Unit 6 Writing
1.将……表演出来_____________                    2.放弃____________ 
3.从……看过去______________                      4.把……拖进_____________             
5.拿……开玩笑_____________                     6.入睡__________________                 
7.除了_____________________                    8.在……的侧面____________                  9.充满______________________                    10.从……爬出来____________               
11.一个接一个________________                  12.成功做……______________                 
13.快,加油_______________                      14.用……装满________________
15.在……另一边____________                    16.为……而感谢某人__________
【答案】1.act out      2.give up      3.look over  4. into   5.make jokes about   
6.go to sleep          7. except for      8.on the side of  9.be full of    10.climb out of  11. one by one      12.succeed in doing .  13e on      with   15.on the other side of    16. for
【答案】My sister has learnt music for ten years.
2. 这篇作文很好,除了一点语法错误。
【答案】The article is good except for a few mistakes of grammar.
3. 每到星期天商店里就挤满了人。
【答案】The shop is full of people on Sundays.
4. 同学们一个接一个的进入图书馆。
【答案】The students entered the library one by one.
5. 然而,一夜之间他们通过一个妙计就成功地夺取了它。( succeed in doing)
【答案】In one night, however, they succeeded in capturing it through a clever trick.
6. 到了半夜,除了那个巨大的木马外,中心广场空荡荡的。(by midnight; except for)
【答案】By midnight, the main square was empty, except for the huge horse.
7. 我们将近10年没见面。
【答案】We haven’t seen each other for 10 years.
8.他们围着木马又唱又跳,还拿愚蠢的希腊人开玩笑。(make jokes about)
【答案】They sang and danced around the horse, and made jokes about the stupid Greeks.
9. 下学期,我会尽量在我空闲时间多讲英语,多看英语电影。
【答案】Next term, I will try to speak more English and watch more English movies in my free time.
10. 自他来中国以来,她参观许多名胜古迹。
【答案】He has visited many places of interest since they came to China.
1. 几个小朋友在花园里捉迷藏。
2. 突然一个小朋友不小心掉进一个盛满水的大缸里。
3. 其他人不知所措。
4. 司马光用石头砸破大缸救了那个小朋友。
5. 大人表扬他机智救了人。
1. 字数:80字左右(标题已给出,不计入总字数)。
2. 文章必须包含所有提示内容,并可作适当发挥。
3. 条理清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书面规范。
Once upon a time, some children played hide-and-seek in the garden. They were playing happily. Suddenly, one of them fell into a big jar. The big jar was full of water. The child was in danger. The other children didn't know what to do. They shouted for help, but no adult was around. Sima Guang was very smart. He had a good idea. He picked a stone and knocked on the big jar. The water ran out of it quickly and the child was saved in the end. When the adult knew that, he praised Sima Guang for his intelligence.
