join in 四年级上学期复习
Words 单词:
一.Days 天
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
二.Months 月份
January February March April May June July August September October November December
三.Feelings 感受
scared 恐惧的angry 生气的happy 开心的tired 疲倦的sad 伤心的
四. Seasons 季节与季节有关的形容词
spring 春天summer 夏天autumn 秋天winter 冬天
warm 温暖的hot 热的cool 凉爽的cold 冷的
五.Classroom things 教室物品
door 门chair 椅子window 窗户board (黑,白)板desk 桌子curtains 窗帘floor 地板light 灯
六.Numbers 数字
13-19 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 20,30 (90)
twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy ninety
七.School 学校
library 图书馆classroom 教室gym 体育馆playground 操场
computer room电脑室canteen 餐厅
join和in哪个查询更快in 在里面on 在上面under under在下面behind behind在后面
in front of 在前面
八.Free time activities闲暇时光活动
draw 画画sing 唱歌play football 踢足球read 读swim 游泳
dance 跳舞play basketball 打篮球play the guitar弹吉他
stand on my head 倒立ride a horse 骑马
九.Shapes 形状
line 线circle 圈square 正方形rectangle 长方形triangle 三角形
Key sentences重点句型
1. 问生日:-When is your birthday? -In January.
(想想问Zhao Wei的生日怎么问?)
2. 问颜:-What colour is your schoolbag? -Green and white.
3. 问物品:1)-What ’s in your bag? -Nine apples.
Pat has got 99P. / I 2)-Have you got a pet? -Yes, I have. A cat./ No, I haven’t. have got three P.
-It ’s a floor.
3) -Wha t ’s this?
-What about this? -It ’s a cat.
4. 问数量:1) -How many boys are there? -Twenty-six.
2) -How many lines does a square have? -Four.
5. 问喜好:1)-Do you like football? -Yes, I do . / No, I don ’t .
2)-What ’s your favorite game/colour/food/ number/ animal? -My favorite
game/colour/food/ numer/ animal is ...
(想想问Sue 最喜爱的季节怎么问?)
6. 问来自哪里:1) -Where are you from ?
Canada./ America./ china./ Britain./Japan.
2) - Where is he/ she from ?
- He is from Japan. / She is from Britain.
7. 问年龄:-How old are you? -I ’m ten.
8. There be句型:(单数)There is .../(复数)There are ...
1)肯定句There is a cat behind the curtains.(单数)
There are some books on the desk. (复数)
2)否定句There isn’t a pencil under the chair. (单数)
There aren’t any pens in the pencil case.(复数)
3)一般疑问句Is there a cat behind the curtains? (单数)Yes. Are there any books in the schoolbag?(复数)
9.Plus and minus加法和减法
-What is eighteen plus forty-eight? -It ’s sisty
-What is ninety-nine minus twenty-six? -It ’s seventy
10. 问价格:(单数)-How much is it? 15p.
(复数)-How much are they? 60P.
11. 问方位:- Where is the shirt? -It ’s on the bed.
12. 问能力:(肯定句)-I can swim.
(否定句) -I can ’t dance.
(一般疑问句)-Can you swim? - Yes, I can .
- Can you dance? - No, I can ’t .
