(1.中国科学院力学研究所 宽域飞行工程科学与应用中心,北京 100190;2.中国科学院大学 工程科学学院,北京 100049;3.河北科技大学 机械工程学院,石家庄 050018)
摘要:目的研究新型扫描策略,减小激光熔化沉积过程中基材的变形。方法首先,采用分形曲线作为全域扫描策略,通过激光熔化沉积试验研究了1种传统扫描策略与3种分形扫描策略的基板变形。其次,提出将分形扫描策略和分区扫描策略相结合,按照分形曲线的走向扫描各个分区,形成基于分形曲线的分区扫描策略,通过激光熔化沉积试验研究了1种传统分区扫描策略与3种基于分形曲线的分区扫描策略的基板变形。结果无论是全域扫描还是分区扫描,基板的4条边均发生了竖直向上的翘曲变形。在扫描路径的终点附近,基板的变形量最大。全域扫描策略下,基板的最大变形量分别为:光栅式扫描7.5 mm,Peano 曲线3.3 mm,Sierpinski曲线2.5 mm,Lebesgue曲线3.8 mm。分区扫描策略下,基板的最大变
形量分别为:光栅式顺序7.5 mm,Hilbert曲线顺序3.5 mm,Sierpinski曲线顺序3.2 mm,Lebesgue曲线顺序5.4 mm。
中图分类号:V261.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)03-0399-09
depositionEffect of Fractal-based Subarea Strategy on Substrate
Deformation Produced by Laser Melting Deposition
YAO Shao-ke1,2, SUN Hui-lei3, LI Zheng-yang1, JIANG Hua-zhen1
(1. Wide Field Flight Engineering Science and Application Center, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100190, China; 2. School of Engineering Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
3. School of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Science & Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, China)
ABSTRACT: Laser melting deposition is an advanced manufacturing technology that can manufacture complex structures. In laser melting deposition, localized heat source leads to massive residual stresses and pronounced deformations. To reduce the substrate deformation during laser melting deposition and improve the flexibility of processing, a novel scanning strategy based
Biography:YAO Shao-ke (1998-), Male, Postgraduate, Research focus: laser additive manufacturing.
Corresponding author:JIANG Hua-zhen (1992-), Male, Doctor, Research focus: laser additive manufacturing.
引文格式:姚少科,孙辉磊,李正阳,等. 基于分形曲线的分区扫描策略对激光熔化沉积基板变形的影响[J]. 表面技术, 2023, 52(3): 399-407.
YAO Shao-ke, SUN Hui-lei, LI Zheng-yang, et al. Effect of Fractal-based Subarea Strategy on Substrate Deformation Produced by Laser Melting Deposition[J]. Surface Technology, 2023, 52(3): 399-407.
·400·表面技术 2023年3月
on fractal curve is proposed.
Experiments are carried out with laser experimental platform which consists of a 1 kW fiber laser, a KUKA robot, a coaxial nozzle and a powder feeder. Argon is used as the shield gas. Substrate and powder are 316L stainless steel. The powder size is 50-100 μm. First, whole area scanning strategies are used in laser deposition process. The scanning strategies are raster, Peano curve, Sierpinski curve and Lebesgue curve. The substrate size is 130 mm×130 mm×5 mm. The deposited
area size is 70 mm×60 mm. The laser spot diameter is 1.2 mm, the laser scanning speed is 5 mm/s, the laser power is 800 W, the powder feeding rate is 10.9 g/min. The substrate deformation of one traditional scanning strategy, i.e. the raster, and three scanning strategies with fractal curves is tested with steel ruler. Then, a combination of fractal scanning strategy and subarea scanning strategy is proposed, i.e. fractal-based subarea scanning strategy. Four kinds of subarea scanning strategies are used in the experiment. The deposited area is divided into 64 square subareas. The orders of subareas in different scanning strategies are raster order, Hilbert curve order, Sierpinski curve order and Lebesgue curve order. The substrate size is 130 mm×130 mm×5 mm. The deposited area size is 72 mm×72 mm. The square subarea size is 9 mm×9 mm. The laser spot diameter is 1.5 mm, the laser scanning speed is 5 mm/s, the laser power is 900 W, the powder feeding rate is 10.9 g/min. The substrate deformation of one traditional subarea scanning strategy, i.e. the raster order, and three subarea scanning strategies with fractal curves is tested with steel ruler.
