#include <>
#include <>
int regcomp(regex_t *preg, const char *regex, int cflags);
int regexec(const regex_t *preg, const char *string, size_t nmatch, regmatch_t pmatch[], int eflags);
size_t regerror(int errcode, const regex_t *preg, char *errbuf, size_t errbuf_size);
void regfree(regex_t *preg);
POSIX regex compiling
regcomp() is used to compile a regular expression into a form that is suitable for subsequent regexec() searches.
regcomp() is supplied with preg, a pointer to a pattern buffer storage area; regex, a pointer to the null-terminated string and cflags, flags used to determine the type of compilation.
All regular expression searching must be done via a compiled pattern buffer, thus regexec() must always be supplied with the address of aregcomp() initialized pattern buffer. cflags may be the bitwise-or of one or more of the following:
Use POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax when interpreting regex. If not set, POSIX Basic Regular Expression syntax is used.
Do not differentiate case. Subsequent regexec() searches using this pattern buffer will be case insensitive.
Do not report position of matches. The nmatch and pmatch arguments to regexec() are ignored if the pattern buffer supplied was compiled with this flag set.
Match-any-character operators don't match a newline.
A nonmatching list ([^...]) not containing a newline does not match a newline.
Match-beginning-of-line operator (^) matches the empty string immediately after a newline, regardless of whether eflags, the execution flags of regexec(),
contains REG_NOTBOL.
Match-end-of-line operator ($) matches the empty string immediately before a newline, regardless of whether eflags contains REG_NOTEOL.
POSIX regex matching
regexec() is used to match a null-terminated string against the precompiled pattern buffer, preg. nmatchand pmatch are used to provide information regarding the location of any matches. eflags may be the bitwise-or of one or both of REG_NOTBOL and REG_NOTEOL which cause changes in matching behavior described below.
The match-beginning-of-line operator always fails to match (but see the compilation flagREG_NEWLINE above) This flag may be used when different portions of a string are passed toregexec() and the beginning of the string should not be interpreted as the beginning of the line.
The match-end-of-line operator always fails to match (but see the compilation flag REG_NEWLINEabove)
Byte offsets
Unless REG_NOSUB was set for the compilation of the pattern buffer, it is possible to obtain match addressing information. pmatch must be dimensioned to have at
least nmatch elements. These are filled in by regexec() with substring match addresses. The offsets of the subexpression starting at the ith open parenthesis are stored
in pmatch[i]. The entire regular expression's match addresses are stored inpmatch[0]. (Note that to r
eturn the offsets of N subexpression matches, nmatch must be at least N+1.) Any unused structure elements will contain the value -1.
The regmatch_t structure which is the type of pmatch is defined in <>.
typedef struct {
regoff_t rm_so;
regoff_t rm_eo;
} regmatch_t;
Each rm_so element that is not -1 indicates the start offset of the next largest substring match within the string. The relative rm_eo element indicates the end offset of the match, which is the offset of the first character after the matching text.
POSIX error reporting
regerror() is used to turn the error codes that can be returned by both regcomp() and regexec() into error message strings.
regerror() is passed the error code, errcode, the pattern buffer, preg, a pointer to a character string buffer, errbuf, and the size of the string buffer, errbuf_size. It returns the size of the errbuf required to contain the null-terminated error message string. If both errbuf and errbuf_size are nonzero, errbuf is filled in with the first errbuf_size - 1 characters of the error message and a terminating null byte ('\0').
POSIX pattern buffer freeing
Supplying regfree() with a precompiled pattern buffer, preg will free the memory allocated to the pattern buffer by the compiling process, regcomp().
Return Value
regcomp() returns zero for a successful compilation or an error code for failure.
regexec() returns zero for a successful match or REG_NOMATCH for failure.
The following errors can be returned by regcomp():
Invalid use of back reference operator.
Invalid use of pattern operators such as group or list.
Invalid use of repetition operators such as using '*' as the first character.
Un-matched brace interval operators.
Un-matched bracket list operators.
Invalid collating element.
Unknown character class name.
Nonspecific error. This is not defined by POSIX.2.
Trailing backslash.
Un-matched parenthesis group operators.
Invalid use of the range operator, e.g., the ending point of the range occurs prior to the starting point.
Compiled regular expression requires a pattern buffer larger than 64Kb. This is not defined by POSIX.2.
The regex routines ran out of memory.
Invalid back reference to a subexpression.
