LXDE is light but eye-candy desktop environment mainly used by Linux distributions. Ubuntu supports as a sub-distribution for a long time named Lubuntu . In this tutorial, we will look at how to install Lubuntu.
LXDE是轻量级的桌⾯环境,主要供Linux发⾏版使⽤。 Ubuntu长期以来⼀直⽀持作为名为Lubuntu的⼦发⾏版。 在本教程中,我们将研究如何安装Lubuntu。
关于鲁本图 (About Lubuntu)
Lubuntu is fast and lightweight operating system based Ubuntu. It uses a minimal desktop environment named Lxde with the selection of light applications. Another main motivation of Lubuntu is less energy usage. This will make Lubuntu useful for Laptops.
Lubuntu是基于Ubuntu的快速,轻量级操作系统。 它使⽤带有灯光应⽤程序的最⼩桌⾯环境Lxde。 鲁本图的另⼀个主要动机是减少能源消耗。 这将使Lubuntu对笔记本电脑有⽤。
下载ISO镜像 (Download ISO Image)
Lubuntu image can be download from lubuntu . Lubuntu is provided as two versions 32 bit or 64 bit. I will use 64-bit Lubuntu in this tutorial. The size of both versions are similar and the 64-bit version is 912 MB.
可以从lubuntu下载Lubuntu图像。 Lubuntu提供两种版本的32位或64位。 在本教程中,我将使⽤64位Lubuntu。 这两个版本的⼤⼩相似,并且64位版本为912 MB 。
32位 (32 Bit)
64位 (64 Bit)
挂载或刻录Lubuntu安装介质 (Mount or Burn Lubuntu Installation Media)
Before starting installation we need to decide where we will install Lubuntu. If we will install into a virtual machine we should mount it to VM. If we will install into physical hardware like a laptop, netbook, or pc we should burn it into a CD or USB. In this example, I will install it into a VM.
在开始安装之前,我们需要确定在哪⾥安装Lubuntu。 如果要安装到虚拟机中,则应将其安装到VM。 如果要安装到笔记本电脑,上⽹本或PC等物理硬件中,则应将其刻录到CD或USB中。 在此⽰例中,我将其安装到VM中。
鲁本图安装 (Lubuntu Installation)
We will look Lubuntu installation step by step. We will use Lubuntu 17.04 which is the most recent version at the time of writing this tutorial.
我们将逐步介绍Lubuntu的安装。 我们将使⽤Lubuntu 17.04,它是撰写本教程时的最新版本。
语⾔选择 (Language Selection)
We will select the installation language.
Language Selection
开始安装(Start Installation)
We have different options like
Try Ubuntu where Lubuntu will not install and run a live system but changes will do not save.
Install Ubuntu where we will install ubuntu.
Install Ubuntu ,我们将安装ubuntu。
Chech disk for defects will make a disk check against disk hard or soft errors.
检查Chech disk for defects将对磁盘进⾏硬或软错误检查。
Test memory will test ram.
Test memory将测试ram。
Boot from first hard disk will boot from the attached first hard disk.
Boot from first hard disk引导将从连接的第⼀个硬盘引导。
Start Installation
欢迎屏幕(Welcome Screen)
We will see the following welcome screen which shows the name of the Lubuntu.
选择语⾔ (Select Language)
We will select the language used after installation. Here we will select the English as language.安装后,我们将选择使⽤的语⾔。 在这⾥,我们将选择English作为语⾔。
Select Language
更新和多媒体(Update and  Multimedia)
Here we will select install updates during installation and also enable multimedia plugins. This will download newer packages and multimedia related packages like ffmpeg etc during installation. This will make the installation a longer time.
在这⾥,我们将在安装过程中选择安装更新,并启⽤多媒体插件。 这将在安装过程中下载较新的软件包和与ffmpeg等多媒体相关的软件包。 这将使安装时间更长。
Update and  Multimedia
安装类型(Installation Type)
linux教程第五版pdf下载This is the disk configuration where we will select the disk configuration from 4 different options.
Erase disk and install Lubuntu will wipe the given disk and made a fresh install.
Erase disk and install Lubuntu将擦除给定的磁盘并进⾏全新安装。
Encrypt the new Lubuntu installation for security will encrypt created hard disk partitions that will provide security and privacy.
Encrypt the new Lubuntu installation for security将对创建的硬盘分区进⾏加密,以提供安全性和私密性。
Use LVM with the new Lubuntu installation will use LVM disk type which is used to add remove disks
easily running the Lubuntu and increase decrease partition sizes.
Use LVM with the new Lubuntu installation使⽤LVM将使⽤LVM磁盘类型,该磁盘类型⽤于添加可轻松运⾏Lubuntu的删除磁盘并增加减⼩分区的⼤⼩。
Something else will be used for a manual configuration where we can manually specify the configuration.
Something else将⽤于⼿动配置,在这⾥我们可以⼿动指定配置。
Installation Type
擦除磁盘(Erase Disk)
As disk operations are critical like deleting, formatting we have to approve explicitly them. This step will delete specified partition content and create new ext4 file system.
由于磁盘操作⾄关重要,例如删除,格式化,因此我们必须明确批准它们。 此步骤将删除指定的分区内容并创建新的ext4⽂件系统。
Erase Disk
