This is the FAQ for theAndroid forum.
General questions
General questions
∙ What Java API is supported by Android? How does it differ from JME?
o See here
o Dalvik - Googles tweaked JVM for Android
∙ Where can I get an SDK? What platforms does it support?
o The latest version of the SDK is r20 (for Android versions up to 4.1), and it's available for Windows, OS X and Linux here.
∙ Do I need to buy hardware if I want to start writing applications that run on Android?
o You can start writing applications even if you don’t have hardware to run them on. The Android SDK comes with an emulator and all tools necessary for application development
and deployment.
o Another option is the freely available Motodev Studio for Android IDE from Motorola.
∙ Which hardware devices support Android? Here's an incomplete list:
o T-Mobile G1 (a.k.a. HTC Dream), myTouch 3G, myTouch 4G, Comet (a.k.a. Huawei Ideos)
o HTC Magic, Hero, Tattoo, Droid Eris, Legend, Desire, Evo 4G, Wildfire, Incredible, Aria, Evo 4G, Gratia, Flyer, ChaCha and Salsa, Desire S, Wildfire S and Incredible S, Sensation, Wildfire S, Rezound, Sensation XE
o Motorola Dext, Droid / Milestone, Backflip, Motoroi, Cliq / Quench, Cliq 2, Devour, Flipout, XT720, Droid 2, Droid X, Charm, Defy, Defy+, Droid Pro, Droid 2 Global, Droid Bionic, XOOM, Atrix 4G, Droid X2, Droid 3, XOOM 2
o Sony Ericsson Xperia X10, Xperia X10 mini, Xperia arc, Xperia Play, Xperia Pro and Xperia Neo
o Google Nexus One (only available to Android developers by now), Nexus S
o LG In TouchMax GW620, Optimus, Optimus 3D, G-Slate tablet
o Samsung Galaxy i7500, Galaxy Portal i5700, Captivate / Galaxy S, Vibrate, Galaxy S i9000, Galaxy Tab, Galaxy I9003 SL, Vibrant 4G, Galaxy Indulge, Galaxy Tab 10.1, Galaxy S II, Xcover, Galaxy S II Skyrocket, Captivate Glide, Galaxy Note
o Garmin-Asus A50
o Acer Stream, Iconia Smart, A 200
o ZTE Skate
o Huawei IDEOS X3 and S7 Slim
o Dell Streak
o Archos 28, 32, 43, 70 and 101, Q9
o Asus Transformer Prime
o Handset NEWS (and rumors) at AndroidGuys
o WikiPediaist_of_Android_devices
o extensive list at TechCrunch?
∙ What is Dalvik? How is it different from JVM?
o Dalvik is a register based virtual machine optimized to run on a slow CPU,with relatively little RAM and on an OS without swap space. Further Reading
∙ What are the different Media formats supported on Android?
o See here
∙ Where can I publish my Android applications?
o Android Market (instructions)
o Voeveo
o SlideME
o AndAppStore
o AndroLib
o Cyrket
o AndroidPIT (in German)
o AndSpot
o AppBrain
o Aproov
o AppsLib (targeted specifically at tablets)
o Amazon appstore (in beta)
o GetJar (covers other mobile OS as well)
∙ How can I get insight into how people are using my app?
o Integrating the Google Analytics for Android library will provide you with quantitative feedback on your app's usage.
∙ I'd like to display ads in my app without having to negotiate it all by myself. What are my options?
o AdMob, mobclix, Millennial Media, InMobi and JumpTap are Android-compatible ad networks. Also check out adwhirl, which puts a common interface on top of several networks.
∙ What support does Android or Dalvik VM provide for running native C code?
o In June 2009, Google announced a NDK (Native Development Kit) that gives developers the ability to call into native code from Android applications. There is a Google
group for NDK-related discussions. At present, Android supports JNI shared libraries written in C or C++ that link with the Android versions of libc, libm, libz and OpenGL ES 2.0. There are plans to support linking with audio libraries in future.
∙ How do I get Android source code?
o See this document