In this article, we’ll go over the most common SQL queries that you should know to be able to use SQL efficiently.
将覆盖哪些SQL查询? (What SQL Queries Will Be Covered?)
We’ll be going over queries that are used in the day-to-day situations of a database administrator. Commands by themselves will not really do anything unless they’re formed into a query. Let’s get right into this.
我们将遍历数据库管理员⽇常使⽤的查询。 除⾮将命令形成查询,否则命令本⾝不会真正执⾏任何操作。 让我们开始吧。
1.创建数据库和表 (1. Create Databases and Tables )
To start working with SQL tables, you’ll need to create them first. Tables reside within Databases and you can create both tables and databases using the CREATE keyword.
要开始使⽤SQL表,您需要⾸先创建它们。 表驻留在数据库中,您可以使⽤CREATE关键字创建表和数据库。
Let’s create a database, then enter into the database and then create a table.
2CREATE db_name;
3/* Use the specified database for executing further queries */
4USE db_name;
5CREATE TABLE authors (author_name VARCHAR(70), author_email VARCHAR(80), author_pay int);
2.将单值插⼊表中SQL查询 (2. SQL Queries to Insert Single Values into Tables)
After creating a table, it’s time to add data to the tables. Let’s add some data to our authors table.
创建表后,是时候向表中添加数据了。 让我们将⼀些数据添加到我们的authors表中。
2INSERT INTO authors (author_name, author_email)
3VALUES("Joe", "joe@journaldev", 50000);
4.将多个值插⼊表 (4. Insert Multiple Values into Tables)
If you have to insert multiple values, the above method is inefficient and adding them with a single query will be much better. You can insert multiple values with the below query.
如果必须插⼊多个值,则上述⽅法效率不⾼,并且通过单个查询添加它们会更好。 您可以使⽤以下查询插⼊多个值。
2INSERT INTO authors (author_name, author_email)
3VALUES ("Joe", "joe@journaldev", 50000),
4("Jane", "jane@journaldev", 70000),
5("John", "john@journaldev", 20000);
5. SQL查询以从表中检索所有数据 (5. SQL Queries to Retrieve All Data From A Table)
Now that you know how to create databases and tables and insert data into it, this query will help you display the data within the tables.
We use the select query to retrieve data from different tables. This is one of the queries that you’ll learn when you’re beginning with your SQL learning.
我们使⽤选择查询从不同的表中检索数据。 这是开始学习SQL时将学习的查询之⼀。
2SELECT * FROM authors;
6.从表中检索特定列 (6. Retrieve Specific Columns From A Table)
The above command will retrieve everything from the table. But if you want to retrieve only a specific column, you can use the below query.
上⾯的命令将从表中检索所有内容。 但是,如果您只想检索特定的列,则可以使⽤以下查询。
2SELECT author_name FROM authors;
7.使⽤WHERE关键字检索特定数据 (7. Retrieve Specific Data with WHERE Keyword)
If we use the * operator, the entire table is displayed. We can narrow down our results with the use of the WHERE keyword to display specific rows.
如果我们使⽤*运算符,则会显⽰整个表格。 我们可以使⽤WHERE关键字来显⽰特定⾏来缩⼩结果范围。
In the below query, I’ll extract the author with the email jane@journaldev.
2SELECT * FROM authors WHERE author_email = "jane@journaldev";
8.更新单⾏SQL查询 (8. SQL Queries to Update Single Rows)
Inserted data may need updates and changes and we can use the UPDATE command to update any rows.
With a combination of UPDATE, SET and WHERE commands, we can update data for specific rows.
2UPDATE authors SET author_name="Jordan" where
9.更新多⾏ (9. Update Multiple Rows)
If we skip the WHERE keyword from the above command, we’ll be able to update all the rows in a specific table.
2UPDATE authors SET author_name="Jordan";
The command will update all the author’s names to Jordan.
10.删除单⾏ (10. Delete Single Row)
You can delete single or multiple rows with the use of the DELETE command paired with the WHERE command.
Let’s delete the author with the email john@jornaldev.
2DELETE FROM authors WHERE author_email="john@journaldev";
11.删除多⾏ (11. Delete Multiple Rows)
To delete multiple rows of the table, you can enter multiple WHERE conditions using the boolean AND or OR.
2DELETE FROM authors WHERE author_email="john@journaldev"
3OR author_email="jane@journaldev";
12.计数⾏ (12. Counting Rows)
We can count rows using the COUNT keyword. This will print the count of the author’s emails.
