污水处理 sewage treatment
一级处理 primary treatment
二级处理 secondary treatment
生物处理 biological treatment
活性污泥法 activated sludge process
曝气池 aeration tank
曝气 aeration
好氧消化 aerobic digestion
厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion
溶解氧dissolved oxygen
沉淀 sedimentation
氯化 chlorination
余氯 residual chlorine
污泥 sludge
泥龄sludge age
回流污泥 returned sludge
剩余污泥 surplus sludge
消化污泥 digested sludge
活性污泥 activated sludge
污泥浓缩 sludge thickening
污泥脱水 sludge dehydrating
絮凝 flocculation
水头Flood peak
水头损失 head loss
液面负荷 surface load
工艺参数类 设计流量 Design flow
泵流量pump flow
栅前水深 water depth of ahead grille
过栅流速Crosses the grille speed of flow 栅条间隙Grille gap
过栅水头损失head loss of crosses the grille 格栅倾角 Grille inclination angle
过栅流量 flow of grille
齿耙运行速度 rake speed
有效水深Effective water depth
水力停留时间HRT hydraulic residence time 水力表面负荷Hydraulic load surface
污泥浓度sludge concentration
污泥回流比sludge reflux ratio
粗格栅 coarse screen
回转格栅除污机grille decontaminating equipment 无轴螺旋输送机shaftless screw conveyor 无轴螺旋压榨机 shaftless screw compressor 潜污泵submersible sewage pump
细格栅fine screen
旋流沉砂器rotational sand processor
砂水分离器 grit-water separator
scraper潜水搅拌器submersible agitator
潜水推流器 submersible water impeller
可调堰门adjustable weir
曝气转刷aeration pushes
吸刮泥机aspiration sludge scraper
离心脱水机Decanter Centrifuge
转鼓浓缩机Drum thickener
絮凝剂投配单元polymer make-up & dosing unit 圆形闸门Circular gate
蝶阀 butterfly valve
闸阀 gate valve
球阀 Ball valve
止回阀 Check Valve
放空阀 Emptying valve
微阻缓闭止回阀 Tiny Drag Slow Shut Check Valves 电磁阀 Mgnetic valve
电动阀 Mortor operated valve
法兰 Flange
主轴承main bearing
超声波流量计supersonic flow meter
电磁流量计electromagnetic flow meter
