Section Ⅲ Developing ideas & Presenting ideas
1.frog n.    ____________
2.throat n.    ____________
3.downtown adj.    ____________
4.entrance n.    ____________
5.section n.    ____________
6.exit n.    ____________
7.downstairs adv.    ____________
8.odd adj.    ____________
9.error n.    ____________
1.________ v.计划,打算→intention n.意图,目的;打算
2.________ adv.事实上,实际上→actual adj.实在的;实际的
3.________ adj.消极的,负面的→negatively adv.消极地→negativity n.消极性
4.informal adj.(书写或言谈)非正式的→________ adj.正式的
5.________ v.认识,辨认出→recognition n.认可,辨认
6.________ v.以……为基础→________ adj.基本的→________ n.基础
7.________ adj.意识到的,明白的→________ n.意识
1.have a frog in one's throat    ________________ aware of    ________________ based on    ________________
4.look forward to    ________________ one's astonishment    ________________
1.I ________ (打算) to wind my alarm up so that I could get up on time in the morning.
2.I'm ________ (意识到) that it's not likely to contact him by letter.
3.I have to clear my ________ (咽喉,嗓子) before I begin my speech.
4.She lives near the business ________ (地段) which is 500 metres from here.
5.You can't learn anything with a ________ (消极的) attitude.
1.The committee held an ________ (formal) meeting ahead of time to prepare the topic for the meeting.
2.________ (actual), there are real and fake posts in the forum.
3.The drivers should raise ________ (aware) of safety, especially on highways.
4.This misadventure is a ________ (remind) that we must use electricity safely.
5.These dinosaur fossils are beyond ________ (recognise) without signs.
6.I came with the ________ (intend) of joining the debate, but now I've decided to leave.
7.________ is said that the drama is a great success.
8.We must spend time ________ (practice) playing the piano to take part in the competition.
be based on, be aware of, make a comment on, wind up, f
1.Teachers always ________ us ________ some reading skills that we should memorise.
2.Actually, the movie ____________ a true story of a misadventure.
3.He was unable to ____________ the topic during the debate. It seemed as if he had a frog in his throat.
4.The moment I went to bed, my mother reminded me to ____________ the alarm clock.
5.The children ____________ the negative effects of this idea.
1Skim the passage and fill in the blanks
2.What's the main idea of this passage?
1.Why didn't Sophie find the shoes on the first floor?
A.Because she misunderstood the lady's words.
B.Because there were no shoes sections sold there.
C.Because the shoes were all placed on the ground.
D.Because she didn't go up to the upper floor.
2.Julien found his penfriend's grandfather ________.
A.wicked    B.confused
B.negative    D.nice
3.What do we learn about Zheng Xu's English paper?
A.Zheng Xu felt disappointed about his paper.
B.Zheng Xu didn't get a good grade on it.
C.The teacher thought the paper wrote well.
D.The teacher thought Zheng Xu was not a bad student.
4.What do the four people have in common?
A.Having the same experiences in learning English.
B.Meeting something strange in English learning.
C.Coming from the same English­speaking country.
D.Finding English easy to learn and hard to understand.
5.Which of the statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.“The first floor” in America may be called “the ground floor” in another country.
B.When we say someone is “wicked”, we only want to show the person is bad.
C.If an English man wants to go to “the first floor” in America, he should go downstairs.
D.In China, we use “Not bad!” to show something is not good enough.
Here are some of our favourites, ________________ some of the English we learn in the classroom is ________________ the English in the outside world!
When I first visited New York, I went to a downtown shopping centre ________________.
________________________, I saw that shoes were actually sold downstairs on the ground floor, not the first floor.