我们可以使⽤COUNT关键字对⾏进⾏计数。 这将打印作者的电⼦邮件计数。
2SELECT COUNT(author_email) FROM authors;
13.获取数据总和 (13. Get a Sum for Data)
Similar to how we used the COUNT keyword above, we can use the SUM keyword to get the total for a specific column. Let’s get the total pay for authors.
与我们上⾯使⽤COUNT关键字的⽅式类似,我们可以使⽤SUM关键字来获取特定列的总数。 让我们获取作者的总薪⽔。
2SELECT SUM(author_pay) FROM authors;
14.获取数据平均值 (14. Get Average Values for Data)
Now that we know how to get the total, let’s get the average pay for our authors.
2SELECT AVG(author_pay) FROM authors;
15.创建视图 (15. Creating Views)
Views are a very interesting feature of SQL. They’re like virtual tables that contain specific data that we’ve selected. We can manipulate and view data from those views
视图是SQL的⼀个⾮常有趣的功能。 它们就像虚拟表,其中包含我们选择的特定数据。 我们可以从这些视图中操纵和查看数据
2CREATE VIEW high_pay_authors AS SELECT * FROM authors
3WHERE author_pay > 50000;
This will create a virtual table named “high_pay_authors” which can be used as an independent table to view and manipulate data.
这将创建⼀个名为“ high_pay_authors”的虚拟表,该表可⽤作独⽴的表来查看和操作数据。
16.将列添加到表 (16. Add Columns to a Table)
Using the ALTER keyword, we can add columns to a table.
2ALTER TABLE authors ADD author_age int;
distinct查询This will add an integer column for the author’s age.
17.从表中删除列 (17. Remove Column From a Table)
With the use of the DROP keyword, you can also remove columns from a table.
2ALTER TABLE authors DROP COLUMN author_age;
This will delete the column but make sure you have the required privileges to drop the columns.
18.⽤于查询值SQL查询 (18. SQL Queries to Search for Values )
We already looked at the WHERE keyword to search for specific values within a database table and return the row that has the specific value. But we don’t always know the exact value.
我们已经查看了WHERE关键字,以在数据库表中搜索特定值并返回具有特定值的⾏。 但是我们并不总是知道确切的值。
For such situations, we can use pattern matching with the LIKE keyword.
2SELECT * FROM authors WHERE author_name LIKE "j%"
This query will pattern match all the names that start with the letter “j” which in our case will return all the rows.
此查询将匹配所有以字母“ j”开头的名称,在本例中将返回所有⾏。
19.从列交换数据 (19. Swapping Data From Columns)
To switch the data between two columns, you can directly use the command below.
2UPDATE authors SET author_email=author_name, author_name=author_email
This simple query will swap all the data from the author_email column to the author_name column and vice versa.
20.重命名表 (20. Rename Tables )
Depending on your SQL version and privileges, you can use the below command to rename a table.
2sp_RENAME authors authors_renamed;
This command will rename our “authors” table to “authors_renamed”.
此命令会将我们的“作者”表重命名为“ authors_renamed”。
21.从表中返回唯⼀值 (21. Return Unique Values from a Table)
In our table above, we have multiple people but all of the names and emails are unique. If we had a table with multiple rows had columns with the same values, we use the DISTINCT keyword to return only unique values from the tables.
在上⾯的表格中,我们有多个⼈,但是所有的名称和电⼦邮件都是唯⼀的。 如果我们的表中的多⾏具有相同的值的列,则可以使⽤DISTINCT关键字从表中仅返回唯⼀值。
2SELECT DISTINCT author_name FROM authors;
22.⼦集表SQL查询 (22. SQL Queries for Subsetting Tables)
When working with larger databases, it only makes sense to view limited data at a time. The TOP command allows us to display only a specific number of rows from the table in the output.
当使⽤较⼤的数据库时,仅⼀次查看有限的数据才有意义。 TOP命令允许我们在输出中仅显⽰表中特定数量的⾏。
2SELECT TOP 50 FROM authors;
23.备份数据库SQL查询 (23. SQL Queries to Backup Databases)
This is one of the SQL queries that you must get used to or at least create a script to automate backups because backups are very important.
3TO DISK = "/home/databases/db_name-backup.db";
The above command will backup the database db_name to a file named db_name-backup.db.