join sth to例句
1. I need to join something to fix this broken shelf.
2. The carpenter joined the two pieces of wood together using nails.
3. Can you join the two ends of the rope to make it longer?
4. She joined the two halves of the broken toy with glue.
5. I joined the wires to connect the light bulb to the circuit.
6. The mechanic joined the two parts of the engine to make it run smoothly.
7. He joined the puzzle pieces together to complete the picture.
8. She joined the train tracks to create a loop for the toy train.
9. Can you join this hose to the faucet for me?
10. We need to join the panels together to create a larger surface area.
11. The artist joined different colors of paint to create a vibrant masterpiece.
12. He joined the metal pieces using welding techniques.
13. She joined the pieces of fabric together to make a quilt.
14. The plumber joined the two sections of pipes to repair the leak.
15. I joined the two pieces of paper to create a longer document.
16. He joined the cables to connect the computer to the printer.
17. The chef joined the ingredients to create a delicious dish.connect和join的区别
18. Can you join these two tables together for a larger dining space?
19. She joined the Lego bricks to build a tall tower.
20. The engineer joined the beams together to create a sturdy bridge.
21. I need to join the broken necklace to wear it again.
22. He joined two metal rods to create a longer rod.
23. Can you join these two pieces of fabric to make a dress?
24. She joined the two ropes together to make a stronger rope.
25. The tailor joined the sides of the dress to complete it.
26. I joined the ends of the wire to complete the electrical circuit.
27. He joined the two ropes with a knot to create a sturdy rope ladder.
28. Can you join these two threads to mend the torn clothing?
29. She joined the bicycle tires to the frame to assemble the bicycle.
30. The mechanic joined the two broken parts of the car engine to make it functional again.
31. I joined the two halves of the broken pottery with super glue.
32. He joined the papers together to create a booklet.
33. Can you join this pipe to the faucet for me?
34. We need to join the two metal pieces to create a stronger support.
35. The artist joined different materials to create a mixed media artwork.
36. She joined the wooden planks to create a platform.
37. The plumber joined the two pipes using adhesive to prevent any leaks.
38. I joined the two ends of the fabric to make a loop.
39. He joined the wires together to establish an electrical connection.