1. 编译正则表达式 regcomp()
2. 匹配正则表达式 regexec()
3. 释放正则表达式 regfree()
1、int regcomp (regex_t *compiled, const char *pattern, int cflags)
这个函数把指定的正则表达式pattern编译成⼀种特定的数据格式compiled,这样可以使匹配更有效。函数regexec 会使⽤这个数据在⽬标⽂本串中进⾏模式匹配。执⾏成功返回0。
①regex_t 是⼀个结构体数据类型,⽤来存放编译后的正则表达式,它的成员re_nsub ⽤来存储正则表达式中的⼦正则表达式的个数,⼦正则表达式就是⽤圆括号包起来的部分表达式。
②pattern 是指向我们写好的正则表达式的指针。
③cflags 有如下4个值或者是它们或运算(|)后的值:
REG_EXTENDED 以功能更加强⼤的扩展正则表达式的⽅式进⾏匹配。
REG_ICASE 匹配字母时忽略⼤⼩写。
REG_NOSUB 不⽤存储匹配后的结果。
REG_NEWLINE 识别换⾏符,这样'$'就可以从⾏尾开始匹配,'^'就可以从⾏的开头开始匹配。
2. int regexec (regex_t *compiled, char *string, size_t nmatch, regmatch_t matchptr [], int eflags)
当我们编译好正则表达式后,就可以⽤regexec 匹配我们的⽬标⽂本串了,如果在编译正则表达式的时候没有指定cflags的参数为REG_NEWLINE,则默认情况下是忽略换⾏符的,也就是把整个⽂本串当regmatch_t 是⼀个结构体数据类型,在regex.h中定义:
typedef struct
regoff_t rm_so;
regoff_t rm_eo;
} regmatch_t;
成员rm_so 存放匹配⽂本串在⽬标串中的开始位置,rm_eo 存放结束位置。通常我们以数组的形式定义⼀组这样的结构。因为往往我们的正则表达式中还包含⼦正则表达式。数组0单元存放主正则表达式参数说明:
①compiled 是已经⽤regcomp函数编译好的正则表达式。
②string 是⽬标⽂本串。
③nmatch 是regmatch_t结构体数组的长度。
④matchptr regmatch_t类型的结构体数组,存放匹配⽂本串的位置信息。
⑤eflags 有两个值
REG_NOTBOL不匹配⾏的开头,除⾮在 regcomp 编译时 cflag 设置 REG_NEWLINE。'^'匹配⾏的开头 , 不管 regexec 中是否设置 eflags 为 REG_NOTBOL 。
REG_NOTEOL不匹配⾏的结束,除⾮在 regcomp 编译时 cflag 设置 REG_NEWLINE 。'$' 匹配⾏的末尾 , 不管 regexec 中是否设置 eflags 为 REG_NOTEOL 。
3. void regfree (regex_t *compiled)
当我们使⽤完编译好的正则表达式后,或者要重新编译其他正则表达式的时候,我们可以⽤这个函数清空compiled指向的regex_t结构体的内容,请记住,如果是重新编译的话,⼀定要先清空regex_t结构4. size_t regerror (int errcode, regex_t *compiled, char *buffer, size_t length)
当执⾏regcomp 或者regexec 产⽣错误的时候,就可以调⽤这个函数⽽返回⼀个包含错误信息的字符串。
①errcode 是由regcomp 和 regexec 函数返回的错误代号。
②compiled 是已经⽤regcomp函数编译好的正则表达式,这个值可以为NULL。
③buffer 指向⽤来存放错误信息的字符串的内存空间。
④length 指明buffer的长度,如果这个错误信息的长度⼤于这个值,则regerror 函数会⾃动截断超出的字符串,但他仍然会返回完整的字符串的长度。所以我们可以⽤如下的⽅法先得到错误字符串的长度。size_t length = regerror (errcode, compiled, NULL, 0);
* 任意长度的字符串。 a* 表⽰: 空字符串、aaaa、a…
长度为0或者1的字符串。 a? 表⽰: 空字符串和a。
+ 长度为⼀个或者多个的字符串。 a+表⽰:a、aa、aaaaaa…
. 任意字符。 a. 表⽰:a后跟任意字符。
{} 代表上⼀规则重复数⽬、
{1,1,s}包含⼀组匹配花括号,⾥⾯有两个数字和⼀个字符,表⽰在指定次数范围内到字符。 a{3}表⽰:三个a、
a{3,} 表⽰:⼤于等于三个a、
[] 集合,代表⽅括号中任意⼀个字符。 [ab] 表⽰:a或者b都可以、
[a-z] 表⽰:从a到z的字符。
() 组,代表⼀组字符。 (ab){2}表⽰:abab。
a/b 同时满⾜。 a/b表⽰:字符串a后跟字符串b才能满⾜要求。
a|b 并列,代表符合a或者符合b都可以 a|b表⽰: 字符串a或者字符串b都满⾜要求。
^ 如果放在开头表⽰代表该规则必须在字符串的开头,其他位置代表字符本⾝。
如果放在[]中的开头表⽰对该集合取反,其他位置代表字符本⾝。 ^a表⽰:a必须在字符串的开头、
如果放在最后表⽰该规则必须放在最后,其他位置代表字符本⾝。a[Math Processing Error]表⽰:a必须在字符串最后。
/:s 正则表达式⽤ /:s 表⽰空格。 a/:sb 匹配 a b。
/:a 正则表达式⽤ /:a 表⽰字符与数字。 a/:a 匹配 ab、a6 等。
/:c 正则表达式⽤ /:c 仅表⽰字符。 a/:c 匹配 ac等,不匹配a1等。
/:p 正则表达式⽤ /:p 表⽰可打印字符。
/:D 正则表达式⽤ /:d 仅表⽰数字。 a/:c 匹配 a1等,不匹配ac等。
/:x00 正则表达式⽤ /:x00 表⽰ASCII字符。
/:r 正则表达式⽤ /:r 表⽰回车。
/:N 正则表达式⽤ /:d 表⽰换⾏。
注意:只有连字符在字符组内部时,并且出现在两个字符之间时,才能表⽰字符的范围; 如果出字符组的开头,则只能表⽰连字符本⾝.
