.单项填空每小题1分, 15分)
(    )1. Christopher Columbus was ______ explorer from ______ European country.
    A. a; an      B. an; an          C. a; a        D. an; a
(    )2. This is one of the most interesting books _______ I have _______ read.
    A. that; never  B. which; never  C. that; ever    D. who ; ever
(    )3. I have three pen friends. One is _______, and the other two are_______.
    A. Japanese; America      B. Russian; Germen 
C. Canada; Australia        D. English; Frenchmen
(    )4. Marie Curie____the use of X-ray machines,which are now widely used in hospitals.
  A. put away        B.put out        C. pushed in      D.pushed for
( )5. — I can’t get in touch with Johnson. Do you happen     his new telephone number?
      — Sorry, I don’t have his new number.
      A. to know          B. knowing        C. know          D. to be known
) 6. My ankle was hurt in the running race, and the pain   until I couldn’t walk any more.
      A. came          B. got            C. increased      D. changed
(    ) 7. Sadly, the brave old soldier _______ cancer on a rainy evening.
    A. died for    B. died from    C. died off    D. died of
(    ) 8.-Did you find your English dictionary yesterday?
      -No, I didn’t find ________, but I’ve borrowed ______ from the school library.
    A. it; it      B. it; one        C. one; it        D. one; one
(    ) 9.What should we do first if we want to _______ our village?
      A. decide        B. discover    C. explore    D. develop
(  ) 10.The number of people who _______ English as a foreign language ______ more than 750 million.
      A. learns; are        B. learn; is    C. learns; is    D. learn; are
) 11._______ of the problems _______ worked out by the boy at last.
      A. Three fourths; was       B. Three fourths; were 
C. Third fourths; was         D. Third fourths; were
) 12. It’s so brave _______ the young man to save the old lady’s life.
A. to              B. of            C. for            D. with
(   ) 13. China has become stronger than before. She is rising like a     dragon in the East.
      A. small        B. giant          C. strange        D. hybrid
(    ) 14. -Where is Mr Wang?    -He together with his students _______ Zhuyuwan Park.
    A. has gone to    B. has been to    C. have gone to  D. have been to
(    )15. -Has your friend completed his design?    -Not yet. He_______ on it last night.
    A. worked    B. has worked    C. is working    D. was working
二 .完形填空每小题1分,共 15分)
Just before Christmas in 1971, a German girl called Juliana was flying with her mother over the South American jungle(丛林) .Juliana took a look ___16____the window of the plane. Three thousand meters ___17____ her she could see nothing except the jungle.
 Suddenly, there was a loud noise. Juliana found herself ___18___ through the air. She closed her eyes. She thought she was going to die. She fell 3, 000 meters down. When she opened her eyes again, she found that she had _19___ in a tree in the middle of the j
ungle. To her surprise, she was ____20____ sitting in her seat with a bag of sweets in her hand. She got out of seat and climbed down the tree. But she could see ___21___ else except for a few dead bodies here and there.Her arms and legs ___22___ a bit, but she could walk. So she began to walk. At first she had nothing to __23___except the sweets.After a while, she found a ___24___ fruit. She didn’t know if it was good to eat. She was sure that the fruit was __25___ after she saw some monkeys eating. After four days she came to a river. She thought that it was to lead to a village or town. So she decided to ___26___ the river.
Juliana walked along the river for six more __27___. Sometimes she could hear planes above the trees. They were __28___ for her plane. But the jungle was too thick.
Juliana began to feel afraid, ___29___ she did not lose hope. She walked on and on. Ten days after the accident, she arrived at a village. The people there were____30___ to see her. They gave her a warm welcome. At last she was safe !
(    )16.A. on              B. in                  C. into                    D. through
(    )17.A. above            B. around              C. below                  D. behind
(    )18. A .falling          B. belowing              C. rising                  D. throwing
(    )19.A.brought          B. run                  C. landed                  D. gone
(    )20. A. still              B. also                C. always                  D. already
(    )21.A.somebody        B. everybody            C. anybody                D. nobody