After the experiment, all four sides of the substrates have warped and deformed vertically upwards. The results show that the deformation at the end of laser scanning path is the largest in the case of whole area scanning strategy. Under scanning strategies on whole area, the maximum deformation of the substrate is: 7.5 mm for raster, 3.3 mm for Peano curve, 2.5 mm for Sierpinski curve, 3.8 mm f
or Lebesgue curve, respectively. The average deformation of the substrate is: 3.6 mm for raster, 1.6 mm for Peano curve, 1.4 mm for Sierpinski curve, 1.9 mm for Lebesgue curve, respectively. Under different subarea scanning strategies, the maximum deformation of the substrate is: 7.5 mm for raster order,3.5 mm for Hilbert curve order, 3.2 mm for Sierpinski curve order, 5.4 mm for Lebesgue curve order, respectively. The average deformation of the substrate is: 3.7 mm for raster order, 2.1 mm for Hilbert curve order, 2.3 mm for Sierpinski curve order, 2.3 mm for Lebesgue curve order, respectively.
The conclusion is subarea scanning strategy based on fractal curve can significantly reduce substrate deformation and adjust line segments flexibly. The minimum deformation among the subarea scanning strategies is that of Sierpinski curve order, which may be the optimal.
KEY WORDS: additive manufacturing; laser melting deposition; scanning strategy; fractal curve; warpage deformation
本文将聚焦扫描策略对减少内应力造成的变形问题的研究。近几年,有关增材制造的扫描策略的研究迅速增加[12],其中,通过调整扫描策略来减小内应力和变形的代表性研究有: Yu等[13]研究了光栅式扫描、从外向内扫描、从内向外扫描、分形扫描等4种策略所对应的基板变形,结果表明,分形扫描策略下基板的变形最小;Ramos等[14]探索了间歇性扫描策略对SLM工艺的基板变形的影响,间歇性扫描策略的目的是避免相邻区域的连续扫描,从而减小热积累,结果表明,间歇性扫描策略可以减小变形;Promop-patum等[15]研究了扫描线长度对样品残余应力的影响,结果表明,随着扫描线长度的减小,样品的残余应力逐渐减小。
上述文献分别代表3类扫描策略:采用新型扫描图案、调整扫描次序,以及减小扫描线长度。其中,Yu等[13]的研究说明分形曲线具有很好的应用前景,值得进一步关注。采用分形曲线作为金属增材制造的扫描策略的研究还有:刘征宇等[16]通过有限元方法计算了分形扫描策略和线扫描策略对应的残余应力场,结果表明,分形扫描策略能有效减小激光选择性烧结的薄层的残余拉应力;Smith等[17]采用了Hilbert曲线和Gosper曲线分形扫描策略,结果表明,与传统扫描策略相比,采用分形扫描策略可以显著提高样品的密度。事实上,数学中还有很多种分形曲线可以应用到金属增材制造领域,例如Peano曲线、Sierpinski 曲线、Lebesgue曲线等[18]。迄今为止,有关分形曲线用于减少激光增材制造的变形的研究还不充分。
本文采用了Peano曲线、Sierpinski曲线、Lebesgue曲线(以下分别简称为P曲线、S曲线、L 曲线)
1 试验
1.1 条件
激光熔化沉积试验系统包括1 kW光纤激光器,KUKA机器人,送粉器,光内同轴送粉熔覆头,保护气为氩气。试验所用的基板和粉末均为316L不锈钢,粉末的粒径为50~100 μm。
1.2 全域扫描试验
不同扫描策略的激光熔化沉积试验采用的工艺参数相同,均为:功率800 W,扫描速率5 mm/s,光斑大小1.2 mm,送粉速率10.9 g/min。试验采用的基板的尺寸为130 mm×130 mm×5 mm,沉积层尺寸为70 mm×60 mm,沉积1层。试验过程中将基板平放在试验平台上,不对基板施加任何约束。
