转:金融分析师(CFA)一级考试课本总结 - Financial Statement Analysis
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本文标签: turnover income equity Statement sales
Financial Statement Analysis
FSinvestorcreditor有用,还有gov regulatortax authority和其他,提供short-term liquidity, long-term earning power, growth opportunityasset position of the firm. 还应该是releventtimelyreliablematerialconsistent允许time-seriescross- sectional 比较。
The Financial Account Standards Board(FASB)是美国的,建立了Generally Accepted Accounting Principle(GAAP)
The International Organization of  Securiies Commission(IOSC)建立跨过的disclosure标准
The International Accounting Standards Board(IASB)目标是提供international uniformity, 虽然没有执行力,但很多国家还是采用IASB GAAP
除了Balance sheetincome statementstatement of cash flow,分析师还应该看financial statement footnotesstatement of comprehensive incomestatement of stockholders’ equityproxy statementsupplementary schedulesmanagement dicision and analysis(MD&A).
独立auditordoubts,就说qualified opinion auditor能提供 reasonable assurance证明报表没有material misstatement,就说unqualified
revenueexpenseearnincur时候就实现了,不管cash flow是什么时候。matching principle要求expenserevenue实现的同时记录。
实现revenue的条件,completion of the earning processassuance of payment
实现revenue的方法,sale basis method,percentage-of-completion method,completed contract method, installment sales method,cost recovery method
unusual or infrequent items: pre-tax net income from continuing operations之前。线上
gains of losses from 关掉business segment
gains of losses from 下属公司卖assets or investments
provisions for environmental remediation
impairments, write-offs, write-downs restructuring costs
integration expense 跟收购有关
Extrodinary items: net of taxes net income from continuing operation 之后。线下
losses from expropriation of assets
uninsured losses from natural disasters
discontinued operation:是管理层决定dispose of但还没做或当年没做,在operation已经
income或者loss之后。必须在实质上与公司别的活动不一样。是net of tax,在线下
accounting change,累积效应,是after tax basis在线下,通常不需要restate 历史,除非:
1. 库存会计方法改变
2.改变(to/from)full-cost method, 比如油气开采
3.改变(to/from)percentage-of-completion method
操纵earningsmanagerial discretion4种操纵方法:
1.classification of good/bad news, 好消息放在线上,坏消息放在线下
2.income smoothing,好年份做小,坏年份做大
3.big bath behavior,所有坏消息统一公布
4.accounting change,用来smooth earnings
CFOCFICFF 里面容易混的几个,interest paymentreceiptsdividendsUSGAAP下,公司给股东的dividendsCFF,其他的dividends interest expense都是CFO,在IAS GAAP下,花掉的dividendsinterests可以是CFO也可以是CFF,收入的dividendsinterests可以是CFO也可以是CFI
directindirect method CFO
indirectbottom up,从下至上,net income开始,net income - gains +losses from financinginvesting +non-cash charges+-assetliability因为operation的改变
directtop down,从上到下,sales开始,sales- cogs- cash operating expense - interest expense -taxes
cash flow的分类,不是影响income statement就是影响balance sheetasset减小,liabilityequity增加是正现金流。asset增加和liabilityequity减小,是负现金流。
CFF,capital structure 改变的交易。dividends paidshort-term borrowing的改变,long-term borrowing payment of long-term borrowingstock sales and repurchases
Free cash flow FCF=CFO-net capital expenditure
legal systemtax lawssources of financing ,inflation rates,political and economic ties
current ratio=current assets/current liability
quick ratio=(cash + marketable securies+receivables)/current liabilities
cash ratio=
cash conversion ivable colletion period+avg.inventory processing period-payable payment period
receivable turnover=net annual ivables; ivables collection period=365/receivable turnover
payable turnover=COGS / ade payables;payable payment period=365/payables turnover ratio
inventory turnover=COGS/avg.inventory; avg inventory processing period=365/inventory turnover
Total asset turnover=net sales / avg total net assets
fixed asset turnover=net sales / avg net fixed assets
equity turnover =net sales / avg equity
common-size income statement能到
margin rate
gross profit margin=gross profit / net sales
net profit margin=net income /net sales
operating profit margin=operating profit /net sales=EBIT/net sales
ROTC return on total capital=(net income+interest expense)/average total capital
return on total equity=net income / avg. total equity
return on common equity=(net income - preferred dividends)/avg. common equity
