curiously ”好奇地“;C:optionally ”可选择地“;D:nervously”紧张地“。根据语境可知,作者因为认为自己分数低,不知道能不能录取,所以很紧张,故选D。
(11)考查形容词。A:desperate ”绝望的“;B:absurd”荒唐的“; C:prepared ”有准备的“;D:autonomous”自治的“。根据上文可知,作者只是抱着试一试的想法来参加面试,已经做好了不被接收的准备,故选 C。
(13)考查名词。A:occupation ”职业“;B:enterprise”企业“; C:program ”项目“;D:degree”程度,学位“。根据下文” for the training program.“可知老师问作者为什么要参
加这个培训项目,故选 C。
(14)考查名词。A:anger ”怒气“;B:shame ”羞愧,耻辱“;C:envy ”羡慕,嫉妒“;D:affection”感情“。故选 B。
(15)考查形容词。A:awful”可怕的,极坏的“; B:awesome ”令人敬畏的,可怕的“;C:shallow ”浅的“;D:stupid”笨的“。根据下文的”She convinced me that I was not only not stupid“可知,作者说自己很笨,故选 D。
(16)考查名词。A:rules ”规则“;B:subjects”科目,主题“; C:scores”分数“; D:textbooks”教科书“。根据下文中的”she explained how the GED scores are based on“可知,老师问作者是否有人给她解释过GED的分数,故选 C。
(17)考查名词。A:salaries ”薪水“;B:numbers ”数字“;C:expectations ”期待“;D:bonuses”奖赏,红包“。根据上文老师问她为什么不申请上大学可知,老师认为作者的分数是很高的,故选 B。
(18)考查动词。A:make ”制造,成为“;B:draft ”起草,拟定“;C:govern ”统治,管理“;D:purchase”购买“。根据语境可知,作者GED分数很高,智力很好,所以会成为一个优秀的培训项目的候选人,故选 A。
(19)考查名词。A:dignity ”尊严“;B:confidence ”信心“;C:privilege ”特权“;D:profit”利润“。作者以前认为自己笨,没有自信,后来得到学位而且成了老师。由此说明她恢复了自信。故选 B。
(20)考查副词。A:anyhow”无论如何“; B:sometimes ”有时候“;C:otherwise ”否则,要不然“;D:forever”永远“。纵观全文可知,老师改变了作者的一生,故选 D。
