Village in the Snow
1. 语言能力目标:学生能够听懂故事;能够惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;能够绘声绘地独立朗读故事;能够理解故事并组织语言复述故事情节;能大胆表达对故事人物的看法。
2. 非语言能力目标:通过观察小男孩的遭遇,培养学生的观察力和想象力;体会故事人物的情感;联系生活实际,引导学生树立正义感。
1. 教师课前熟读故事,了解故事内容。
2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。
3. 全英文授课。
1. 导入(Lead-in):谈论雪天趣事,引出故事情境
Do you like snow?
    What do you like to do in the snow? (BQ: Do you like to make a snowman? Do you like to ski? Do you like a snowball fight?)
One day, Mrs May told the children a story about snow.
It was called The Village in the Snow.
Look! This is a village. (展示一张村庄图片)
Did the children like the story?
Would the magic take them to the village in the snow? Lets have a look.
2. 看图讲故事Storytelling):理解故事情节,感受历险氛围,培养观察力和想象力
Picture 1) Where were the children?
They were at school. It was playtime.
Look at Mrs May. Come in, she called.
Picture 2) The children came in. Mrs May told the children a story.
The story was about a village. (用图片和简单英文帮助学生理解“village”)
It was called The Village in the Snow.
The village was in the mountains.(指向图片中的山)
There was snow all over.
Did the children like the story?
Yes, they did. Everyone liked the story.
Picture 3) After school, the children went home. They went to Biffs room.
They wanted an adventure. Who picked up the key?
Biff picked up the magic key. Did it glow?
Yes. The magic is working, said Biff.
Where do you think the magic would take the children?
(Picture 4) The magic took the children to the village in the snow.
Did Biff like the village?
Yes. Its lovely, she said.
Kipper jumped in the snow. (指向图片中的Kipper,并动作演示“jump”)
I like the snow, he called. This is fun.
(Picture 5) They played in the snow.
Look! What did Biff and Kipper do?
They made a snowman and put Kippers hat on top.
What did Chip and Wilf do? (BQ: Did they make a snowman or throw snowballs?)
They jumped in the snow. They threw snowballs.
Look, said Wilma. What did they see?
(Picture 6) They saw a little boy.
What was he pulling?
He was pulling a toboggan.(指向图片中的长雪橇)
Some big boys ran up. (指向跑过来的几个大男孩)
What would they do? (让学生猜测)
(Picture 7) Oh dear! The big boys pushed the little boy over.(教师动作演示)
They pushed the toboggan over and ran away.