沉积试验结束并待基板冷却至室温后,将基板平放在平面上,用钢尺测量基板的4条边的竖直方向的变形量,每隔10 mm取1个测试点,钢尺的刻度为0.5 mm。
图1 扫描策略
Fig.1 Scanning strategies: a) raster; b) P curve;
c) S curve; d) L curve
图2 P曲线中的与x方向平行的线段
Fig.2 Line segments parallel to x direction in P curve 1.3 基于分形曲线的分区扫描试验
本试验采用了1种传统的分区扫描策略和3种基于分形曲线的分区扫描策略,所有扫描策略对应的扫描线段的布置完全一致,如图4所示,其中,扫描区域被分割为8×8=64块边长为9 mm的正方形分区,每个正方形分区中采用蛇形往复扫描的策略。不同扫描策略对应的分区的顺序不同,4种顺序分别为:光栅式顺序、Hilbert曲线(以下简称为H曲线)顺序、S曲线顺序、L曲线顺序,如图5所示。
表 面 技 术 2023年3月
图3 基于分形曲线的分区扫描策略 Fig.3 Fractal based subarea strategy
图4 扫描线段示意图
Fig.4 Schematic diagram of scanning
line segments
图5 各种分区扫描策略
Fig.5 Subarea scanning strategies: a) raster order; b) H curve order; c) S curve order; d) L curve order
需要说明的是,试验未采用图1b 所示的P 曲线对分区进行顺序编排,这是因为其对应的分区数为9×9=81,不方便对64块分区进行顺序编排。因此,本文选择图5b 所示的H 曲线对分区进行顺序编排。
不同扫描策略的激光熔化沉积试验采用的工艺参数相同,均为:功率900 W ,扫描速率5 mm/s ,光斑大小1.5 mm ,送粉速率10.9 g/min 。试验采用的基
板的尺寸为130 mm×130 mm×5 mm ,沉积层尺寸为72 mm×72 mm 。试验过程中将基板平放在试验平台上,不对基板施加任何约束。
沉积试验结束并待基板冷却至室温后,将基板平放在平面上,用钢尺测量基板的4条边的竖直方向的变形量,每隔10 mm 取1个测试点,钢尺的刻度为0.5 mm 。
2 结果及分析
2.1 全域扫描策略下的基板变形
光栅式扫描策略和P 曲线扫描策略下,基板的形状与马鞍面类似,对于平行于y 轴的边,中部的翘曲变形量小于两端,整条边具有凹向上的特点;对于平行于x 轴的边,中部的翘曲变形量大于两端,整条边具有凹向下的特点。平行于x 轴的边的平均变形量大约是平行于y 轴的边的2.5倍。Dai 等[24]的研究中,基板的变形也具有这样的特点。S 曲线的扫描策略下,基板的变形较为均匀,4条边都具有凹向上的特点,平行于y 轴的边的平均变形量略大于平行于x 轴的边。L 曲线的扫描策略下,基板的变形与扭转变形的特点类似,平行于x 轴的边具有凹向上的特点,平行于y 轴的边大致呈倾斜的直线。
值得注意的是,在激光熔化沉积的终点附近,基板的变形量最大。例如,光栅式扫描策略下,沉积终点附近的边,平均变形量为6.3 mm ,而沉积起点附近的边,平均变形量为3.8 mm 。P 曲线的扫描策略下,沉积终点附近的边,平均变形量为2.6 mm ,而沉积起点附近的边,平均变形量为1.9 mm 。Nickel 等[25]对激光熔化沉积工艺的研究结果与本文一致,而Sun 等[20]对SLM 工艺的研究发现激光
第52卷 第3期
姚少科,等:基于分形曲线的分区扫描策略对激光熔化沉积基板变形的影响 ·403·
图6 不同扫描策略下的激光熔化沉积样品
Fig.6 Laser deposited specimens by different scanning strategies: a) raster (top view); b) P curve (top view); c) S curve (top view); d) L curve (top view); e) raster (left view); f) P curve (left view); g) S curve (left view); h) L curve (left view)
图7 不同扫描策略下的基板变形
Fig.7 Substrate deformations by different scanning strategies: a) raster; b) P curve; c) S curve; d) L c
基板的变形最大。激光熔化沉积工艺制备不锈钢时,熔池宽度在毫米量级,冷却速率在103 K/s 量级,温度梯度在103 K/mm 量级,而SLM 工艺制备不锈钢时,熔池宽度在微米量级,冷却速率在106 K/s 量级,温度梯度在104 K/mm 量级[26]。笔者认为熔池尺寸、冷却速率和温度梯度的巨大差异导致了2种工艺下基板变形特点的不同。
对各个基板的所有测点的变形量求平均值和最大值,得到的结果如图8所示。可见分形扫描策略下,基板的平均变形和最大变形均远小于传统扫描策略的变形。无论是平均变形量还是最大变形量,S 曲线都最优越。
图8 不同扫描策略下基板的平均变形和最大变形 Fig.8 Average deformation and max deformation of
substrates by different scanning strategies