摘 要java和jsp仓库管理系统主要提供一个仓库业务与其作业管理的信息存储和检索系统。通过入库管理、出库管理、仓库位置信息管理等功能模块来实现仓库的综合管理。系统采用B/S开发模式,开发工具选择JAVA、JSP、JavaScript、Html语言,采用Tomcat服务器技术,后台数据库选用SQL Server 2000。开发出一个简单的仓库管理系统,实现了仓库管理的高效性与安全性。本系统可以方便快捷地实现库管理中的货物登记、出库入库、库存管理等操作,使企业的仓库管理井井有条,为企业的健康发展创造良好的条件。
关键词:JSP,JAVA,SQL Server 2000数据库,B/S模式。
Design and implementation of online warehouse platform based on B/S and Java architecture
Student: BiWei Xia Tutor: Rui Mou
Abstract The storage management system mainly provides a warehouse service and the job management information storage and the retrieval system. Through the warehousing m
anagement, functional modules and so on storehouse management, warehouse positional information management realize the warehouse integrated management. The system uses the B/S development pattern, the development kit chooses JAVA, JSP, JavaScript, the Html language, uses the Tomcat server technology, the backstage database selects SQL Server 2000. Develops a simple storage management system, has realized storage management highly effective and the security. This system may facilitate realizes in the storehouse management cargo registration quickly, operations and so on storehouse warehousing, stock management, causes enterprise's storage management in good order, for enterprise's healthy development creation good condition.
Key words:JSP, JAVA, SQL Server 2000 database, B / S mode