
一. push作名词的用法
1. n./c. 推;按;点击
give sth a push
at the push of a button
2. sing./n. 鼓励;劝说
With a gentle push, he will join us.
3. n./c. 努力;力争
the advertising push
make a push into
the push for increased output
a push to improve productivity
4. n./c.(军队)挺进
make a push into the area where the enemy is 挺进敌方区域
二. push作动词的用法
1. vt. 推,推动
push…away 推开
push…back 往后推
push…aside 推到一边
pushinto/towards 推到/向
2. vt. 推挤
push one’s way past
push one’s way into/to
push one’s way through
push past sb 从某人身边挤过去
push one’s way to the front
3. vt. 说服,力劝;推行;力图
push hard for education reform
push to do sth
push to advertise for their products
push sth on sb
push one’s religion on sb
4. vi. 挺进
push south 向南挺进
push deep into 纵深挺进
5. vt. 逼迫;鼓励;敦促
push sb too hard 把某人逼得太紧
push oneself too hard
push sb to do sth 敦促某人做某事
push sb into doing sth 迫使某人做某事
pushto the limit 发挥到极限
6. vt./vi. 按下(press)
push the button
7. vt. 增加/减少(数量、价值)
push down orders 减少订单量
push the cost higher
8. vt. 推销(产品)
Stars earn a lot by pushing different kinds of products.
三. push的特殊用法
1. if it comes to the push
If it comes to the push, you can always come to your parents for help.
2. it’ll be a push 时间紧迫
We will try but it’ll be bit of push.
3. give sb the push=sb get the push
I’m afraid that my boss will give me the push.
4. at a push 非得;真有必要时;不得已时
We have food for two people, maybe three at a push.
5. push the envelope of/on sth 开创;突破
designs that push the envelope of traditional ones
6. push sth out of one’s mind
7. be pushing 40 or 50 将近四五十岁
8. push it (push one’s luck)得寸进尺
四. push固定搭配
1. push around/about
push sb around/about
2. push ahead
push ahead with
3. push aside
1) 排挤
Mark was pushed aside and left the company at last.
2) 不去想,设法忘掉
push aside the criticism
4. push off
1) 出发,离开(跳远、游泳)
2) 走开(粗鲁)
5. push in
Several women pushed in at the head of the queue.
6. push along
should/must be pushing along
7. push on
1) 继续前行
push on a little further
2) 继续做
push on with sth
8. push forward
push oneself forward
9. push through
push the budget through the committee
10. push over
push over tables and chairs
五. push其他用法
1. push-up
n./c. pl. push-ups 俯卧撑
2. pushcart
n./c. 手推车(街头摊贩)
3. pushchair
n./c. 婴儿手推车(=stroller)
4. pushover n./c.
1) 容易被(影响、劝服、打败)的人 a pushover for money
2) 简单/容易的事
The exam was a pushover.
5. pushy a. 急于求成的
6. pushed a.
1) 不足的(时间、金钱)
be pushed for time/money
2) 忙碌的
be pushed at the moment
7. pushing
prep. 快;接近;将近
be pushing 40
