本⽂向⼤家推荐12款免费的优秀⾼质量 HTML5+CSS3 模板。
1. Touch The Future: Create An Elegant Website With HTML 5 And CSS3
The aim of this tutorial is to create an elegant blog/portfolio for an efficient professional (graphic and web designer or
photographer). You will can download the template at the end of the tutorial.
2. Free 2 Column & 3Column HTML5 template
2 column layout and another
3 column with a little contact box, .psd file is included with each template.
3. One-Page Website Template
An HTML5 web template, using some of the new features brought by CSS3 and jQuery, with the plug-in.
4. EarthDay HTML5 and CSS3 Template
EarthDay is a 3-column HTML5 and CSS3 template designed to honor Earth Day. Sporting the blues and greens we’ve
come to expect from eco-friendly sites, the template should work well for any green inspired content.
A very basic layout which covers most of the elements we can start coding using HTML5. Basically: the page’s name and it’s
slogan, a menu, a highlighted (featured) area, a post listing, an extras section with some external links, an about box and
finally a copyright statement.
6. FlipThru HTML5 and CSS3 Template
FlipThru is a 1-column business-oriented HTML5 and CSS3 template that makes extensive use of CSS3 to create a
horizontal accordion effect. This effect does work in IE as well.
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to build a blog page using next-generation techniques from HTML 5 and CSS 3.
Pretty much your every day blog design. Header with title, horizontal navigation, content area with comments and form,
sidebar and a footer.
Take a look at the markup:
< !doctype html> <html> <head> </head> <body><br /><header><h1>Page title</h1></header><n
av> <!– Navigation –> </nav><section id=”intro”> <!– I ntroduction –> </section><section> <!– Main content area –> </section><aside> <!– Sidebar –> </aside><footer> <!– Footer –> </footer><p> </bod y> </html>
8. Simple Website Layout Tutorial
A very Simple web page with HTML 5 and styling with CSS3.
9. Gotta’ love HTML5 & CSS3
A tabbed image gallery but animated using some CSS transitions. All of this is going to be built with HTML5 & CSS3, there is
going to be NO use of flash or javascript for this layout.
It’s always useful to have a base to start a new website build from and what better way to encourage people to use HTML5
and CSS3 than sharing my basic HTML5/CSS3 template.
11. H5 WordPress Theme Template
The H5 Theme Template provides everything you need to create beautiful themes with HTML 5 right now. H5 contains a
complete set of theme files and folders, and each file has been meticulously crafted with all of the latest and greatest
WordPress functionality.
12. A free HTML5 and CSS3 theme
A truly HTML5 and CSS3 elegant theme with a Fully working Ajax PHP contact form, Uses the ChunkFive font to headings
and IE6 & IE7 warning.(Source:html5age)
HTML5添加⾮常多的新语法特性包括:<video>, <audio>, <canvas>等元素以及以及与SVG内容整合。免费⽹站模板总是设计者和开发者的⾼需求。以下是为⼤家推荐2011年初⾄今的⼀些不错且免费的HTML5的模板。
2. (适⽤于通信⾏业的⽹站建站)
3. (适⽤于航空公司⽹站)织梦模板免费吗
6. (主机托管)