\s匹配任何空⽩字符,包括空格、制表符、换页符等等。等价于[ \f\n\r\t\v]。
\S匹配任何⾮空⽩字符。等价于[^ \f\n\r\t\v]。
\< \>匹配词(word)的开始(\<)和结束(\>)。例如正则表达式\<the\>能够匹配字符串"for the wise"中的"the",但是不能匹配字符串"otherwise"中的"the"。注意:这个元字符不是所有的软件都⽀持的。
将和之间的表达式定义为“组”(group),并且将匹配这个表达式的字符保存到⼀个临时区域(⼀个正则表达式中最多可以保存9个),它们可以⽤ \1 到\9 的符号来引⽤。
|将两个匹配条件进⾏逻辑“或”(Or)运算。例如正则表达式(him|her) 匹配"it belongs to him"和"it belongs to her",但是不能匹配"it belongs to them."。注意:这个元字符不是所有的软件都⽀持的。
{i} {i,j}匹配指定数⽬的字符,这些字符是在它之前的表达式定义的。例如正则表达式A[0-9]{3} 能够匹配字符"A"后⾯跟着正好3个数字字符的串,例如A123、A348等,但是不匹配A1234。⽽正则表达式[0-9]{4,6} 匹配连续的任意4个、5个或者6个数字
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <sys/types.h>
3 #include <regez.h>
5in chk_line(int lineno, regex_t *reg,char *line)
6 {
7int rtn,i,len;
8 regmatch_t pmatch;
9char *url,*pbuf;
11 fprintf(stderr,"%4d",lineno);
12 rtn = regexec(reg,line,1,&pmatch,0);
13 pbuf = line;
14while(rtn == 0)
15 {
16 len = _eo - _so;
17 url = (char*)malloc((len+1)*sizeof(char));
18 memset(url,0,(len+1)*sizeof(char));
19 memcpy(url,&_so].len);
20 fprintf(stderr,"%s",url);
22 pbuf += _eo;
23 rtn = regexec(reg,pbuf,1,&pmatch,REG_NOTBOL);
24 }
27 }
28int chk_file(const char *filename)
29 {
30 FILE *fp;
31char *pattern = "^(hisencyber)(|)";
32char buf[1024],line[1024];
33int rtn,lineno,flag;
35 fp = fopen(filename,"r");
36if(fp == NULL)
37 {
38 fprintf(stderr,"OPen file failed/n",filename);
39return -1;
40 }
41 rtn = Regcomp(®,patten,REG_ICASE|REG_EXTENDED);
43 {
44 fprintf(stderr,"compile failed./n");
45 fclose(fp);
46return -1;
47 }
48 lineno = 1;
49 memset(line,0,sizeof(line));
50while(fgets(line,sizeof(line),fp)!= NULL)
51 {
52 chk_line(lineno++,®,line);
53 }
54 fclose(fp);
55 regefree(®);
57 }
58int main (int argc,char *argv[])
59 {
60int rtn;
61if(argc != 2)
62 {
63 fprintf(stderr,"Usage:chkfileurl <file> /n ");
65 }
66 rtn = chk_file(argv[1]);
67return rtn;
68 }
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <sys/types.h>
3 #include <regex.h>
5int main(int argc,char** argv)
6 {
7int status ,i;
8int cflags = REG_EXTENDED;
9 regmatch_t pmatch[1];
10const size_t nmatch = 1;
11 regex_t reg;
12const char * pattern = "^\\w+([-+.]\\w+)*@\\w+([-.]\\w+)*.\\w+([-.]\\w+)*$"; 13char * buf = "chenjiayi@126";
14 regcomp(®,pattern,cflags);//编译正则模式
15 status = regexec(®,buf,nmatch,pmatch,0);//执⾏正则表达式和缓存的⽐较16if(status == REG_NOMATCH)
17 printf("No match\n");
18else if (0 == status)
19 {
20 printf("⽐较成功:");
21for(i = pmatch[0].rm_so;i<pmatch[0].rm_eo;++i)putchar(buf[i]);
22 printf("\n");
23 }
24 regfree(®);
26 }