很久很久以前,世界上没有天,也没有地,宇宙是一片混沌。直到有一天,盘古在混沌中苏醒,却发现自己无法伸展。他在混沌中挪动着,企图脱离困境。终于,他发现一把斧头,他向上一砍,砍出了天,向下一劈,劈出了地。他将天与地撑开,随着盘古越来越高,天与地的距离也越来越大。直到 18000 年后,盘古死去,他的头和身体成为五座大山,眼睛成为月亮和太阳,毛发成为星星,血液成为水,填充江河湖海。盘古终于与天地同一。
Welcome to ALO7’s Power to Learn! Today’s story is Pangu Separates the Sky and the Earth, retold by Melinda Lilly Thompson and narrated by Janet Martin.
It was the beginning. There was no sky. There was no Earth.
The universe was a big black egg.
Inside the egg it was dark. It was still. Something grew inside the black egg. It was not a baby bird. It was not a baby snake. What was it?
Something grew for 18,000 years. Something slept. Something dreamed. It was the dream of the universe.
Finally, something stopped dreaming inside the black egg. Something woke up. It was Pangu! In the darkness, his eyes shone like the sun and moon. He stretched. Bump! He hit his head on the egg. Pangu yawned.
Good morning, Pangu!
Pangu moved around in the darkness. He was too big for the egg. He felt trapped inside. He tried to break free. He reached out his hand and touched something sharp. Ouch!
It was an axe! Great! It was just what he needed!
pushedSwing! Pangu hit the egg with his axe. The egg got a crack.
Swing! Pangu hit it again. Pangu broke the egg!
He took a deep breath. He pushed up. Above him it became light and airy. He pushed hig
her and higher. It became the sky.
Pangu pushed down. Below him it was dark and heavy. He pushed lower and lower. It became the Earth.
Pangu did not let the egg close. He pushed apart the sky and the earth.
He kept pushing for 18,000 years. The sky became thicker.
It spread out. The Earth became thicker. It got bigger.
The more Pangu grew, the farther apart he pushed the Earth and the sky. The sky grew very high. The Earth grew very big. In between the Earth and the sky, Pangu grew very tall. He spread the Earth and sky apart once more.
Finally, Pangu got tired. He died. Then . . . His head and body became the Five Sacred Mountains. They are 'Mount Tai, Mount Heng in Hunan, Mount Hua, Mount Heng in Shanxi, and Mount Song. Pangu’s eyes turned into the sun and moon. His blood changed into water. It filled the river and sea. His hair turned into stars.
The universe and Pangu became one.
