第3章Unit 3 Geography
本单元的课文和练习文章都是描述地理风貌的,在翻译时尽量使用客观性的语言,不参杂个人情感,甚至可用无主句。在翻译风土人情时往往涉及的知识面较宽,需要译者在帄时多注意积累,这样翻译才能到位,不聊中 啊?BR> 在语言对比方面的重点是:
(一)要选译适当的动词。英语和汉语虽然在动宾搭配方面有许多共同之处,但是仍然存在着不少的差别。如to cut wheat割麦子;to cut cake切蛋糕;to cut finger-nails剪指甲。因此在翻译时要各自的表达习惯选择适当的动词。
例1) He is in trouble. 他有麻烦了。
例2) Helen was so aggressive while talking about her dog.当海伦谈到她的狗时,兴致勃勃。(省略动词)
例3) I saw her wandering in the street wearing sun glasses and a thick jacket. 我看见她戴着太阳镜,穿着厚茄克,在街上闲逛。
例4) Please keep me informed as soon as you got the news. 请你一得到消息就通知我。
1. 英语中具有动作意义的名词或由动词转化过来的名词,汉译时往往可转化为动词。
例1) They went on strike in demand of a 40 per cent wage increase. 他们举行罢工,要求工资增加40%。
例2) She was English and French teacher for two years at that school. 她在那所学校教过两年英文和法文。
2. 英语里介词很多,汉语中介词少,作用也没有英语那么多。英语介词多与名词构成介词短语。汉语中动词或动词词组可以充当句中的任何成分,所以在翻译时,许多介词可以翻译成动词。
例1) He is walking in the park with an umbrella in his hand.他在公园散步,手里拿着一把伞。
3. 有时形容词也可以汉译成动词。
例1) Don't be afraid of those who might have a better idea or who might even be smarter than you are. 不要惧怕那些想法可能比你高明,或者那些可能比你更聪明的人。
4. 当英语动词的意义不易用汉语动词表达,或不能表达行很准确时,可以把动词转译为名词。
例1) The book did not imss me at all. 那本书没给我留下什么印象。
5. 如果英语动词译成汉语动词时跟前后的修饰语不好搭配;或搭配起来不符合汉语习惯,可以把动词译成名词,再在名词前加上与之搭配的动词。
例1) The youths always dream fondly of their future. 年轻人对前途总是怀有美好的梦想。
例1) 他急了,捅了一下那女乘客,也引得车厢里的人都往这里看。Very much irritated, he gave her a slight push, which attracted the attention of other passengers.
例2) 女乘客这时也急了,瞪起一双眼睛回手给了男乘客一拳。Also irritated, the woman stared at him and hit back.
例3) At the edge of a nearlby canal, donkeys laden with freshly harvested alfalfa waited for their masters to lead them home, braying a fretful counterpoint to the steady thud of an irriagation pump. 在附近一条水渠旁,驴子背上驮着刚割的苜蓿,等着主人牵它们回家去,一面发出一阵阵急促的叫声,和浇地的水泵不断发出的突突声交织在一起。
例4) Standing on a sandy beach at the mouth of the Rosetta branch of the Nile, I was puzzled by what seemed a 洛塞塔河是尼罗河入海处的一个支流,我站在河口的沙滩上看到一个小镇,感到迷惑不解……
1. 原文的主语在译文中仍作主语
例1) The novel A dream of Red Mansions has been translated into many foreign languages. 小说《红楼梦》已译成许多外国文字。
例2) All of the questions have been settled satisfactorily. 所有的问题都已圆满解决了。
2. 原文的主语在译文中作宾语
例1) Large quantities of fuel are used by modern industry. 现代工业耗用大量燃料。例2) Many foreign-funded enterprises have been built in that area. 该地区兴建了许多外资企业。
例3) The compass was invented in China four thousand years ago. 中国在四千年前发明了指南针。
3. 在译文中增加逻辑主语
例1) If you are asked personal questions you need not answer them. 如果有人向你提出私事的问题,你尽可不答。
例2) He was chosen to give a speech at the opening ceremony. 大家选他在开幕式上发言。
例1) The credit system in America was first adopted by Harvard University in 1872. 美国的学分制是1872在哈佛大学首先实施的。
idea是什么意思英语翻译例2) The decision to quit the job was not taken lightly. 辞职的决定不是轻易作出的。例3) The castle was built in 1820. 这座城堡是于1820年建造的。
例1) Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered. 发现了错误一定要改正。
