Chapter Three
Part Eight
Foreign Exchange Markets
[Teaching Aim]
This chapter includes exchange rate, spot transactions, forward transactions, swap transactions, futures, options, etc. The students will be taught some general knowledge on foreign exchange dealing and some special expressions used in foreign exchange markets. It is planned that 4 or 5 periods will be used to study this chapter. The students will read the 10 passage with the help of their instructor and improve their both reading and listing comprehension. They will also have time to discuss their problems in understanding the passages and make some practice in calculation of the futures gain or loss, forward rate or in decision whether or not to exercise the option contract. They will be interested in the study of this chapter and be ready to learn more from their specialty courses.
[Key Words & Expressions]
1)pound sterling 英镑;
2)Canadian dollar 加拿大元
3)purchasing power 购买力
4)foreign exchange rate 外汇汇率
5)the dollar exchange rate 美元汇率
6)reciprocal 倒数
7)external value 对外价值
8)appreciate 升值, 涨价
9)depreciate (depreciation n.) 贬值, 跌价, 折旧
10)domestic demand (for) 国内需求
11)domestic supply (of) 国内供应
12)equilibrium exchange rate 平均汇率
13)supply and demand condition 供求条件
14)offset 抵消
15)exchange some dollars for pounds 把一些美元兑换成英镑类似的表示
法还有:exchange dollars against pounds; exchange dollars in terms of pounds; trade dollars for pounds; convert dollars into pounds; buy pounds with dollars等。
16)stock exchange 股票交易所
17)financial center 金融中心
18)exchange service 兑换业务
19)at an exchange rate 按某一汇率
margin rate20)forward rate 远期汇率
21)direct quote 直接标价(又称direct quotation)
22)indirect quote 间接标价(又称indirect quotation)
23)retail price 零售价格
24)domestic price 国内价格
25)country of origin 商品的生产国
26)economic fundamental 经济基本原理
27)cross rate 套汇汇率以两种货币与同一关键货币的比价所确定的汇率
28)spot transaction (=spot deal) 即期外汇交易
29)bid price (=buying price, buying rate) 买价, 买方出价;(银行)买进汇率
30)deliver 交付, 交割
31)ask price (=asked, asking price, offered price, selling price, selling rate) 卖
价, 出价; (银行)卖出汇率
32)spread 差额
33)round-trip profit 买卖所得收益
34)flow chart 流程图
35)dealing department (银行)外汇交易部
36)foreign exchange trade 外汇交易
37)confirm the transaction 确认交易
38)approve the confirmation 核准确认书
39)trading ticket (=dealing slip) (外汇)成交单
40)transacted price 交易的价格
41)forward rate agreement 远期汇率协议
42)operations department 营业部
43)percentage spread 利差比率
44)overhead 经常开支
45)profit margin 利润率
46)handle 大数
47)Reuters screen 路透社监视屏幕
48)trading room 交易室
49)spot Swiss francs 即期瑞士法郎
50)enter the …fill‟ 下达(执行)指令
51)… the order is filled (按某价格)执行指令
52)on a good-faith basis 以诚信为基础
53)enter a buy 填写买进指令
54)trading sheet 交易(汇总)记录表
55)excessive foreign exchange trading 过度的外汇交易
56)settlement risk 结算风险
57)spot rate 即期汇率
58)forward exchange market 远期外汇市场
59)forward rate 远期汇率
60)forward contract 远期合约
61)forward quotation 远期标价
62)foreign exchange rate fluctuation 外汇汇率波动
63)a 90-day forward rate 90天期远期汇率
64)firm commitment 确定的责任
65)lock in a price 锁定价格
66)at a discount 贴水表示远期汇率低于即期汇率
67)at a premium 升水表示远期汇率高于即期汇率
68)differences in interest rates 利率的差异
69)macroeconomic activity 宏观经济活动
70)growth in gross domestic product 国内生产总值的增长
71)inflation rate 通货膨胀率
72)hedger 套期保值者
73)speculator 投机者
74)arbitrageur 套利者
75)purchase order 订购单
76)forward point 远期报点数
77)swap transaction 掉(调)期交易
78)forward option 远期择期
79)forward cover 远期合约中关于风险的安排,远期抛补
80)forward/forward swap 远期/远期掉期
