;;;;;;;;開發:朱衛星 2005/02/
;;;;;;;;it's the first!ok!used in acad at least rev. 2000;;;;;;;
(Defun vlxls-variant->list (VarX / Run Item Rtn)
(setq Run T)
(while Run
    (cond ((= (type VarX) 'SAFEARRAY)
    (setq VarX (vlax-safearray->list VarX)))
    ((= (type VarX) 'VARIANT)
    (if    (member (vlax-variant-type VarX) (list 5 4 3 2))
    (setq VarX (vlax-variant-change-type Varx vlax-vbString)))
    (setq VarX (vlax-variant-value VarX)))
(t (setq Run nil)))
getsavefilename  (cond ((= (type VarX) 'LIST)
  (foreach Item VarX
    (setq Item (vlxls-variant->list Item) Rtn (append Rtn (list Item))
      ((= VarX nil) (setq Rtn ""))
      (t (setq Rtn VarX)))
(Defun vlxls-color-ECI->truecolor (Color / Rtn)
(if (setq Rtn (cdr (assoc Color *xls-color*)))
(setq Rtn (nth 1 Rtn)))
(if (null Rtn)
(setq Rtn 16711935)
;;;(vlxls-color-eci->truecolor 0)return: 16711935
;;;(vlxls-color-eci->truecolor 1)return: 0
;;;(vlxls-color-eci->truecolor 12)return: 8355584
;;;(vlxls-color-eci->truecolor 120)return: 16711935
(Defun vlxls-color-eci->aci (Color / Rtn)
(if (null (setq Rtn (cdr (assoc Color *xls-color*))))
(setq Rtn 256)
(setq Rtn (nth 0 Rtn))
;;;(vlxls-color-eci->aci 0)return: 256
;;;(vlxls-color-eci->aci 1)return: 18
;;;(vlxls-color-eci->aci 12)return: 56
;;;(vlxls-color-eci->aci 120)return: 256
(Defun vlxls-color-aci->eci (Color / Item Rtn)
(foreach Item    *xls-color*
    (if    (= (nth 1 Item) Color)
    (setq Rtn (car Item)))
(if (null Rtn)
(setq Rtn 0))
;;;(vlxls-color-aci->eci 0)return: 0
;;;(vlxls-color-aci->eci 1)return: 3
;;;(vlxls-color-aci->eci 12)return: 0
;;;(vlxls-color-aci->eci 120)return: 0
(Defun vlxls-color-aci->truecolor (aci)
(vlxls-color-eci->truecolor (vlxls-color-aci->eci aci))
;;;(vlxls-color-aci-> truecolor 0) return: 16711935
;;;(vlxls-color-aci->truecolor 1) return: 16711680
;;;(vlxls-color-aci-> truecolor 12)return: 16711935
;;;(vlxls-color-aci-> truecolor 120)return: 16711935
;;;before use these program you should install "Microsoft Excel" in your computer!!
;;;if not,you will recicieve an error messege!!
;;;such as "warning:........."! ZWX 2005/02/22 COPYRIGHT .....
(Defun vlxls-app-Init (/ OSVar GGG Olb8 Olb9 Olb10 TLB Out msg msg1 msg2)
(if *Chinese*
(setq msg "\n 初始化微軟Excel "
        msg1 "\042初始化Excel失敗\042"
        msg2 (strcat "\042 警告""\n ====""\n 無法在您的計算机上檢測到微軟Excel軟件"
              "\n 如果您确認已經安裝Excel, 請發送電子郵"
      "\n 件到yota@ikozmos獲取更多的解決方案\042"))
(setq msg "\n Initializing Microsoft Excel "
        msg1 "\042Initialization Error\042"
msg2 (strcat "\042 WARNING""\n ======="
                    "\n Can NOT detect Excel97/200X/XP in your computer"
    "\n If you already have Excel installed, please email"
    "\n us to get more solution via yota@ikozmos\042"))
(if (null msxl-xl24HourClock)
(progn (if (and (setq GGG (vl-registry-read
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\Excel.EXE"
(setq GGG (strcase (strcat GGG "Excel.EXE"))))
  (if    (vl-string-search (strcat "%" OSVar "%") GGG)
          (setq GGG (vl-string-subst (strcase (getenv OSVar))
      (strcat "%" OSVar "%")GGG)))
(setq  Olb8 (findfile (vl-string-subst "EXCEL8.OLB" "EXCEL.EXE" GGG))
        Olb9 (findfile (vl-string-subst "EXCEL9.OLB" "EXCEL.EXE" GGG))
        Olb10 (findfile (vl-string-subst "EXCEL10.OLB" "EXCEL.EXE" GGG)))
(cond ((= (vl-filename-base (vl-filename-directory GGG))"OFFICE11")
(setq TLB GGG Out "2003"))
((= (vl-filename-base (vl-filename-directory GGG))
(setq TLB GGG Out "XP"))
        (Olb9 (setq TLB Olb9 Out "2000"))
(Olb8 (setq TLB Olb8 Out "97"))
        (t (setq Out "Version Unknown"))
(if TLB (progn (princ (strcat MSG Out "..."))
                    :tlb-filename TLB
    :methods-prefix "msxl-"
