A/D analog to digital
AA atomic absorption
AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy
ABC activity-based costing
ABM activity-based management
AC alternating current; activated carbon
ACF anisotropic conductive film
ACI after-clean inspection
ACP anisotropic conductive paste
ACT alternative control techniques; actual cycle time
ADC analog-to-digital converter
ADE advanced development environment
ADI after-develop inspection
ADT applied diagnostic technique
ADTSEM Apply/Develop Track Specific Equipment Model
AE atomic emission; acousticemission; absolute ellipsometry
AEC advanced equipment controller
AECS Advanced Equipment ControlSystem; Automated Equipment Control System
AEI after-etch inspection; automated equipment interface
AEM analytical electron microscopy
AES Auger emission/electron spectroscopy
AFM atomic force microscopy
AFP abrasive-free polish
Ag silver
A-GEMTF Advanced GEM Task Force
AGV automated guided vehicle
AHF anhydrous hydrogen fluoride
AHU air handling unit
AIR automated image retrieval
Al aluminum
ALD atomic layer deposition
ALE atomic layer epitaxy; application logic element
ALS advanced light source; advanced low-power Schottky
AMC airborne molecular contamination
AMHS automated material handling system
AMT advanced manufacturing technology
AMU atomic mass unit
ANN artificial neural network
ANOVA analysis of variance
AOV air-operated valve
AP adhesion promoter
APA advanced performance algorithm
APC advanced process control
APCD add-on pollution control device
APCFI Advanced Process Control Framework Initiative
APCVD atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition
APEC advanced process equipment control
API application programming interface; atmospheric pressure ionization
APM atmospheric passivation module; acoustic plate mode
APRDL Advanced Products Research and Development Laboratory
aP*** attenuating phase-shift mask
AQI ACCESS query interface
AQL acceptable quality level
Ar argon
AR aspect ratio
ARAMS Automated Reliability
ARC antireflective coating
ARDE aspect ratio-dependent etching
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency (see DARPA)
ARS angle-resolved scattering
As arsenic
AS/RS automated storage and retrieval system
ASAP Advanced Stepper Application Program
ASIC application-specific integrated circuit
ASO automatic shutoff
ASP advanced strip and passivation; advanced strip processor
ASR automated send receive
ATDF Advanced ToolDevelopment Facility
ATE automatic test equipment
ATG automatic test generation
ATLAS abbreviated test language for all systems
atm atmosphere
ATP advanced technology program; adenosine triphosphate; acceptance and tool performance
ATR attenuated total reflectance
Att attenuated
Au gold
AVP advanced vertical processor
AVS advanced visualization system
AWE asymptotic waveform evaluation
AWISPM above wafer in situ particle m
AWS advanced wet station
B billion; boron
Ba barium
BARC bottom antireflective coating
BASE Boston Area Semiconductor Education (Council)
BAW bulk acoustic wave
BC bias contrast
BDEV behavior-level deviation
BDS Brownian Dynamics Simulation
Be beryllium
BEOL back end of line
BESOI bonded and etchback silicon on insulator
BF brightfield
BFGS Broyden-Fletcher- Goldfarb-Shanno optimization algorithm
BFL buffered field-effect transistor logic
BGA ball grid array
BHT Brinell hardness test
Bi bi***uth
BiCMOS bipolar complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
BIFET bipolar field-effect transistor
BIM binary intensity mask
BiMOS bipolar metal-oxide semiconductor
BIST built-in self-test
BIT bulk ion temperature
BITE built-in test equipment
BMC bubble memory controller
BMD bulk micro defect
BOE buffered oxide etchant
BOR bottom of range
BOSS Book of SEMI Standards; binary object storage system
BOX buried oxide
BPR beam profile reflectometry; business process reengineering
BPSG boron phosphosilicate glass
BPTEOS BPSG from a TEOS source
Br bromine
BSE backscattered electron detection
BTAB bumped tape automated bonding
BV breakdown voltage
C carbon
Ca calcium
CA CIM architecture
CAA CIM applications architecture
CAB Competitive Analysis Benchmarking
CAD computer-aided design
