Good morning. Here’s the world weather. Today is Sunday. It’s a 8 o’clock p. m. in Beijing. It’s very cold tonight. You have to wear warm sweaters.
How about London? It’s 12 o’clock noon now. It is sunny there.
It’s 7 o’ in New York (纽约). What’s the weather like? Wow! It’s snowy.
Let’s have a look at Hong Kong. It’s 8 o’clock in the morning, too. The weather is very nice. It’s windy but warm.
It’s 10 o’ in Sydney(悉尼). It’s rainy today. Take your raincoat(雨衣) and umbrella, please.
1.Andy is in New York. He may be _______ now. (        )
A.having lunch    B.having breakfast    C.having supper
2.Lucy is in Beijing. She may have to wear _______. (        )
A.warm sweater    B.pretty skirt    C.cool T-shirt
3.Mike is in London. He can _______ today. (        )
A.do sports    B.close the door    C.stay at home
4.I’m in Sydney. I’d like to _______. (        )
A.go to school    B.go to bed    C.go out to play
5.Ted is in Hong Kong. He can wear _______. (        )
A.T-shirt    B.sweater    C.coat
Hello, boys and girls. I’m a dentist. I’m Dr Lee.
Do you wash your teeth everyday? Well, you should wash your teeth at least twice a day. Brush your teeth with this kind of tooth brush. And clean your teeth like this way. Brush the inside face, the outside face and the biting face of your teeth. Always move the brush i
n small circles. Wash your mouth with clean water. Sweets and chocolate are not good for your teeth. Don’t eat too much. And brush your teeth after you eat them. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.
6.What’s the dentist’s name? (     )
A.Dr Li.    B.Dr Lee.    C.Dr Bee.    D.Dr Dee.
7.You should wash your teeth at least ______ a day. (     )
A.once    B.twice    C.three times    D.none
8.You should ______ move your brush in small circles. (     )
A.never    B.sometimes    C.always    D.usually
9.Wash your mouth with ______. (     )
A.clean water    B.dirty water    C.Coke    D.juice
10.______ is not good for your teeth. (     )
A.Fruit    B.Chocolate    C.Sweets    D.Both B and C
Everyone knows that it is important to take care of (关心) our eyes. But how can you take care of your eyes? The answer is simple. Have your eye doctor check your eyes regularly (有规律地)—at least once a year? Doctor will use special equipment (设备) to examine (检查) changes and problems in your eyes. If you think something is wrong, don’t wait. The sooner you take care of the problems the better.
11.How can you take care of your eyes? (       )
A.Don’t use them.    B.Read in the sun.
C.Ask the doctor to check them regularly.    D.Ask your parents to look at them.
12.How often should you check your eyes? (       )
A.At least once a year.    B.Every summer.
C.At least three times in life.    D.On the weekends.
13.Which is not true? (       )
A.Everyone knows that protecting eyes is very important.
shadow什么意思啊B.We can never know if there is anything wrong with our eyes.
C.Special equipment can help to find problems in your eyes.
D.If there is something wrong with your eyes, you had better see the doctor right now.
14.Which is a good habit for your eyes? (       )
A.Read in bed.    B.Watch TV for long time.
C.Study for long time.    D.Often do eye exercises.
A teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. “Now, has anyone of you ever made someone glad?”
“Yes, teacher.” said a small boy.
The teacher said, “Well done. Who was that?”
That boy said, “My grandmother.”
“Good boy. Now tell us how you made your grandmother glad.” said the teacher.
The boy said, “I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her for three hours. Then I said to her, ‘Grandmother, I’m going home.’ And she said, ‘Well, I’m glad!’”
15.The meaning of “pupil” is _________. (        )
A.孩子    B.学生    C.同学    D.朋友
16.The boy went to see _________. (        )
A.his father    B.his mother
C.his grandmother    D.his grandfather
17.The boy stayed with his grandmother for _________. (        )
A.two hours    B.three hours    C.four hours    D.five hours
18.His grandmother was glad because _________. (        )
A.he set the table    B.he watered the plants
C.he is polite    D.he said, “I’m going home”
19.This is a _________ boy. (        )
A.polite    B.quiet    C.helpful    D.naughty
The World in 2050
In 2050, cars will be different. Computers will drive them. We needn’t know how to drive. Clothes will be different, too. They will always be clean. We will not wash them. Mums will be very happy.
