Part 1
House agent:    … right, if you'd just come this way.
Woman:    Thank you.
Man:    Yes.
House agent:    Er… on the right here we have the … er … the bathroom, which as you can see is fully … fully fitted. If we just move forward now, we … er … come into the er … main … main bed-sitting room here. And… er … on the left are dining room table and chairs.
Woman: Oh yes.
Man:    Yes.
House agent: And er… straight ahead of us … um … foldaway double bed and mattress, which I think you'll agree is quite a novel idea.
Man:    Oh yes.
House agent:    And then… um… to …
Woman:  Behind the armchair.
House agent:  Yes, behind the armchair. To our right, um … in the corner there, a fitted wardrobe. And another one on my left here.
Woman:    On either side of the bed?
House agent:    Yes, that's right. That's right, so you can put all your … er … night attire or what… whatever you like in there.
Man: Yes, that's good.
House agent:    Then, there … the … we have the sofa here … er … in front of the … um … the window.
Man:    Oh yes.
House agent:  Er … so there's plenty of light coming through into the room and as you can see there's a nice view through the windows there.
Woman:    No curtains, though.
House agent:  No curtains, but we've got roller blinds.
Woman:    Oh.
House agent: Yes, they're nice and straight forward. No problems about that — don't have to wash them of course. And … um … on the left of the … er … sofa there, you can see nice coffee tables.
    If … if we move straight a … straight ahead, actually, into the … er … the kitchen you can see that um … on my left here we've got a washing machine, tumble dryer and … um … electric cooker …
Woman:    Oh,yes.
Man:  Mmm.
House agent: All as you can see to the most modern designs. And there um… on the other side of the kitchen… um… refrigerator there in the… in the corner.
Man:    Oh yeah, yes.
Woman:    Oh, what a nice little cubbyhole! Yes, very neat.
House agent: Yes. Well… um… I don't know whether you've got any questions. That's it of course.
Woman:    Well, could… could we perhaps see the bathroom, because we… we didn't see that?
House agent:    OK, yes, yes. Let's… um… let's go on out of here and… um… end up in the bathroom …
Dave: Hi Randall. (Hi.) come on in.
Randall: Uh, yeah, I stopped by to see if you were still looking for a roommate to share your house.
Dave: Yep. I sure am. Ever since I cut back on my working hours to go to school, I’ve been really strapped for cash.
Randall: Oh.
Dave : Hey, let me show you the place. Uh, here’s the living room.
Randall: Oh. It looks like you could use a new carpet…and those stains?
Dave: Well. I’ve had a few problems with some former roommates. I know it needs to be cleaned, but I just don’t have the money to do it right now.
Randall: Oh. And what about the kitchen?
Dave: Right this way. Look. It’s completely furnished with all the latest appliances, except…
Randall: What?
Dave: Well, the refrigerator door is broken… a little bit… and it won’t shut all the way. It needs fixing, but don’t worry. I’ve just improvised by pushing a box against it to keep it shut.
Randall: Hmm. Great.
Dave: Ah. It isn’t that bad.
Randall: Well how about the bathroom?
Dave: Well…curtains
