java和jsp摘 要
本系统开发主要包括后台数据库的建立以及前端应用程序的开发两部分。其一要求建立起的数据库具有完整性和一致性,并具有一定的数据安全性;其二要求程序界面友好、功能完备,通俗易懂。本次发采用HTML、JSP、JS、STRUCTS1、SQL Server 2005数据库等技术。本文着重讨论了用JSP技术和SQL Server 2005开发考勤管理系统时的数据库访问技术和动态网页制作技术,并给出了部分实现代码。
关键词:考勤信息管理系统;java ;B/S ;SQL server
Based on java & B/S Student Attendance Information Management System Design
Student Attendance Information Management System is a typical management information systemused for implementingthe schoolsto manage their studentsattendance information in school.Student attendance information manual registration query is a very heavy and tedious work.In today'srapid development of computer technology,the application of database technology could be effective used on it.
This article systematically introducesand discusses a student attendance information management system and B/Sattendance information management systembased onjava, which include the design theory, design philosophy and specific implementation process. The system contains many functions like personal information management of teachers a
nd students, leave cases, additions and deletions. It also divided into information management module, attendance management module, attendance system module and so on.