1 . Choose the correct forms(选择正确的形式完成句子)
1. Tom's aunt __________ got many CD-ROMs. (have/has)
  2. His brother _________ autographs。 ( collect/collects)
  3。 Jane’s parents _________sport and music.( loves/love)
  4. The pupils in Year 5 _________ hard at English。 (works/work)
  5。 Mike often ________ her storybooks。(reads/read)         
2. Read and match(将问句与其相应的答语对应,将答语的代号写在相应的问句前括号内) 
(  )1.Is there a bus near here?        A. It's my uncle's.
(  )2. Do you like Science?            B。 They are going to the library。
(  )3.Can you stand on your head?    C。 Yes, she is。
(  )4。Whose new bike is it?            D. Yes, let’s go by bus.
(  )5.Is your aunt a teacher?            E。I go to work by bike.
(  )6。Where are they going?            F。 He is going to ride a horse。
(  )7。How do you go to work?        G. Yes, she has.
(  )8.Has Linda got a sister?            H。 At twenty to eight.
(  )9.What is Mr Ma going to do?        I. No, I can't.
(  )10。When do you come to school?    J. No, I don't.
3. Choose and complete。(选词完成句子) 
      wakes    no    fish    happy    playground  fishing
  1。 Can we go __________ again tomorrow?
  2. We need some ___________ for dinner。
  3。 They are going to the ___________ tomorrow。 
  4. My mother __________ me up early every morning.
  5. Nicola finds _______ playground at all。 But she is very _________.
4. Read, choose and complete the text.(阅读短文,选词填空使短文完整)    clean    computers    great    boring    work    singing 
It's ___________ here! There are no ____________。 We can’t use the Internet. There are no KTVs。 We can’t go __________。 And the old TV doesn't _______ sometimes! But the weather is ___________. The water is nice and_________ 。 We can often go swimming。
5。 Fill in don’t or doesn’t.(根据题意,选择填空)
1。 I ___________often watch sports programmes。
2 。My sister ___________ like cartoons。
3. My brother __________watch romantic films。
4. My father ____________watch science fiction films。
5。 My mother ____________like detective films。
6。 Put the dialogues in the correct order. (将对话重新排列顺序)(12分)
  (    )  Bye。
  (    )  Excuse me, where’s the post office?
  (    )Left, then right?
  (    )  No. turn right. Then left. The post office is next to the school。
  (    )  The post office? Turn right, then left.
  (    )  Thank you。 Bye.
  (    )  It’s behind the park.
  (    )  The park? That’s easy. Go straight ahead。 Then turn left。
  (    )  Excuse me, where's the police station?
  (    )  Thank you.
  (    )  Where’s the park?
  (    )  That's OK.
7。 .Look and write.(看图,完成句子) (10分)
        1.              2。                  3。
        4。              5。
1.-———Excuse me, where is the school?    ——-—It’s ________the museum.
2. ——-—Excuse me, _______is the museum?    ——--It's ______the church。
3。 --—-________me, where is the school?  -———It's________ the swimming pool.
4.-—-—Excuse me, where is___________?  —--- Go______________。
5。 ---—Excuse me, where is the ________office? 
  —--—Turn_________ here。 It’s not far.
8。 Find the answers。(从框中出各问句的答语,将其代号写在相应问句前括号内)
    A beautiful car。      B。 Australia.    C.  It's warm here。         
D。 She is riding a horse。        E.  Yes, Liu Minghua。
(    )  1。 What’s Barbara doing?
  (    )  2。 Have you got a Chinese name?
  (    )  3. Where are you from?
  (    )  4。 How’s the weather?
  (    )  5。 What’s that on the beach?
9。 join和in哪个查询更快Look and write.(看图, 写句子) (10分)
  What are they doing ?
  read a book  eat ice cream buy a drink   ride horses   collect shells
    Lily      Alan      Mark        Rita          Bob
10. English into Chinese。 (将短语与其汉语意义相对应,将代号写在括号内)
(  )1。 come to a stop              A. 在那里;在那边
(  )2. go fishing                  B。 购物中心;购物大街     
  (    ) 3. over there                  C. 醒来;叫醒;唤醒
  (    ) 4。 wake up                  D. (去) 钓鱼
  (    ) 5。 a shopping mall            E. 北极
  (    ) 6. great fun                  F. 四周张望 
  (    ) 7. North Pole                G。 很有趣;很开心
  (    ) 8。 look around              H. 停下来;停止;停住
(  )1。 the best ice cream          A. 在学校的对面   
  (  )2。 go left                    B. 在...。隔壁
  (  )3. Don’t be late。              C。 公交站
