J: This movie is so touching and sweet.
B: Exactly. The heroine looks familiar.
J: You mean Meryl Streep? Yeah, she did a very good job in this movie. Recently I had learned that she is a graduate from Yale University.
J:你是说梅丽尔斯特里普吗?她在这部电影中表现不凡。我最近才知道她是从耶 鲁大学毕业的。
B: Wow, that’s news to me. I always held the idea that Yale has nothing to do with2) entertainment.
J: It's common to think that way because Yale is known as “the cradle of leadership”.
B: Yeah. A galaxy of luminaries in the political circle, such as former President Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, spent their prime time at Yale.
B:是的。很多政界要员,如比尔克林顿和乔治布什,都在耶鲁度过了他们最美 好的时光。
J: There is a saying at Yale: “Incautiously, you will teach a President to come”.
B: Yes. There have been five presidents and one vice-president, as well as many heads of state, prime ministers and ministers from Yale in American history.
B:是啊。美国历史上有五位总统、一位副总统以及许多州长、部长都是从耶鲁大学 毕业的。
J: That may owe to Yale’s leader’s education, I think.
B: I’m for it.
J: That reminds me of the story of former President George W. Bush. It is said that he was not as outstanding as his father on campus. He was a dark horse in U.S. political history.
J:这使我想起了前任总统小布什的故事。据说,他并不如他父亲优秀。在美国政治 史上也算是一匹黑马了。
B: He had served as the President for 8 years. During his office, the diplomatic flexibility
and wits he and his Vice President exhibited in the political arena are very impressive. All these achievements are closely related to their education at Yale.
B:他执政8年。执政期间,他与副总统在政治舞台上所表现出来的外交灵活性与智 慧令人印象深刻。他们取得的成就与在耶鲁所接受的教育是密不可分的。
J: Indeed it is. A Yale degree is worth a lot, as Bush often mentioned Dick Cheney, who studied at Yale, but left a little early. He said that if you graduate from Yale (like himself, even if he was just a C student), you become President; if you drop out, you get to be Vice President.
J:的确。耶鲁的学位还是很值钱的,正如小布什经常提及的副总统迪克切尼,他 也曾在耶鲁读书,只是还没到毕业就辍学了。布什说,如果你拿到了耶鲁的学位, 你就能成为总统(正如他自己,虽然读书期间平均成绩只取得C);中途退学就只 能当副总统了。
B:He is really humorous. I heard there is a secret society named Skull and Bones at Yale, many leaders in politics, law, education and business are members of it.
B:他可真幽默。听说耶鲁有个神秘组织名为“骷髅会”,许多政界、法律界、教育 界以及商界的领导者都是它的成员。
Well, I know it is a secret club for the “power elite’.
B:It seems that Yale really lives up to the reputation of “the cradle of leadership”.
J:It is. The outstanding political couple, former President Bill Clinton and current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, are also Yalies.
J:是啊。杰出的政治夫妻——前总统比尔克林顿和现任国务卿希拉里克林顿也是 耶鲁学子。
B:Then why Yale is the alma mater of so many illustrious persons?
J:I get this information from the newspaper, reading that Yale shows its very concern for the society, and lays its stress ons) the concept of leaders training. The mission of Yale is to develop the intelligence, sense of responsibility and creativity of the students so that they can serve the country and American people.
J:我从报纸上读到,耶鲁关注社会,尤其强调“领导者敎育”。耶鲁的使命就是开 发学生智力、培养学生责任感和创造力,使他们能够服务于国家和美国人民。
B: Has Yale achieved any fulfillment in science and technology?
J: Of course. Yale is well-known as a source of Nobel Prize winners in science field, although it does better in the aspect of arts study.
J:当然。在科学领域,耶鲁也是培养诺贝尔奖获得者的地方,尽管她在人文科学方 面做得更好些。
B: I major in Finance, are there any stories about financiers at Yale?
J: Sure. You must be quite familiar with Jim Rogers, who is one alumnus of Yale.
B: Really? I thought he graduated from Oxford University.
J: To some degree, we can say in that way. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Yale University in 1964,and then he acquired a second BA degree from Oxford University in 1966.
J:从某种程度上,我们可以那样说。1964年,他毕业于耶鲁,获得学士学位。1966年, 又从牛津毕业,获得第二学士学位。
B: He is a successful investor, well-known for the Quantum Fund.
J: In addition, the former President of Coca-Cola, Roberto Goizueta, also left his footprint at Yale.
B: Under the direction of Goizueta, Coca-Cola became a top U.S. corporation. He is credited with invigorating the company with a global vision. In the process, he created more wealth for shareholders than any other CEO in history.
