随着计算机技术的快速发展,基于应用系统之间开放的接口而实现数据的更新已经成为一个新的应用。一些即时通讯工具开放了二次开发接口,通过二次开发在应用系统中得以实现即时通讯功能,而应用系统中的用户数据来自即时通讯工具数据库,因此需要将用户数据同步到应用系统中。RTXwindows开发平台Real Time eXchange)即时通讯工具开放了二次开发接口,为数据的同步提供了解决方案。
文章介绍了开发背景与主要内容,系统开发中用到的相关技术与开发环境(C#.NET2.0 + RTXSSDK + Access + SQLServer2000),以及系统的运行环境等,阐述了系统总体分析与设计,并进行编码和测试,最后进行了总结。
关键词 即时通讯; 二次开发;存储过程;RTXSSDK

With the rapid development of compute technology, it's a new trend to realize data synchronization by secondary development interface of inter-application. Some instant exchange tool has opened secondary development interface, by which such an application system can instantly communicate with each other, but user data must come from real-time exchange tool, so these data should be updated to the application system at certain times. RTX has implemented user data synchronization.
This paper detailedly describes user data synchronization based on RTXSSDK. The main modules include timer setting, T-SQL method used for update, and RTXSSDK method. T-SQL method directly uses stored procedure coded in SQL Server database, RTXSSDK method updates user data by secondary programming, as a result, user data is updated to application system.
This paper first introduces development background and content, relative technique and development environment (C#.NET2.0 + RTXSSDK + Access + SQLServer2000), and running environment, then makes detailed analysis of system analysis and design, coding and testing. Finally, there is a summarization of this paper.
Key words: Real Time exchange; Secondary development; Stored Procedure; RTX Server SDK

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