1 give的过去分词
2 adj.  3n.  4prep.
<一>adj. [放在名词前作定语]
1规定的;特定的,一定的--fixed , particular, specified
The work must be done within the given time.工作必须在规定时间内完成。/under a given condition在特定的条件下
比较:有些过去分词如concerned, given, involved, used等既能前置(已经转变为形容词)也能后置,但意义不同。
(1)The book given to him is an English novel. (given被给的)
We met at a given time and place. (2)我们在规定的时间和地点会晤。(given规定的;特定的-- specified or stated)
The work must be done within the given time.这个工作必须在规定的时间内完成。
any/a given+名词-- any particular time, situation, amount etc that is being used as an example:
On any given day in the Houston area, half the hospital beds are empty.在休斯敦地区,医院的床位每天都有一半是空的。
The rules are to be followed in any given situation.这些规则在任何情况下部要遵守。
be given to (doing) sth有的癖好/倾向/习惯,常常--(formal)
do sth often, regularly or as a habit; tend to do sth倾向于做某事,常常做某事< She's much given to outbursts of temper.她老爱发脾气. * He's given to going for long walks on his own.他习惯于独自散步走很长的路.>
be given to lying爱说谎/ be given to shyness怯生
She is given to behaving selfishly. = She is given to selfishness.
given informatition已知信息
<二>n.假定的事实;已知的事实(或情况)-- something taken for granted : a basic condition or assumption; a basic fact that you accept as the truth:
The access of money to power is simply one of the givens in Washington.有钱便有权,这是华盛顿司空见惯的现象之一。
It is a given that most animals will protect their young.大部分的动物都会保护它们的幼仔,这是一个基本的事实。
take sth as a given认为某事是基本的事实,认为理所当然--accept that sth is true and not expect it to change:
We've taken it as a given that our members are honest.我们理所当然地认为我们的成员都是诚实的。
We've taken it as a given that our public schools are no good.
take sth as given
--accept that sth is true or exists, especially when you are developing an idea or argument
The fact that people find change difficult is taken as given.
