import flect.Type;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import le.gson.Gson.DEFAULT_COMPLEX_MAP_KEYS;
import le.gson.Gson.DEFAULT_ESCAPE_HTML;
import le.gson.Gson.DEFAULT_LENIENT;
import le.gson.Gson.DEFAULT_PRETTY_PRINT;
import le.gson.Gson.DEFAULT_SERIALIZE_NULLS;
* <p>Use this builder to construct a {@link Gson} instance when you need to set configuration
* options other than the default. For {@link Gson} with default configuration, it is simpler to
* use {@code new Gson()}. {@code GsonBuilder} is best used by creating it, and then invoking its * various configuration methods, and finally calling create.</p>
* <p>The following is an example shows how to use the {@code GsonBuilder} to construct a Gson * instance:
* <pre>
* Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
*    .registerTypeAdapter(Id.class, new IdTypeAdapter())
*    .enableComplexMapKeySerialization()
*    .serializeNulls()
*    .setDateFormat(DateFormat.LONG)
*    .setFieldNamingPolicy(FieldNamingPolicy.UPPER_CAMEL_CASE)
*    .setPrettyPrinting()
*    .setVersion(1.0)
*    .create();
* </pre></p>
* <p>NOTES:
* <ul>
* <li> the order of invocation of configuration methods does not matter.</li>
* <li> The default serialization of {@link Date} and its subclasses in Gson does
*  not contain time-zone information. So, if you are using date/time instances,
*  use {@code GsonBuilder} and its {@code setDateFormat} methods.</li>
*  </ul>
* </p>
* @author Inderjeet Singh
* @author Joel Leitch
* @author Jesse Wilson
public final class GsonBuilder {
private Excluder excluder = Excluder.DEFAULT;
private LongSerializationPolicy longSerializationPolicy = LongSerializationPolicy.DEFAULT;
private FieldNamingStrategy fieldNamingPolicy = FieldNamingPolicy.IDENTITY;
private final Map<Type, InstanceCreator<?>> instanceCreators
= new HashMap<Type, InstanceCreator<?>>();
private final List<TypeAdapterFactory> factories = new ArrayList<TypeAdapterFactory>();
/** tree-style hierarchy factories. These come after factories for backwards compatibility. */
private final List<TypeAdapterFactory> hierarchyFactories = new ArrayList<TypeAdapterFactory>();  private boolean serializeNulls = DEFAULT_SERIALIZE_NULLS;
private String datePattern;
private int dateStyle = DateFormat.DEFAULT;
private int timeStyle = DateFormat.DEFAULT;
private boolean complexMapKeySerialization = DEFAULT_COMPLEX_MAP_KEYS;
private boolean serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues = DEFAULT_SPECIALIZE_FLOAT_VALUES;
private boolean escapeHtmlChars = DEFAULT_ESCAPE_HTML;
private boolean prettyPrinting = DEFAULT_PRETTY_PRINT;
private boolean generateNonExecutableJson = DEFAULT_JSON_NON_EXECUTABLE;
private boolean lenient = DEFAULT_LENIENT;
* Creates a GsonBuilder instance that can be used to build Gson with various configuration
* settings. GsonBuilder follows the builder pattern, and it is typically used by first
* invoking various configuration methods to set desired options, and finally calling
* {@link #create()}.
public GsonBuilder() {
* Configures Gson to enable versioning support.
* @param ignoreVersionsAfter any field or type marked with a version higher than this value
* are ignored during serialization or deserialization.
* @return a reference to this {@code GsonBuilder} object to fulfill the "Builder" pattern
public GsonBuilder setVersion(double ignoreVersionsAfter) {
excluder = excluder.withVersion(ignoreVersionsAfter);
return this;
* Configures Gson to excludes all class fields that have the specified modifiers. By default,
* Gson will exclude all fields marked transient or static. This method will override that
* behavior.
* @param modifiers the field modifiers. You must use the modifiers specified in the
* {@link flect.Modifier} class. For example,
* {@link flect.Modifier#TRANSIENT},
* {@link flect.Modifier#STATIC}.
* @return a reference to this {@code GsonBuilder} object to fulfill the "Builder" pattern
public GsonBuilder modifiers) {
excluder = excluder.withModifiers(modifiers);
return this;
* Makes the output JSON non-executable in Javascript by prefixing the generated JSON with some
* special text. This prevents attacks from third-party sites through script sourcing. See
* <a href="le/p/google-gson/issues/detail?id=42">Gson Issue 42</a>  * for details.
* @return a reference to this {@code GsonBuilder} object to fulfill the "Builder" pattern
* @since 1.3
public GsonBuilder generateNonExecutableJson() {
return this;
* Configures Gson to exclude all fields from consideration for serialization or deserialization  * that do not have the {@le.gson.annotations.Expose} annotation.
* @return a reference to this {@code GsonBuilder} object to fulfill the "Builder" pattern
public GsonBuilder excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation() {
excluder = ludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation();
return this;
* Configure Gson to serialize null fields. By default, Gson omits all fields that are null
* during serialization.
* @return a reference to this {@code GsonBuilder} object to fulfill the "Builder" pattern
* @since 1.2
public GsonBuilder serializeNulls() {
