本 科 毕 业 论 文(设 计)
The Design and Implementation of Sharing Campus Teaching Resources and Exchanging Platform
学 生 姓 名:                             
学      院:免费平台源码资源网                             
专      业:                             
班      级:                             
学      号:                             
指 导 教 师:                             
审 阅 教 师:                             
完 成 日 期:                               
摘    要
采用MVC模式、应用JSP+MySql 设计实现校园教学资源共享与交流平台的设计与实现,
The Design and Implementation of Programming Language Course Management Website
In the field of education, IT technology has broken the space and time constraints, so that anyone, at any place and at any time, you can access global information. It is changing the teaching and learning environment, subject, content and implementation. The new generation is "online digital growth", and their learning needs and interests, and past time is different. Relying on the advantages of the campus network design and development of network teaching platform for teachers, students of teaching to provide comprehensive an
d efficient information sharing to achieve teaching resources, and enhance communication between teachers and students, to better promote student learning and mastery of knowledge , and the reform of university education model is significant.
First of all, this paper describes the project overview, and then simply introduces the background, the aim and the significance of system development.
Key Words:Teacher-student interaction; resource sharing; teacher blog; Forum
