scraper1. Bench (长凳) - Please have a seat on the park bench while we wait for the bus. (请在公园长凳上坐下,等待公交车。)
2. Workbench (工作台) - He spent hours assembling the parts on his workbench. (他花了几个小时在工作台上组装零件。)
3. Bench press (卧推) - He can lift an impressive amount of weight during his bench press exercise. (他在卧推运动中可以举起令人印象深刻的重量。)
4. Benchwarmer (替补队员) - He used to be a star player, but now he's just a benchwarmer. (他曾经是一名明星球员,但现在只是一名替补队员。)
5. Park bench (公园长凳) - The couple sat on a park bench, enjoying the beautiful sunset. (这对夫妇坐在公园长凳上,欣赏美丽的日落。)
6. Benchtop (台面) - The kitchen renovation included a new benchtop made of granite. (厨房翻新包括一个由花岗岩制成的新台面。)
7. Bench trial (非陪审团审判) - The defendant opted for a bench trial instead of a jury trial. (被告选择了非陪审团审判,而不是陪审团审判。)
8. Benchmarks (基准) - The company is constantly striving to meet industry benchmarks for quality and efficiency. (该公司不断努力达到行业质量和效率的基准。)
9. Benchmate (同桌) - She was delighted to find out that her best friend would be her benchmate in class. (她很高兴发现她的好朋友将成为她在班上的同桌。)
10. Benchtop oven (台面烤箱) - The chef used a benchtop oven to bake the delicious pastries. (厨师使用台面烤箱烘烤美味的糕点。)
11. Bench warrant (逮捕令) - The judge issued a bench warrant for the suspect's arrest. (法官发布了对嫌疑人的逮捕令。)
12. Bench scraper (刮板) - The baker used a bench scraper to clean the dough off the work surface. (面包师傅使用刮板将面团从工作台上清理干净。)
13. Bench-clearing brawl (全体球员冲突) - The heated rivalry between the two teams resulted in a bench-clearing brawl. (两支球队之间的激烈竞争导致了一场全体球员冲突。)
14. Benchmate (同寝室) - He became good friends with his benchmate during their freshman year at college. (他在大一时与他的同寝室成为了好朋友。)
15. Bench scale (台秤) - The lab technician weighed the samples using a bench scale. (实验室技术员使用台秤称重样品。)
16. Benchland (平台地带) - The vineyard was located on a beautiful benchland overlooking the valley. (葡萄园位于一个俯瞰山谷的美丽平台地带上。)
17. Benchtop drill press (台钻床) - He used a benchtop drill press to create precise holes in the wooden board. (他使用台钻床在木板上钻出精确的孔。)
18. Bench jockey (指导员) - The coach was known as a tough bench jockey, always pushing his players to do their best. (这位教练以严苛的指导员而闻名,总是推动他的球员尽力而为。)
19. Benchmade (手工制作的) - The knife was a benchmade masterpiece, crafted with meticulous attention to detail. (这把刀是一件手工制作的杰作,注重细节,精心打造。)
20. Bench20. Bench vice (台钳) - The carpenter secured the piece of wood in the bench vice before starting to saw it. (木匠在开始锯木之前将木头夹在台钳中固定住。)
21. Bench strength (队伍实力) - The team's bench strength proved to be crucial in their victory, with the substitutes making significant contributions. (球队的队伍实力在他们的胜利中证明是至关重要的,替补队员做出了重大贡献。)
22. Bench grinder (台式砂轮机) - The mechanic used a bench grinder to sharpen the dull blades of the lawnmower. (机械师使用台式砂轮机来磨快割草机的钝刀片。)
23. Bench warrant (拘捕令) - The police issued a bench warrant for the suspect's arrest after he failed to appear in court. (警方发布了对嫌疑人的拘捕令,因为他未能出庭。)
24. Bench science (实验室科学) - She dedicated her career to bench science, conducting experiments and research in the lab. (她致力于实验室科学, 在实验室中进行实验和研究。
25. Bench trial (法官审判) - The defendant opted for a bench trial instead of a jury trial to expedite the legal process. (被告选择了法官审判而不是陪审团审判,以加快法律程序。)
26. Bench hook (钩台) - The woodworker used a bench hook to secure the piece of wood while cutting it with a hand saw. (木匠使用钩台在使用手锯切割木材时固定木块。)
27. Bench strength (备用力量) - The team's bench strength was tested when several key players were injured, but the substitutes stepped up and performed exceptionally well. (当几名关键球员受伤时,球队的备用力量得到了检验,但替补球员挺身而出,表现出。)
28. Bench warmer (替补席温暖者) - He was disappointed to be a bench warmer for most of the season, but he remained dedicated and continued to work hard. (他在大部分赛季都是替补席温暖者,这让他感到失望,但他仍然坚持不懈,继续努力。)
29. Bench science (基础科学) - Bench science forms the foundation for many technological advancements and discoveries. (基础科学为许多技术进步和发现奠定了基
30. Benchtop centrifuge (台式离心机) - The scientist used a benchtop centrifuge to separate the different components of the sample. (科学家使用台式离心机将样品的不同组分分离出来。)
