1.  市场价格公式:Market Price = Commodity Price + Shipping Cost + Insurance Cost + Interest Payment
2. 比较被参考价格指数公式:Comparative Reference Price Index = (Market Price / Reference Price) * 100%
3. 最低价格优势公式:Low Price Advantage = (Competing Price – Company Price) / Company Price
4. 售价公式:Selling Price = (Raw Material Cost + Production Cost + Markup Rate + Shipping Cost + Insurance Cost + Interest Payment) * (1 + Margin)
5. 平均价格比较公式:Mean Price Comparison = (Company Product Unit Price – Competing Product Unit Price) / (Company Product Unit Price + Competing Product Unit Price)
6. 调整后原价公式:Adjusted Original Price = (Total Costs + Fixed Profit Amount + Variable Profit Amount + Sales Tax) / (1 – Rate of Reduction)
7. 单位成本比较公式:Unit Cost Comparison = (Company Unit Cost – Competing Unit Cost) / (Company Unit Cost + Competing Unit Cost)
8. 消费者总价格比较公式:Consumer Total Price Comparison = (Consumer Total Price – Specially Preferred Price) / Specially Preferred Price
margin rate9. 批发价格指数公式:Wholesale Price Index = (Cost of Goods + Overhead + Margin) / reference price
10. 全价利润率指数公式:Full-Price Profit Index = (Full-Price Profit / Full-Price) * 100%
11. 销售价格公式:Sales Price = (Product Cost + Markup) * (1 + Sales Tax)
12. 完整价格比较公式:Full Price Comparison = (Company Full Price – Competitor Full Price) / Company Full Price
13. 组合价格公式:Combined Price = (Single Product Price * Number of Products) + Shipping Charges
14. 均衡价格公式:Equilibrium Price = (Demand for a Product – Supply of a Product) * (Consumer’s Willingness to Pay – Seller’s Willingness to Sell)
15. 最低价格比较公式:Lowest Price Comparisons = (Lowest Selling Price – Company Selling Price) / Lowest Selling Price
16. 时间价值公式:Time Value of Money = (Present Value + Future Value) * Discount Rate
17. 利润重新平衡公式:Profit Rebalancing = (Break Even-Profit) / Break Even Profit
18. 项目成本公式:Project Cost = (Materials Cost + Labor Cost + Overhead Cost + Margin) * (1 + Profit Margin)