81)spot/forward swap 即期/远期掉期
82)arbitrary period 任意期
83)Turning these quotes into full forward data, …将报价转换成远期汇
84)bid/offer spread 买卖差价
85)net sterling proceeds净英镑收益
86)leg (过程的)一段
87)interest rate differential 利率差别
88)a simultaneous pair of foreign exchange contracts同时签订的两个外汇交易
89)roll forward 远期滚动,远期掉期
90)futures contract期货合约
91)commodity futures 商品期货
92)currency futures 货币期货
93)interest rate futures 利率期货
94)stock index futures 股票指数期货
95)freight index futures 运价指数期货
96)gilt (=gilt-edged securities)金边证券
97)exchange (期货)交易所
98)clearing house清算所
100)i nitial margin 初始保证金(也称initial deposit, opening margin, original margin或security deposit)
101)s pot futures price 期货现价
102)s ettlement price 收市价,收盘价
103)v ariation margin 价格变动保证金
104)e qual to the gap等于其差额
105)m arking-to-market逐日盯价
106)m inimize any risk of default使违约的风险降到最低程度
107)t erminate his contract终止合约
108)c urrency futures market 外汇期货市场
109)s ettlement date 结算日,交割日(=delivery date)
110)t rading floor 交易厅
111)C hicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商品交易所
112)e xecute order 委托定单, 下指令
113)b rokerage firm 经纪公司
114)f loor broker 场内经纪人
115)t rading pit 交易池
116)D ecember settlement date 12月份交割日
117)a utomated order entry and matching system 自动指令入帐交易系统118)G LOBEX 全球交易网络
119)o ver-the-counter currency futures market 货币期货场外交易市场120)f loor trading 场内交易
121)a ssess contract specifications评估合约的详细说明
122)s tandardized number of units 标准化数量单位
123)p hase out 逐步淘汰, 逐步停止交易
124)e uro 欧元
125)e uro futures 欧元期货
126)s ecurity deposit 保证金, 抵押金(又称margin)
127)c learing operation清算业务
128)F X (=foreign exchange) 外汇
129)F X futures contract外汇期货合约
130)F X forward contract外汇远期合约
131)o rganized exchange trading管理严谨的交易所交易
132)v ariable变量
133)g o long买进,买空
134)p ortfolio有价证券组合
135)l ong position多头交易部位
136)g o short卖出,卖空
137)s hort position空头交易部位
138)g overnment regulated exchange政府管理的交易所
139)e xchange member交易所会员
140)e xchange floor交易厅
141)o pen outcry公开喊价
142)z ero-sum game零和规则
143)b ring about equilibrium使平衡
144)t wo-sided futures bet有两方的期货赌博
145)o pen interest空盘量,持盘量,未平仓合约量
146)b inding agreement有约束力的协议
147)i n effect(=in force)有效
148)s pecified date规定的日期
149)u nderlying asset相关的资产
150)r everse whatever you did to get into it与当初相反的交易
151)b e long买空,买进,多头,买空者
152)k ill the bet终止赌博,终止交易
153)b e short卖出,卖空,空头,卖空者
154)o pening price开盘价格,开市价格
155)l ong side多方,买空的一方
156)s hort side 空方,卖空的一方
157)b rokerage firm期货经纪公司
158)s ecurity bond保证金
159)p ost margin with a clearing house把保证金登入清算所的帐户
160)a ccount balance 帐户余额
161)s urplus cash盈余的现金
162)o ption 期权,选择权
163)c urrency options market货币期权市场
164)f oreign currency options 外汇期权
165)A ustralian dollar 澳元
166)o ptions exchange 期权交易所
167)t he Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (美国)证券交易委员会168)o ver-the-counter market场外交易市场
169)s trike price(=striking price)敲定价格
170)c redit guarantee信用担保
171)c ollateral担保品
172)c all option (简称call, 复数calls, call options) 看涨期权,买方期权,买进期权,买权
173)d esignated price 规定的价格
174)e xercise price 履约价格
175)p remium期权费, 期权权利金,权价
176)i n the money 实值期权,赢利期权,优价期权
177)a t the money 平值期权,两平期权,等价期权
178)o ut of the money 虚值期权,失利期权,劣价期权
179)p ut option (简称put; 复数puts, put options) 看跌期权,卖方期权,卖出期权,卖权它
180)i n-the-money put option 赢利看跌期权,实值卖出期权
181)f utures style options期货种类的期权
182)I MM (=International Money Market) 国际货币市场
183)l eading institutional investor主要机构投资人
184)m ultinational corporation (MNC)跨国公司
185)c orporate treasurer公司财务主管
186)d erivative (金融)衍生物