1. He seems ___ the old lady.
A. knowing
B. to be knowing
C. to know
D. to be known
2. Tom__when they spoke ill of him.
A. happened to be passed
B. happened to be passing by
C. happened passing by
D. happened to passed
3. We all hope__ scientists.
A. become
B. to become
C. becoming
D. became
4. The boy refused ____ for climbing the tall tree.
A. to pay
B. to be paid
C. being paid
D. paying
5. I happened ____ the article when he asked me about it.
A. having read
B. to have read
C. to be read
D. reading
6. ___with him is a great pleasure.
A. To talk
B. Talk
C. Talked
D. To talking
B. hear
C. heard
D. to be hearing
8. ___is to struggle.
A. Living
B. Live
C. To live
D. To be lived
9. Her wish is ____ a doctor.
A. becoming
B. become
C. to become
D. being come
10. I was just about ___the office when the phone rang.
A. leaving
B. leave
C. to leave
D. to leaving
11. I didn’t ___it until you had explained how.
A. manage to do
B. managed to do
C. manage to have done
D. manage doing
12. He found it important ___ the situation all over the world.
A. study
B. to study
C. studies
D. to be studied
13. At last the enemy soldiers had no choice but ___ their guns.
A. to lay down
B. lie down
C. laying down
D. lay down
B. watched
C. to watch
D. watching
15. It had no effect except ___ him angry.
A. make
B. making
C. to make
D. made
16. Bob did nothing except __ tennis.
A. play
B. to play
C. playing
D. played
17. I’m considering ___ his letter.
A. to answer
B. how answering
pushedC. to be answering
D. how to answer
18. Tell us _____ next.
A. how to do
B. what to do
C. how do
D. what do
19. We want to know ___ to help him when he is in trouble.
A. what will do
B. what we should do
C. how to do
D. what will we do
20. Don’t stop trying. You’ll be sure ___ .
A. succeed B . succeeding C. of succeeding D. to succeed
21. The government calls on us ____ our production.
A. increased
B. increasing
22. With his teacher ____ he wanted to try it a second time.
A. helping
B. to help
C. help
D. helped
23. The lady was watched ____ her room in silence.
A. had left
B. left
C. leave
D. to leave
24. I’m hungry . Get me something ____.
A. eating
B. to eat
C. to be eaten
D. eaten
25. His wish ,____ a doctor ,came true.
A. coming
B. come
C. to come
D. came
26. He loves praise. He is always the first ____ and the last _____.
A. of coming ; of leaving
B. comes; leaves
C. to come; to leave
D. coming; leaving
27. At last they found a house _____ .
A. to leave his things with
B. to leave his things in
C. leaving his things in
28. There is nothing ______ . A. to worry B. to worry about C. worry D. worry about
29. Have you got enough room ___all of us ?
A. seating
B. to seat
30. It is too dark for us ____ anything in the room.
A. see
B. seeing
C. to see
D. seen
31. The young man is ____ willing ____ the old living around here.
A. very; helping
B. very; to help
C. too; to help
D. enough ; help
32. He bent down ___ the pen lying on the floor.
A. pick up
B. to pick up
C. picking
D. picked
33. ____ the room temperature, he added some coal into the stove.
A. To keep up
B. So as to keep up
C. Keep up
D. In order keep up
34. The teacher did what she could ____ me with my lessons.
A. help
B. helps
C. helped
D. to help
35. It is difficult for a foreigner ____ Chinese.
A. learning
B. to learn
C. learned
D. to be learned
36. It is careless ____ the same mistake in your composition .
A. for you to make
B. for you making
