push推动 句型
  "Push" 可以用于构成以下常见的句型:
  1. Push for something:表示推动或争取某事物。
  - We are pushing for better working conditions.
  - The government is pushing for economic reform.
  2. Push someone to do something:表示推动或促使某人做某事。
  - The coach pushed the team to work harder.
  - Our parents pushed us to study harder.
  3. Push the boundaries:表示突破界限或挑战极限。
  - Scientists are always pushing the boundaries of knowledge.
  - The artist pushed the boundaries of traditional art forms.
  4. Push yourself:表示逼迫自己或挑战自己。
  - I need to push myself to achieve my goals.
  - She pushed herself to run a marathon.
  5. Push someone away:表示推开或驱赶某人。
  - He pushed the attacker away and ran for help.
  - She felt like her friends were pushing her away.
