目的 观察雷贝拉唑联合曲美布汀功能性消化不良临床疗效。方法 200例功能性消化不良患者随机分为两组,分别为观察组88例,对照组112例。两组患者均每日早餐前服用1次雷贝拉唑肠溶胶囊,20mg/次;观察组患者每日三餐后加服曲美布汀,0.1g/次,疗程2w。结果 观察组上腹痛、上腹灼烧感、餐后饱胀症状改善情况明显优于对照组(P<0.01);嗳气症状改善情况无统计学意义(P>0.05)。对照组总有效率为74.1%;观察组总有效率为79.5%。两组均未出现明显不良反应。结论 雷贝拉唑与曲美布汀联用可明显改善功能性消化不良的症状,且较为安全。
Abstract:Objective To observe the curative effect of combined therapy of rabeprazole and trimebutin for functional dyspepsia. Methods 200 patients with functional dyspepsia were randomly grouped into observation group(n=88)and controls group (n=112).The patients in the two groups were given rabeprazole sodium enteric-coated capsules 20mg 1 times a day before breakfast for 2 weeks , The patients in the observation group were given trimebutin 0.1g 3 times a day after meals in addition to rabeprazole for 2 weeks.Resul
trimets The symptoms of upper abdominal pain, stomach burn , abdominal distention after meals in the patients in the observation group were more improved than in the control group(P 0.05),见表1。对照组总有效率为74.1%;观察组总有效率为79.5%,两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),见表2。