第2讲 无提示词类
先定填哪类词 再定填哪个词
(一) 根据句子本身的含义
考点 填冠词
1.(2019·全国卷)When we got a call saying she was short­listed, we thought it was __69__ joke.
解析 a joke 笑话,玩笑,是可数名词。空格后的joke为单数,故其前用a。
2.(2018·全国卷)Unexpectedly, I'm face-to-face with the gorilla, who begins screaming at __62__ top of her lungs.
解析 the at the top of one's lungs意为以某人最大音量,为固定短语。
3.(2017·全国卷)As __65__ result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing.
解析 a as a result为固定短语意为结果,因此
考点 填介词
1.(2019·全国卷)We were first greeted with the barking by a pack __63__ dogs, seven to be exact.
解析 of a pack of是固定搭配,意为……”
2.(2018·全国卷)I was searching __67__ these three western lowland gorillas I'd been observing.
解析 for search for为固定搭配,意为寻,搜寻
3.(2017·全国卷)It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible crowds on the roads above as they traveled to and __62__ work.
解析 from to and from意为来回,and为关键提示词。
考点 填代词
1.(2018·全国卷)Running is cheap, easy and ... If you are poor, you need run for only half the time to get the same benefits as other sports, so perhaps we should all give __70__ a try.
解析 it/running 此处号召我们尝试一下跑步这种运动,因此可用it代指running,当然也可直接填running。
2.(2018·浙江高考)Many westerners who come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap __58__ can be to eat out.
解析 it  正常语序为 it can be how cheap to eat out,其中不定式为真正的主语,it为形式主语。
(二) 根据上下句的逻辑关系
考点 填关系词/连接词
1.(2019·全国卷)They were well trained by their masters __64__  had great experience with caring for these animals.
解析 who 分析句子结构可知,所填词引导定语从句,修饰指人的先行词their masters,且在从句中作主语,故填关系代词who。
2.(2019·全国卷)Now Irene Astbury works from 9 am to 5 pm daily at the pet shop in Macclesfield, __62__ she opened with her late husband Les.
解析 which 分析句子结构可知,逗号后是非限制性定语从句,the pet shop是先行词,定语从句中缺少opened的宾语,故用which引导非限制性定语从句。
3.(2018·全国卷)I'm not sure __61__ is more frightened, me or the female gorilla (大猩猩) that suddenly appears out of nowhere.
解析 who 此处表示我不知道谁更害怕,设空处是引导宾语从句的关系代词,意为,故填who。
考点 填并列连词
1.(2019·全国卷transition用法搭配)I work not because I have to, __67__ because I want to.
解析 but 根据语意可知此处应表示转折关系,另外not ... but ... 不是……而是……”,也是固定结构。
2.(2016·全国卷)In much of Asia, especially the so-called “rice bowl” cultures of China, Japan, Korea,  __61__ Vietnam, food is usually eaten with chopsticks.
解析 and 这里列举了亚洲的一些国家,它们为并列关系,故应填and。
3.(2014·全国卷)But the river wasn't changed in a few days  __64__  even a few months.
解析 or a few days和a few months为并列关系,且此句为否定句,故填or。
  当空格处前后是同一层次并具有相同句法功能的词、短语或句子时,空格处一般填并列连词。此时要根据前后部分的逻辑关系或固定句式去填and, but,or等。
考点 填从属连词
1.(2019·天津高考)Tom is so independent that he never asks his parents' opinion ________ he wants their support.
解析 unless 汤姆是如此独立,以至于他从来不征求父母的意见,除非他想得到他们的支持。由句意可知,此处填unless除非,引导条件状语从句。
2.(2016·全国卷)Over time, __65__ the population grew, people began cutting food into small pieces so it would cook more quickly.
解析 as/when 设空处引导时间状语从句, 意为随着人口的增长/当人口增长时,故填as或when。
(三) 根据句子结构
考点 填其他语境词
1.(2019·全国卷)On our way to the house, it was raining __61__ hard that we couldn't help wondering how long it would take to get there.