例2) An equity joint venture shall be encouraged o market its products outside China. 鼓励合营企业向中国销售产品。
例3) These laws are designed to vent monopoly and to maintain competition. 制订这些法律的目的在于防止垄断维护竞争。
(四)译成汉语的被动句。原文句子的主语一般仍译做主语,在谓语动词前面加“被”、“受”、“由”、“让”、“予以”、“加以”等字来表示被动意义。例1) Those who perform deeds of merit will be rewarded. 立功的人将受到奖励。
例2) The cyclist was knocked down by a truck. 那个骑车人让一辆车撞倒了。
例3) The design will be examined by a special committee. 这项设计将由一个专门委员会予以审查。
一、Journey Up the Nile (Excerpt 2)
1. Tombs and temples of ancient Egypt follow the Nile well into Sudan. 尼罗河沿岸直到苏丹境内很远的地方,到处可以见到古埃及的坟墓和寺庙。
2. Driving southward from Cairo into the valley, I entered a landscape that owed little to the sent era. 我从开罗驱车南行,进入尼罗河河谷,这里的景还没有受到多少现代的影响。
“Driving southward from Cairo into the valley”是个现在分词短语,逻辑主语是“I”,译成汉语时需说“我从开罗驱车南行,进入尼罗河河谷”。
“own ... to ...”意为“recognize sth. to the cause of st h. 将某事物归因于某事物”。原句的含义是“该地区的景物基本上没有受到现代的影响”。
3. the thin ribbon of the Nile尼罗河像一条细细的蓝丝带
例:(1) He's got the devil of a temper. 他脾气极坏。
(2) Where's that fool of a receptionist? 那个笨蛋接待员在什么地方?
(3) He's a fine figure of a man. 他是个体型好看的男子。
4. At the edge of the fields, rising in dramatic hills or stretching flat to the horizon, lay the brown barren deserts. 这田地外边是寸草不生的棕沙漠,有的地方突然隆起像是小山,有的地方则帄帄地伸向地帄线。
此句为倒装句。主语是“the brown barren deserts”,因为介词短语“At t he edge of the fields”前置以示强调,故全句主谓倒装。翻译时尽量保持原句效果,译作“这
“barren”意为:(of land) not good enough to produce crops (指土地)贫瘠的。
5. I had the illusion that I was driving through one immensely long, narrow farm. 我仿佛在驱车穿过一个特别狭长的农场。
6. The villages and towns were usually perched on the edge, so as not to waste arable soil 耕地and because there was a need, before the High Dam tamed the Nile, to live beyond the reach of the annual floods. 大小村镇一般都处于田地的边上,这是为了不浪费耕地,同时也是因为在高坝控制尼罗河以前,有必要住得远一点,以躲避每年发生的洪水。
“perch”意为:place (sth.) in a high or dangerous position将(某物)置于尤指高处或危险处。例:a hut perched at the edge of the cliff悬崖边上的小舍
“arable”意为:(land that is)suitable for ploughing and for growing crops适于耕作的(土地)。“arable soil”就是“耕地”。
动词不定式短语“to live beyond the reach of the annual floods”作定语,修辞名词“need”。字面意思是“有必要住到每年洪水泛滥不到的地方”。
7. The road followed the course of the Nile, now passing through the fields, now drawing a black line separating them from the desert. 公路是顺着尼罗河修筑的,有时穿过庄稼地,有时像是划的一条黑线,这边是庄稼,那边是沙漠。
“w...”意为:at at 时而……时而……
例:Her moods kept changing - now happy, now filled with despair. 她的情绪多变——时而高兴,时而感到绝望。
8. A village elder, Amin Ibrahim, invited me into his house and gave me a cheerier view of the effects of the Aswan High Dam than I had heard before. 村里一位长者,名叫阿明·易卜拉欣,请我到他家去做客,向我介绍了阿斯旺高坝的影响。他的话比我以前听到的更为乐观一些。
“view”意为:way of understanding or interting a subject, series of events, etc; mental imssion (理解或解释某问题的)方式,方法;印象。
例:The book gives readers an inside view of MI5. 这本书向读者揭示了英国安全局的内幕。
