The Later Stone Age technology was thought to have made its first appearance in South Africa much later than it did in Europe.A new analysis of South African finds suggests modern culture emerged in both areas at the same time.In Europe,the Later Stone Age is commonly dated to around 45,000 years ago.In South Africa there is archeological(考古学的)evidence suggesting the Later Stone Age did not begin until much later–around 22,000 years ago.
Perhaps no longer,though.Paola Villa of the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History in Boulder,and her colleagues,have explored deep into the layers of Border Cave in South Africa,and found that Middle Stone Age tool-making techniques were giving way to Later Stone Age technology by 44,000 years ago.For instance,stone spear points–a mark of Middle Stone Age technology–were replaced by bows and bone arrows.A companion paper,headed by Francesco d’Errico of the University of Bordeaux,France,found organic evidence that pointed to a similar date,probably representing the beginning of the modern-day hunter-gatherer society in South Africa.
The Border Cave evidence also shows a striking trend of internal evolution.Though Later Stone Age technologies could theoretically have spread rapidly to the north and south from a source in East Africa,Villa’s evidence suggests otherwise.The South African finds suggest a gradual shift into the Later Stone Age,while retaining a few elements from earlier times in the form of notched(刻V字形切口的)bones,bone awls(锥子)and marine shell beads(珠子).That points to the South African populations evolving many of their later tools independently.“To prove internal evolution,you need a place like Border Cave that has a long sequence,many layers,is well dated,and all use the same materials to make artefacts(人工制品),”says Villa.
1.Which of the following is true about Later Stone Age according to the passage?
A.It appeared in South Africa much later than it did in Europe.
B.It appeared approximately the same time in both South Africa and Europe.
C.It appeared 22,000 years later in Europe than that in South Africa.
D.It did not begin in South Africa 22,000 years ago as it did in Europe.
2.Which of the following is a symbol of Middle Stone Age technology?
A.Bows and bone arrows.
C.Hunting techniques.
3.Which of the following is true regarding the study of Francesco d’Errico according to the passage?
A.It examined the layers of Border Cave in South Africa.
B.It provided further evidence for the conclusion made by Paola Villa.
C.It revealed the differences between Middle Stone Age technology and Later Stone Age technology.
D.It suggested that the modern-day hunter-gatherer society in South Africa appeared earlier than it did in Europe.
4.What does the evidence of the Border Cave suggest?
A.South Africa did not shift rapidly from earlier times into the Later Stone Age.
B.Later Stone Age technologies had spread quickly to other areas from the source.
C.The South African populations were reluctant to evolve their tools with the help of Later Stone Age technology.
D.The Border Cave was a perfect place to retain a few elements from earlier times.
5.Which of the following could be the best title for this passage?
A.Later Stone Age got earlier start in South Africa than thought.
B.The Border Cave,a perfect place for internal evolution.
C.Later Stone Age technology in Europe and South Africa.
D.The Border Cave,a source of Later Stone Age technologies.
